

  • Barak II — a bug that caused the infrared channel to be missing when using IR-guided bombs has been fixed.
  • AIM-120A, AIM-120B — the delay after launch until missile control begins has been increased from 0.5 to 0.6s. (Report).
  • Mirage 2000-5F — a bug with the lack of indication of the launch range for a maneuverable target on the radar indicator has been fixed. (Report).
  • Delay time for the assault fuse of bombs has been decreased. Depending on the mass of explosives, the delay of the bomb fuse will be: 10 kg and below — 1.5s, 40 kg — 2.7s, 120 kg — 3s, 300 kg — 3.5s, 500 kg — 4.5s, 2000 kg — 6s, and 5000 kg and above — 7s.

Ground Vehicles

  • Tiger II (P) — weight has been increased from 68 to 68.5t. (Report).
  • Maus, E-100 — a bug with the difference in the strength of the breech of the gun compared to other tanks has been fixed.
  • Leopard 2 PL, Leopard 2 PSO — the muzzle velocity of the DM11 shell has been increased from 970 to 980 m/s. (Report).
  • M247 — the radius of the M822 shell’s radio fuze has been increased from 4 to 6.5 m. (Report).

Naval Vessels

  • Pfeil, MC 485, ML 1383, USS Flagstaff, PT-812 — a bug that disabled the survivability option when there was a crew shortage has been fixed.

Appearance and Achievements

  • For modern French ground vehicles, the Three-tone CARC Camouflage has been replaced by a Three-tone Camouflage with refined colors in accordance with French Army standards.


  • The ability to move vehicles from one crew slot to another by dragging it with the mouse has been added.
  • The button to change a vehicle, modifications, and other functions in the crewslots has been removed. Instead, when you hover over a slot, the cursor changes to tell you that you can open a drop-down menu by pressing LMB or a gamepad button.
  • The crew block in the crewslots has been changed:
  • The button that opened the crew rearrangement has been removed.
  • When hovering over the crew block, the cursor changes indicating that a drop-down crew interaction menu can be opened.
  • Information about the crew is opened not by hovering, but by pressing any mouse button.
  • The ability to select a vehicle to spawn in by clicking any element related to it, such as vehicle icon, its SP cost or crew level has been added.


  • A bug in the “Confrontation” mode in Air SB that caused players of one of the teams to not receive tasks to escort bombers, and their opponents to not receive tasks to destroy bombers has been fixed. This bug concerned bombers that did not attack the fleet.
  • The “Can-do Approach” Special Task for Ground Simulator Battles has been removed. (Report).
  • Cleaned up bananas scattered around the hangar.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


It’s over, the hangar has fallen. Billions must peel.


I like the removal of the button, However:
This should be changed to RMB only.
Right now if i have crew window or modification window open and just want to change vehicle viewed i have to click the other vehicle in the lineup but this ALSO brings up that menu (on both LMB and RMB) which is just annoying and in the way. This also increases the risk of miss clicks.

It should be LMB to change vehicle selected and RMB to bring up menu as in any other application or game.


The interface designer got too little beating


But honestly, that is just basic UI 101. context menu on RMB and selecting with LMB is like the so basic that my grandpa knows that that is how it works.

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Нe must read it and then take an exam on what he read.

Menus and context menus organize commands and save space by hiding those commands until the user needs them.

Menus have the following characteristics:
Have a single entry point (a File menu at the top of the screen, for example) that is always displayed.
Are invoked by left-clicking (or an equivalent action, such as tapping with your finger).


Nice to see french 3 tone Carc get corrected now and chance for gaijin to correct the colors for the finnish camos additionally adjusting the roundel to the correct location and size? Or the swedish M90 camo being blurry as can be. Also German 3 tone CARC is also weirdly blurry.

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Cool 👍

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Why wouldn’t you just put all this things on just one context menu instead of: 1. to move and crew 2.again crew, changing vehicle, informations and so on.

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What does this mean ,is Maus barrel now stronger or weaker ?



Wtf is this UI change. How do i know what vehicles are trained on that particular slot now? Why you had to change one of the few working things in the UI. Revert it asap.


You can clearly see it. If you move vehicle on specifc slot, you will see if there is a price for crew or not. And even if you drop it by accident on wrong slot, game will ask you if you are sure you want to spend SL to train crew.

Yes,but before i just clicked the two arrows under the vehicle and i saw all vehicles trained for particular slot and just selected what i wanted. Now i have no idea other than just opening crew qualifications on that slot and going through them.

Edit: Okay,so now it works with rightclick, but only on empty slots, not one with vehicle.


This is so much better now.

@Stona_WT In all honesty though:

  1. Why hide two different context menus behind a click and so extremely close to each other?
    Wouldn’t the absolute easiest thing be to have one cohesive menu with all the options show up once RIGHT click is pressed anywhere on the specific slot?

  2. Why does LEFT click bring up a context-menu at all? if i’m just switching vehicle to play in air RB or if i’m already in crew/modification window i don’t want a menu to show up when i click the slot/vehicle. Set the context-menu to RMB only whilst LMB is select vehicle. (i am VERY curious where the guy that does the UI studied his profession, A LOT of things in the UI are hidden so weirdly and behind such odd barriers)

  3. Generally i like this change, it feels less cluttered than before. (at least in this specific area)


You can now right click and choose “change vehicle” and get the old menu as before. (even on a already taken slot)

But… why? From what I understand this is a nerf. All other ARH missiles get .5s, yet gaijin has seemingly made this missile slightly worse for some unknown reason? I wanted to see the evidence that suggests this should be changed but the info is hidden. What is the source for this change? Sekrit Documents?


