
the info window when you mouse over RP rewards looks new …

So, I can definitely understand the UI change for PC/KBM, however, how exactly is someone using a controller supposed to access the ability to swap positions in the lineup with this feature now that the button to do so has been removed? Controller no longer has the select and drag function (since from IXWA Strike, iirc) and I’m pretty sure that is because of the hold to view vehicle information change.

Will the button for swapping crew spots in the lineup be returned to console versions or be turned on with controller inputs, or will the select and drag be brought back for controllers?

Why is it harder to vehicles in change crew slots now? I have to do 2 clicks to do the same thing 1 click did previously.

I don’t understand why these needed to be changed. It’s just more annoying.


For me, the drag and drop system is too sensitive.

Often, when I click the vehicle icon on a lower bar just to have it displayed, it instantly glues to my mouse cursor and starts moving. It should be ‘click and hold’ action, that picks vehicle icon up.
Have you been testing this system on different sensitivity mouses?

Also, moving mouse pointer over vehicle icon pops up too many menus. Its like literally 75% of its surface triggers pop up of some sort.

Maybe just have one button that will open a menu with ‘move’, ‘remove’, ‘change’ options? Or proper drag and drop and that’s it?

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You removed an easy way to change vehicles, something I do literally every time I play WT. The new method requires an extra click and moving the mouse to the opposite side of the column. Can this really be called an improvement?

It’s not a big deal if you only do it occasionally, but when you change vehicles 10 to 20 times a day. :(

Please bring back the option for one-click vehicle access.


This update has brought back the untenable gameplay lag spikes

ping spiking for no reason to 999


Yeah can i have my instant change Vehicle button back please, What ever fool told you this would be a good idea has no idea how to make a quick fun and interactive UI system.


Why was the Cockpit view camera changed? Flying 1st person is much more difficult now. It would be so much better if this was reverted to its original state.

When loking at the UI please remove or decrease the size of the ace option in the crew skill menu. It is annoying to be forced to scroll for the full view for some crewmembers/skills.