
@Stona_WT on the Laserrangefinder test the laserrangfinder isn’t installed so its basically useless
But its only for vehicels with the LWS/LR mod


Not sure what the message is in this. Players against the test, and or possible change entirely, were pretty clear on why they didn’t want it. And Gaijin simply didn’t listen to them despite being the majority 52%. The fact they intend to add an event to further test the HE nerf is a direct move against the majority. The only silver lining at this point is that a 52% “Yes, add the HE nerf following this event” won’t see it coming to the game as they stated they want a significant majority. Sure, that seems like a “we messed up and here’s how we balance going against that original 52%”. So hopefully the threshold is like 60% min.


This is exactly what the majority voted for, exactly what Gaijin said the No choice would produce: an APHE buff with no counter nerf. They literally gave screenshots with today’s change and what it would look like if No won. If people now want to pretend they didn’t understand a binary choice that’s fine, I guess. It doesn’t matter anymore.

Putting my money down now that there won’t be any nerf test or another vote any time soon, so the 52% majority will have gotten what they wanted there too, in the end.


The difference is the EN videos all explained that it was for testing.
The majority of players wanted the free food, aka to test the feature.
Your posts are all lies. And all your posts do is come across as wanting to suppress the voices of anyone not Russian.

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You put a “lie” word in every reply, that could be a sign.

Stop dividing between EN and non-EN. For example Spookston was not happy about the ongoing APHE shenanigans and assumed that gaijin will commit with changes they planned disregard voting results.

I am watching post-soviet bloggers and they clearly stated that even “simple test is the first step to the nerf and/or damage randomization”, so nobody lied about that it was a Test.

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APHE sure gives people well-deserved shots and rewards smart shot placement.

I’ve not gotten kills like this with any of my solid AP rounds. Solid AP at worst would knock out the driver at such an angle.


And the most ironic… most players voted no, dont even play on BRs that are APHE based…


… delete all votes that are coming from olayers that are not lvö 100 and that dont have at least 50 battles per BR between 3.0 and 6.7 anf we likely have 90% less votes in general…

The vote was stupid in the first pkace… what was the major reason against it? People feared it would take to long till gaijin do the br canges to the affected tanks… how the f is that a good reason?

And most didnt even understand what the change would habe looked like ingame… i bet the majority would have celebrated it when in a patch would be the aphe change just implemented without asking…

Its not like gaijin asked to add strong cas, helis, auto laserrange finder and so on to the game… that stuff had an insane impact to the game… and i bet peopke would have voted against it aswell, at least the pkayerbase used to play back then would have.

Stuff is always changing… deal with it… or gimme my tank only mode, then i shut up


Yup, vote was a terrible idea that they didn’t even begin to think through, one where they were caught completely flatfooted on the loss because they overestimated playerbase understanding. Future votes should be on economic issues that affect all players, not gameplay changes affecting only a portion, hopefully they learned from the setback here.

BR changes were going to come anyway because this buff part was locked in, that was never in any way a useful point in this discussion, I agree.


You KEPT the buffed part of the new APHE and removed the MAIN part??? Patently stupid. You should have just made the realistic change, it’d have been good for authenticity and balance, people brigade voting NO on it annoys me.


I played the dev server with the jumbo 75, and honestly you can’t really tell the difference, there is only a few tanks that reliably get cupola sniped anyway,
I always barrel, track and flank heavy’s, so the after pen is nice
Makes killing reversing IS2s a lot easier


The dev server had the two APHE buffs (post pen head damage, post pen fragments become as strong as AP fragments) and one nerf (fragment area no longer a sphere).

Players were only asked to vote on the nerf.

Apparently only the first buff was implemented today? It’s unclear if that second part of the APHE buff was implemented, just from the changelog.

So how things are in game as of today won’t be reflective of what was seen before during the test period on dev.

The so-what for players is APHE post pen frontally will be stronger than it was, and APHE side-on post-pen will be about the same. No change to cupola sniping.

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From what I see you are correct, this is just a APHE buff not the nerf/buff like the dev server, it should be very entertaining to play
I was simply pointing out that even if it was the nerf/buff like the dev server, it still wasn’t going to to kill US mid tier

Maybe i am just a dumb player but this change today, change what excaklty in the lethality of APHE? So many complain, but gimme an example what is now “stronger” then before.

And dont tell me that the Tiger 2 Will now oneshot tanks AND destroy also the engine on frontal hits… dead is dead, there is no change in that. Cant imagine a real change in the balancing with the today change tbh, frontal APHE is usual a dead sentence, so what does it change? i dont get it.

Hope someone can explain me :O

If a module would eat the explosion or spalling, the AP head might still continue flying and hit another module or crew.

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So i can finally kill a IS-2 when i hit the stupid coax? Whats bad in that?

I have no issue with the AP head changes.

I do dislike how they handled the magic spherical APHE spalling. It should’ve been treated as a bug fix given it was reported as a bug in 2018 and acknowledged.


They actually showed this in the original post on this that Stona linked above (link), with screenshots.





The crew damage in the second shot is probably less than it really is today due to the counternerf not being implemented.


Jajaja but that the HE sphere change ure posting right? Thats not what they did today, today its just this added piece of metal flying straight after APHE makes boom.

So the HE from it is at is was and will oneshot everythink anyway… like adding 2 legs to a centipede

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