
Both T-34-85 and T20 could penetrate Tigers and IS-1/2s from the front.

Particular the T20 is on a complete different level and it doesn’t even have APCR, which of cours isn’t really useful in WT.

I don’t see anything wrong with these medium tanks killing heavy tanks, including Tiger IIs, in one shot from the side.

In fact that’s just how it should be. Heavy tanks should have an advantage at range, since they generally can kill mediums from any distance, but should become vulnerable at closer ranges or from the sides.

One major problem is the map design, which generally forces your tank to one specific scenario.

t20 has apcr… just saying… and ofc u can pen from front but out of 100 times i shot an is-2 i will kill him 95 times by cupola

Oh really? They must have added it when they moved it to 6.3.
It’s still programmed into me that the T20 doesn’t have APCR.

true, was only added when it got 6.3… but i still never used it till this day…

I had a few occasions to use it against Tigers at range and/or when angled, where APC wouldn’t go through.
But other than Tigers in specific circumstances, there’s really no use for it.

I’ve been wanting this! Thank you @Stona and his team!

The testing have been done,… you’re the only that doesn’t know when it have been done.

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I read this three times and I still can’t piece together the logic here? A weak spot is a weak spot for a reason. You just said it’s not fair for a weak spot to be targeted? Isn’t that the point? Are players just suppose to lob round after round at its armor and do nothing? What is the heavy tank doing to protect their weak spot? Are they angling? Are they planning their push, using logical points to press the attack, or are you you genuinely trying to say that a heavy should be able to just hold down the W key and not face any repercussions because an okay round was effectively used against a weak spot?


The Problem: APHE oneshots almost always once u penetrate a tank currently, no matter where u hit.

The impact: It dosnt matter if the enemy is a heavy, a super heavy, a light or medium, he will go boom by the first shot i do with a APHE.
Rendering slower tanks that rely on heavier armor extremly ineffective.

The real world: u dont oneshot tanks with a cupola shot as example.
Or a shot at the edge of a hull or a jumbo into the mg and so on.

Mabye its just a problem on my skill level, as i know all the weaskpots and be able to hit them reliable but thats nevertheless an issue. U dont want to be sitting in a heavy when i come around, u will receive a cupola shot and die before ure even be able to see me behond that hill.

This is, i believe, one of the most frustrtrating for heavys, when they get just blown away by unrealistic APHE.


I have played a few low tier APHE matches, and it’s madness.

APHE one-shots everything every time; even more so than before. Apart from nuking the tank with its signature unrealistic 360° sphere of death, the tip of the shell going forward like an AP is just the cherry on top to ensure that NOTHING survives.

Congratulations to the “no” voters. They wanted their favourite OP toys to be even more OP disregarding both balance and realism, and they successfully achieved it. Now using any kind of non-APHE shell operating vehicle is completely pointless and low tiers have become even more of a “whoever hits first wins” game. Then again, that’s probably what they wanted.

I guess I’ll just make best of this situation and abuse APHE for easy score points for the event.


Tanks ARE destroyed upon penetration that’s how it was irl that’s how it is irl.
War in Ukraine is the best proof that F1 grenade (contains 60g explosive) is more than enough to destroy any tank no matter how protected and modern it is.
Btw have you seen video of Merkava being destroyed by single rpg nade?

Then just ditch all damage modelling at all and just make it so that any shell that enters a crew compartment kills the tank… not just ONE shell type.

And then make repairs impossible, force gunners sights, etc… if suddenly we are going to those realism levels.


That’s how WarThunder used to be. Then for some reason they decided to nerf kinetic shells and HEAT.
Instead of rebalancing things that work as intended (APHE shells) they should rework other shells to make them perform as good as APHE.

So this is nonsense. War Thunder vehicles have always had internal damage models.


Internal damage model =/= health points

Not really… just look at these videos of the Ground Forces beta:

War Thunder was famous precisely because of this.

You actually had to AIM to accurately modelled critical components and crew members, as oppossed to just killing whatever you hit irregardless of aim.


War Thunder vehicles have never had “health points” either.

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That’s what Im sayin. Unfortunately now it feels like tanks and planes got invisible HP bars.

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If it pens then is kills or at the very least makes enemy tank unable to instantly fight back. Fair, right?

Exactly; fixed APHE would still kill 90% of the times or otherwise critically damage the opponent and disable it… there is no need for it to be a nuclear missile unlike any other shell.