- The resettting of the fuel quantity to the default values after a crew change, a battle, and exiting the weapon selection menu before a battle has been fixed.
- A bug where the fuel value set on an aircraft was not taken into account if the player did not change the fuel load before respawning has been fixed. Instead of the amount of fuel selected in the vehicle selection window, the fuel load from the last vehicle where the player changed the fuel load was set in the battle instead.
- A bug that caused the periodic release of countermeasures to be interrupted when the pilot lost consciousness from overload has been fixed. (Report)
- Now, in mouse aiming mode, the flight direction is set by matching the aiming reticle with the mouse cursor. Previously, the direction was set by matching the longitudinal axis of the aircraft with the mouse cursor.
- F-14A Early, F-14B — a bug where the radar display on the RWR was shifted has been fixed. (Report)
- JAS39C — a bug that caused the underwing drop-tanks to always be displayed in x-ray mode has been fixed. (Report)
- J-7E — a bug that caused the underwing drop-tanks to always be displayed in x-ray mode has been fixed. (Report)
- AH Mk.1 Apache — a bug that caused the Starstreak missiles to not display the authorized launch zone has been fixed. (Report)
Ground Vehicles
- AMX-10RC — the engine power has been increased from 260 HP to 280 HP. (Report).
- Object 775 — the maximum top speed has been increased from 65 km/h to 66 km/h. (Report).
- TOG II — hull collision at the front of the tracks and side machine guns have been fixed.
- M113A1 (TOW) (all variants), CM25, M901 — transmission gear ratios have been clarified. Source: Allison Transmissions for Military Vehicles.
- Tor-M1 — the number of minimum revolutions has been increased from 500 to 800 RPM. The engine power has been reduced from 840 HP to 780 HP. (Report).
- ADATS (M113), ADATS — the vertical guidance angles have been changed from -4°/+85° for the ADATS (M113), and from 0°/+85° for the ADATS to -10°/+85° for both. Source: Lockheed Martin ADATS Brochure.
- Pz.III B — the engine power has been increased from 250 HP to 265 HP. (Report).
- Sd.Kfz. 6/2 — the engine power has been increased from 115 HP to 130 HP. (Report).
- M18 GMC, M18 GMC (China), M18 (Italy) — the engine power has been increased from 400 HP to 460 HP. Sources: TM 9-2800 (1947). TM 9-755 (1945). New Vanguard 97 - M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer 1943-97. Stuart A History of the American Light Tank. N.5081 Armi E Mezzi In Dotazione All'esercito (1955).
- M36 GMC (all variants) — the maximum top speed has been increased from 42 km/h to 48 km/h. (Report).
- M4A2 (all variants), M4A2 (76) W (all variants) — the maximum top speed has been set to 46.67 km/h (rounded in the characteristics to 47 km/h). (Report).
- T-62M-1 — the maximum top speed has been reduced from 55 km/h to 50 km/h. (Report).
- A13 Mk I (all variants), A13 Mk II (all variants) — the turret rotation speed has been increased from 16 deg/s to 36 deg/s. (Report).
- A.C.I — the maximum RPM has been increased from 3050 RPM to 3600 RPM and the maximum top speed from 45 km/h to 48 km/h. (Report).
- A.C.I – the reverse speed has been reduced from 6.4 km/h to 5.6 km/h. (Report).
- StuG III A, StuG III F — the value of the frontal hull armor has been increased from 30 mm to 50 mm. (Report).
- KV-85 — the maximum top speed has been increased from 34 km/h to 42 km/h. (Report).
- Pz.IV C-F1, Sd.Kfz.251/9, Nb.Fz., StuG III A, Pz.III N, Sd.Kfz.234/3 — the mass of the K.Gr. Rot Pz projectile has been increased from 6.78 to 6.8 kg. (Report).
- Bkan 1C — horizontal guidance angles have been increased from 10 degrees to 15 degrees, and vertical angles from -2\38 degrees to -3\40 degrees. Vertical guidance speed has been reduced from 5.6 deg/s to 5 deg/s. (Report).
- Ikv 103 — incorrect pressure damage caused to the crew through the radiator and fuel tanks has been fixed.
- Calliope — incorrect pressure damage caused to the crew through the rocket launcher and rockets has been fixed. (Report)
- Shturm-S, Khrizantema-S, Swingfire, Type 60 ATM — incorrect pressure damage caused to the crew by the external ATGMs has been fixed. (Report)
- A bug that caused ground vehicle decorations to float in the air when changing ground vehicle models has been fixed. (Report)
- A bug that caused the point of the formation of fragments from HESH rounds fired at volumetric armor at large angles to be incorrectly determined has been fixed.
- SAV 20.12.48, Char 25t — a bug where once the first-stage ammunition rack emptied, a shell could instantly appear back into it has been fixed.
- A bug in the stat cards for some armor-piercing shells that displayed incorrect armor penetration at an impact angle of 60 degrees has been fixed. (Report)
- A bug that caused the camera to turn 180 degrees when exiting sniper scope while looking horizontally while on water has been fixed. (Report)
- A bug that caused HESH shells to create fragments on the back of composite armor packages made with volumetric armor has been fixed.
Naval Vessels
- Desaix — the firing angles of the bow 20 mm anti-aircraft guns have been adjusted. (Report)
- The name of the projectile modification for the American 76 mm guns Mk.10, Mk.33 and Mk.34 have been added. (Report)
- USS Dealey — a bug in displaying the shaft in x-ray mode has been fixed.
- A bug where aircraft catapults were taken into account in the main caliber gun counter in the hit camera has been fixed.
- A bug where the remaining buoyancy of a target was not displayed has been fixed.
- A bug where the number of shells replenished at a captured point exceeded the number taken into battle by the player has been fixed.
Game Mechanics
- In Ground Realistic Battles, the principle of determining large-caliber rockets for calculating the cost of helicopter armament has been changed. Now, non-aircraft rockets with an explosive mass of more than 7 kg in TNT equivalent are considered large-caliber. Therefore large-caliber rockets (S-13 and S-24) now also include the Zuni Mk 32.
- QN506, M3A3 Bradley — have been removed from the 9_2 GSB setup. These vehicles will remain in setups 10_2 and 11_2.
- Christian II — has been removed from GSB 11_2 setup to 10_2.
- CV 90105 — has been removed from 9_2 setup and will remain available in the GSB 10_2 setup.
- A bug where all types of kinetic ammunition that hit bushes and trees caused an explosion effect at the point of impact has been fixed.
- A bug where HESH ammunition that hit bushes and trees caused an explosion effect at the point of impact has been fixe
- A bug where part of the interface remained visible in the cut-scene after dropping a nuclear bomb has been fixed.
- A bug where the distance in the protection analysis did not affect the armor penetration of the projectile has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the spade symbol to not immediately appear in the crewslot and on the crew icon after purchasing the last modification has been fixed.
- A bug that caused “Reward for winning” to show in the debriefing even if the battle was lost has been fixed.
- The logic of automatic camouflage selection depending on the location has been changed. Now, the choice of priority camouflage will be carried out in the following order: Winter/Forest/Desert – City – Standard. For example, if you have all types of camouflages unlocked on your vehicle, then for winter urban locations the winter camouflage will be selected instead of the urban one, as was the case before.
Mad Thunder
- Strong Rhino, Powerful Rhino — the type of explosive for a 105 mm shell has been changed from TNT to Comp. A, the mass of explosive has been increased from 2.1 kg to 2.75 kg.
- Boar — a bug with the lack of pressure damage to one of the crew members in the cabin has been fixed.
- A bug where the localization key was shown in the action panel in the tooltip of the Rage scanner has been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.