Update Battle Ratings Implemented

Somehow Merkava 4s are now the same BR as a 2A7V. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!


You don’t know feedback was ignored.
Inaction =/= ignored.

Always have been.

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You know, now they reload faster.

That makes it balanced for them to be the same BR as faster and smaller tanks with twice and thrice the armor effectiveness and coated in spall liners, even though they are the size of a skyscraper while having an armor incapable of withstanding any kinetic threat anywhere on the vehicles.

That being said, Arietes are just 0.3 BRs below, so heh.

Compression at Top Tier is so extreme, and this BR update did nothing to address it. The 0.3 “decompression” (lol) only affected the 9.0 range. Nothing changed for 10.7+.


The Type 69IIa need to get the APFSDS and needs to go to 8.7 (rank6) aswell

Can you fix this issue? The hit box of the 99A turret has a vulnerability. All relevant reports were rejected without any reason.
turret NERA here has a thickness of approximately 650mm. But in the game, there is only 360mmKE here. And it also includes ERA calculation. If we remove the 250mmKE caused by ERA. Only 100mm remains.
650mm only 100KE? This is absurd.
please help me.




Please stop making things up. CMs checked +3000 posts and pass feedback to dev team. Fact, that not all changes you liked were implemented doesn’t mean we ignored it.


Ignore: refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
I have replied to your post, i haven’t ignored you,
if I hadn’t answered you I would have ignored you

Gaijin have Indeed ignored anything we have said to them


AH-64DJP are unplayable now😭


If you guys spot bugs of any sorts the forums are NOT the place to post this, and neither the place to ASK for the bug, if there is one, to be fixed.

Please use the War Thunder Bug Reporting Site instead.

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Challenger 2 is larger than Merkava Mk4.
Compression is not “extreme”, either. At most 0.3 is not extreme. Combat is more about the 4th onion layer that is armor.
Ammo, mobility, reload, observation equipment, etc.
Skipping straight to onion layer 4 helps no one.
If I did that, my ground performance would be far worse than the 2:1 KDR average.

Nice let’s increase the Br of the 2pl and not give it a Dm53…


as someone who understands the situation. you’re joking?


You expect to answer +3000 posts, one after another? If you expect to have bots here, answering you just to make you feel better, well, sorry, this is not the place you are looking fore. I really hope that I simply misunderstand you, because what you are saying is simply super strange and unreal.


Indeed. Them being ignored would imply lack of knowledge of these.

However, when I’ve asked @Smin1080p_WT about many of the suggested changes that were not applied, he was able to reply to me instantly with an answer from the developers (he’s the GOAT for always taking his time to reply quickly), which proves that, as much as I disagree with the logic (or lack of thereof) of the answers provided, these changes weren’t applied not because they were ignored, but because they were straight out rejected. Which I am not sure whether it makes it better or worse… but it certainly can’t be said that they were ignored.

For example, the answer regarding my M1A1 AIM concern;

If anything, you could argue that they ignore the underlying issues the suggestions are attempting to solve, but that’s not exactly flat out ignoring the suggestions themselves.

In any case, CMs did their job as best as they could, and remember- they are not to be blamed for the developers’ decisions. CMs are just the messengers.


Why do you keep force Ariete and Ariete PSO to be higher than they actually should be?
This reload buff was completely unnecessary as well as DM53 in previous BR changes, just place them at lower br. Let it be 11.3 with OTOMATIC at least.
PS for the love of God fix 5.5 tons of heavy air!


I want to know why developers ignore this. this is the suggestion ranked first among supporters.


with 300 ammo left to spare this change sure is fair to 3.7-4.7 range planes. I didn’t do anything special just climbed over the whole enemy team but dived to force some head ons and get energy and then enemy team is forced to go lower giving me free hand to do anything I want. There’s nothing they can do cause i have so much raw power. P-63, I 185, Ki-44, Ki-61, P-51C shouldn’t face this plane just like even lower planes shouldn’t face xp-50 it has just so much more power and bigger head start.
Not sure why F8F change feedback was ignored Its slightly lighter 6.3 plane frame at 4.7. Doesn’t matter it has 50cals if you can make enemy so much slower than you sure it will still struggle against stuff like yak-3u but who doesn’t.


Also Italian F-16ADF doesn’t need br decrease, it beeds its actual armament.


In what way?
MTTD has autoloader, gun is the same, the chassis is same…


ZTZ-99A is a top-10 MBT for 12.0.
Why are people wanting tanks slightly better than T-80BVM reduced in BR below it?
People already claim Russian bias exists, and you beg for Chinese bias…

Smoke grenades, which are necessary especially for a light tank.