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The thing is it really did sound like the GAU-12 IRL but without the concussion.



@Stona_WT or anyone else… Is there any update on sound mods being re-enabled? Not able to login to check for myself at the moment, but didn’t see any new updates on the sound mod thread posted earlier.

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Plzz enable sound mods back


.50 cal air plane sound needs to be reverted also; since update it sounds more like a .22 caliber.

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Gripen C for sweden is also bugged, having CM pods doesnt add to your CM unless you are running just CM with no missiles.

Namer is still detonating from the RWS ammo rack Gaijin…

And please improve the protection… It’s slow and can’t stop main guns as easily as it should…

please give us back the updated sounds :( they were so awesome!


yeah or at least put back the updated sounds, they were nice .-)

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I also liked the new sounds better, you could feel a deeper and more powerful punch behind the explosions and shots and they were generally more realistic as well.

That being said, we are talking about the community that raged about “new horrible metallic sounds” when the internal gun sounds were upgraded to sound closer to how breeches sound like from the inside instead of just being the external sound muffled out, so… heh.


I was really SO MUCH HAPPY to play War Thunder just for the new sounds xD

I know it may sound weird, but sounds are what give us the real emotion.

And those booms when killing an enemy jet and the missile launch sound were very immersive.

All my community talked about it, and we were happy.

So sad they removed them so quickly.

I hope they will bring them back.


too bad they reverted the crew sound,
I really like the crew reverb sound when inside the tank


One new sound i actually liked, and miss, were the new crew sounds that actually sounded like they were inside a tank.

I get the sentiment of people saying it sounded like “they were in a jar” but honestly, they are in a metal container. That most likely what it would actually sound like (without communication equipment).

What i would love to see going forward is that sound returned to older tanks and a new one where it sounds more like its through a microphone and headset for more modern tanks.


Well, the uh sound mod folder still is disabled I assume? Because it’s not detected even with the option enabled. In addition, the custom crew sound mods don’t work but the hangar and in-game music sound mods do? Really weird.

give us back the sounds :D


When you have all the a2g weapons for the su-27sm on Xbox the weapons list is cutoff and you cannot select some weapons for the inner wing pylons like the r-77 or r27er/et

Honestly almost everyone liked the updated sound please

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Do they put back the loud missile launch? I just used F20 and it has great missile sound? :D

I think they put back the missile sound?
Not the explosion sadtly

But at least the missile sound, seems yes!

I honestly preferred the m61 from the seek and destroy update

I hope it comes back reworked or just comes back

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