Update Battle Ratings Implemented

Following up with a “Hey, we know this is still a point of contention for many of you. We want to assure you that we are still monitoring the performance of this vehicle following the changes we have implemented. Should we see anything change, we will communicate that with you. We ask that you continue to be patient” costs the devs and CMs nothing.


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AHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA they could’ve just told you to f off, and it would’ve been more honest


That assumes a level of competence on Gaijin’s part that I think no longer exists >.>


In any case. If 200+ liked suggestions don’t even get commented on then suggestion like mine for the Hunter FGA9 to have the same BR as the French Hunter F6 instead of being 0.7 BRs higher (in sim) stands 0 chance of even being recognised in my opinion with barely 20 likes.

Whilst of course they cant comment on everything and of course they cant adjust everything. Its the really obvious problems, the “apply a small amount of common sense” balancing issues like

F4J(UK) being 12.0 vs the FGR2/FG1 being 11.3 in Sim
Hunter F1 being 9.0, French Hunter F6 being 9.0 and the Hunter FGA9 being 9.7 in Sim (Just drop the FGA9 down to 9.3, bump the F6 up to 9.3 (like they did in ARB) and problem solved)

Heck, even things like the fact the Kfir Canard, Sea Harrier FRS1 and AMX A-1A are the same BR as the Mig-23MLD. That is just kinda insane to me. Aircraft with extreme limitations vs an aircraft that has basically none.

and with things like the F-16s and Su-27/J-11 moving down, you now have to try and fight those with early PD radars and weak SARH like in the Phantom FGR2 except they werent even looked at to maybe move down, not an inch.

(I have DMed a CM before asking about a few of these and the answer was always “we wont comment in DM, ask again in an appropriate thread”, so I do, and It never gets answered. to this day, after a year of asking, I have no idea why something like the F4J(UK) is 0.7 BR higher than the superior TT Phantoms)


Essentially what they did either way


This is redicilous, next time feedback should be empty there is no reason to waste your time since Gajin will do whatever they want.


Also funny how an M163 with a 20mm vulcan, 3000 RPM and IRST is now only .3 away from a WW2 Kugelblitz on a Panzer IV chassis, with 450 RPM a nerfed HVAP belt and a dead BR.

Or .3 away from a Shilka with quad 23mm, 850 RPM and stabilzer,


These changes are hilariously mediocre. Very little that needed to be changed actually changed, and so much feedback was ignored.


I’m fairly sure it isn’t 11.0 worthy, or even better than the Leo 2A4. It’s weakspots are easily exploitable and it still has common Russian tank issues.

Very bad changes, do the Stona_WT and developers even play this game? Because I get the impression they have no idea about these vehicles and only look at Excel spreadsheets! Most of the changes are terrible and ruin the gameplay. For example, the British tech tree vehicles were changed from 10.3 to 10.7, which seems like a small change but has a disastrous impact. Playing today with the new BR of 10.7, I keep facing machines with 11.0-11.3 like the M1A1, ZTZ II, Puma VJTF, and so on. The gap between vehicles at 10.7 and 11.3 is massive, even when comparing ammunition like the British L26 versus M829A1, DTC10-125, and so on. Please get it together and stop ruining the game!


not everyone has the f-14 IRAF

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i sit in the same boat watching this game grow yet the issues that was persistent since beta… still not addressed, at this point we know its intentional for the sake of income/“queue time” (that’s satire)

which if they actually did a huge decompression to 20.0 BR and instead of doing small amounts and slowly uptier machines at the low br’s ruining line ups.

do a proper actual update of nothing but QOL changes for br’s, maps, matches, gamemodes, rewards that actually make players want to return, instead of this ooo look at this new top tier machine :3 :3 ;3 you never really see it within 2-3 years without actual dedication…

war thunder slowly has been turning into i know how to do everything perfectly, but things like servers, “rng” stuff that shouldn’t exist, volumetric being problematic, shells not performing to its historical power (like example APCR HESH) after YEARS how does gaijin still not understand how HESH should behave…

they are lost in the sauce for me, and there isn’t any real way to fix these deep dug trenches the developers have made without an mental reset of the game, and have a actual understanding that players want the game to be better, and more historically accurate (Not machines vs machines years and BR’s) machinery rather than the joke of "according to what (the devs see) as not a issue 2-3 years down the line the bug report is still shelved. .


11.0 is probably too high, but considering how insane the ERA is on it, im always surprised it doesnt at least share a BR with something like the Challenger DS which at the moment would place it at 10.7.

OK and?

MiG-29 with 2xER + 4xR60? 12.7
MiG-29G with 2xER + 4xR73? 13.0
Su-27 with 4xER + 4xR73 + 2xET? 13.0

Just give the Fulcrum its Archers back at this point…

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those that don’t have the IRAF only get access the the TT f-14a so you saying it is useless is honestly just insulting players that don’t have it

Su-27 might not be able to compete with the other 13.3s but I really feel sorry for anyone that has to try and fight one in something like the Phantom FGR2, especially if they are trying to stock grind it.

leopard 2a4 matching up against ADATS seems pretty balanced?

In what universe does it become an insult to say that in the current meta, the regular F-14A is pointless to play rn?

My point is they could add AIM-9Ls for F-14A for makes equivalent of Iranian model but, they didn’t it for somehow.

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