Update Battle Ratings Implemented

You mean the top tier SAM system that is extreme slow, has extremely large profile and is extremely limited on missiles that should be spending most of its time shooting at planes and helis?

This is the strangest take ever

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Lots of countermeasures, digital RWR, engines, All aspect IR missiles, 6 ARH missiles, better Radar, and FLIR for target identification and spotting in sim.


right but this makes MQ1’s and other drones completely useless…

that’s not whats insulting, you’re basically making fun of the people who don’t have the IRAF

and? The Stormer HVM at 10.3 does the same so long as there isnt any annoying clouds in the way.

the ADATS is literally the weakest SAM system in game right now, just be glad the Pantsir moved up.

Though if you are complaining about your 10.7 line-up in a full uptier being “useless” due to 11.7 SPAA, then I would complain more about the Tor-M1 or FlaRakRad and not the ADATS.


id rather have to go up against a stormer than an adats any day.

I don’t even know what the hell are you talking about.

It is none of my business that random guys in the game doesn’t have an F-14A IRIAF.

My point is that we should give it an AIM-9L so that the regular F-14A can be as competitive as the IRIAF model.

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That is fair enough but you probably should edit your original post to say that

I’m not going to edit it because there is literally no irony or ridicule for players who don’t have F-14A IRIAF.

You are just yapping at me for some weird reason. I don’t even know why.

I meant about giving it the aim 9L dude…

I think you misunderstood their original comment, the intention behind it is quite clear.

When users call a vehicle bad, irrelevant, worthless etc. what they’re really doing is raising awareness so something can be done about it. It means they care and want to see it fixed.

This way of framing an issue is something most forum dwellers are familiar with.


I mean it wasn’t ironic to the players, but to the Dev team.

Learn to read.

9Ls for the F-14A and 9Ms for the F-14B. The move was pointless considering neither happened.


And F-14B now have same BR with Flankers which has R-73 + R-27ER/ET lmfao.


you can erase 6 ARH since both have them but the Fakour-90’s are better bile a mile. That should balance out the differences.

You can’t carry x6 FK90s.


and its all because of people like Thodin, who admitted that he just wanted an easy time base bombing in the Tornado WTD61 and refused to even consider doing things like, dropping chaff, to defend against Aim-54s.

I really sympathise for the F-14 players. They have a massively underpowered airframe for the BR solely because people didnt want to defend properly against the Aim-54 / ARB is unfortunately just well designed for Aim-54 volleys.

How an F-14A is suppose to fight something like an Su-27SM or F-15C is beyond me. I destroy them with ease in the Sea Harrier FA2 (even with it massively gimped at the moment)

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No they don’t. The F-14A IRIAF can only carry 4 ARH missiles.

I mean, even though not as good as the M2K most cracked WVR plane in 12.xBR, the F-14A at WVR was ok in 1C fights and could be used as a BVR missile bus, so it was not that surprising to me that it moved to a higher BR.

Problem is that regular A model and B model doesn’t have equivalent loadouts with aircraft at the same BR.

I personally have no issue with the airframe, but rather how inaccurately the AIM-54 is implemented

Both A and C have poor loft profiles, both have less G-overload than they should, and the C is missing it’s reduced smoke motor.

The issue is that most players have learned and adapted to the AIM-54 and the more lethal Fakour 90 by this point, and you rarely get kills with the AIM-54 anymore.

Like you said, maybe you’ll kill the occasional base bomber who didn’t take precausions, but more often than not a Fakour will get to them before your regular AIM-54 does.

I’d rather see the AIM-54 A and C get their true performance and the F-14A and B receive better IR missiles so they can stay competetive. I’d even accept BR increase for this.