
No, the screenshots if you read the article say " Post-pen effect when penetrating the center of a tank without preserving the head of the shell (before) vs while preserving the head of the shell (after):"

So this is exactly the change we’re talking about. 57mm frontal plate centermass post pen of a Tiger I used to take out the driver and wound everyone else. Now it takes out the driver, the gunner, the engine AND wounds everyone else.


Are u sure about that? Cause why would the crew be affected different if the screenshot only showed the post pen metal piece? The srapnell would be, if at all more and the HE damange would be the same as before, but in your picture it isnt.

and this is what they DID NOT add today.


or in here

this is clearly if they would have reworked everythink and not just the preservation of the head

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Quite sure. So the screenshot shows how the counternerf they proposed would offset the buff we got.

For the effect as of this morning’s change you have to imagine all the black from the second diagram and no change to the crew damage from the first diagram (which is just different levels of wounding really), because the nerf you’re talking about wasn’t implemented.

We’ve never seen this buff un-countered before today because the dev server test conditions were quite different.

jajaja excaklty, so no picture is accurate of what was changed today

No, but it’s not hard to imagine from the pictures provided. In the case of the 57, yesterday it would kill the driver, then explode and wound crew.

As of today it kills the driver, and the head continues on through the gunner and the engine block turning them black as well.

Because there’s no nerf to offset, all the blast damage spreading out to the sides is still the same.

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so today was changed this but with a dead engine aswell… no HE damange change

i mean… how much impact will this have? i dont think much… any round bigger then 75mm will oneshot any tank anyway… this will only buff small caliber APHE then

Do you know anyone before yesterday who said the one thing they wanted to fix in this game was to make APHE MORE powerful?

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I dont know anyone other then me like to play at BRs where u fire APHE… so… for me i dont understand whats the big fuss about all this… i dont wanted a vote… i wanted a APHE change to make it more real and fix Heavy tanks that suffer from the current APHE form… people voted against me… even though i love my t20 and that change would have rendered it useless against all tanks where i NEED to hit the cupola… but atleast Heavy tanks would be playable again

that is the worst change on all time APHE is now more broken now i can’t play low tier because of these broken rounds.
APHE rounds was already most broken rounds in the game that’s so disappointing now i will avoid playing 4.0 to 9.0 i voted to balance the round but sadly most players who lazy to aim ruined it.

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So in the end… the people voted against the change basically didnt wanted to fix heavy tanks and weakspot oneshots… thats my conclusion

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Will the BTR see an increase to the APDS penetration value?
The Fox Seems to be a bit too good compared to the BTR.
The guns are extremely similar.

2a72: 30x165
Rarden: 30:170

But the pen difference is 28 mms~ which should more accurately be between 12-18mms

But that’s literally what I quoted in my post.
They slighty increased the damage from AP spalling when the shell just barely penetrated.
As you can see in the 17pdr AP shot against the VK 3002, it makes basically no difference.

If the round shattered into large junks instead of staying in one piece which travels through the tank without causing any damage except destroying the engine in the back, AP could be a lot more lethal.

Where’s the proof of this claim? Despite being at the top of most trees, I mainly play 6.7 and downwards as it’s far more enjoyable. But what evidence do you have to say a majority don’t play APHE using BRs?

I agree the vote was stupid and pointless, because APHE was fine as is. It absolutely didn’t need the buff or the nerf and I’ve never met anyone, at least in my 2600 hours, that thought any shade of the idea.

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Just a strong feeling at the end, but it was a hot topic in the clan and i know that these clanmates dont play that br.

While I do appreciate it, it’s a pretty big miss. CV does not sound like this, I hear them driving around daily at my workplace. If anything, now it sounds like some old Ford V8. Right now, I would rather have the old sound, or combine the new and the old one.

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People who want APHE nerfed because they dislike weakspot sniping against heavy tanks are illogical. The end result of nerfing APHE fragments is that heavy tanks will be moved higher in BR and face many vehicles with powerful shells that can penetrate them anywhere. Meanwhile, tanks with low-penetration APHE will be useless in frontal engagements. Weakspot shooting is a skill; it is almost impossible against moving enemies or enemies at long range. An APHE nerf would take away much of this element of skill; lowering the skill floor and reducing the skill cap overall.

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I hope this change didn’t make APHE shell caps penetrate anywhere close to what solid AP rounds do. I liked the tactic of effectively driving in reverse using an IS-2 and being immune to most enemies. Similarly, I liked the unique advantage of solid AP shot of being able to destroy enemies by shooting through the engine.

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The APHE nerv would not affect the importance of the knowledge of weakspots, it would just make is less broken.

The only reason the T20 is at 6.3 is, it can oneshot any tank by just hitting the weakspot. Is it fair against a Heavy? No. Cause he can have as much armor as he like, i will still oneshot him. Therefore rendering his armor useless.

Ofc BRs would be shuffeled again, but heavys dont go up, everythink else, that is not a heavy and just at that BR cause of the way APHE works, would go lower… so excaktly the opposide of what u think.

Also it would increase the Survivability of almost any tank as an extra, which is not necessesary a bad think, as turret hits would be in general much less lethal, meaning that also light/medium tanks would start to survive more. Its a general change of APHE, for any tank fighting with and against it. Its just also improving the Heavy tank issue we have right now, that u can ignore all armor by just knowing the weakspots, making “skilled” players, as u call it, much much stonger just because APHE is not as it should be.

And i totaly understand that u fear some tanks will be crap afterwards, but as every tank has a benefit of that change i dont belive that.

Also i know my T20/T34-85, and so on, will be much harder to play against Heavy tanks like IS-2 or Tiger 1 after such a change, i still would like that, as it is just unfair that i can just roam around the battlefield and kill anythink, including these heavy tanks by just shooting their weakspot or sides of turrets. If chaned that would need me to shoot at least twice, weakspots would still work, just wont kill the entire tank in the first hit.

So for me, i would have liked it, even though it would have made the game less easy for me in my mediums. Right now it often just feels unfair to be able to oneshot enemy tanks by hitting locations that should not allow oneshots, not only on heavys.