breach… wow every tank in the game has a breach weakspot??? no wayyyyyyy
lfp isnt a consistent kill in the slightest, yeh you get the driver insane. now the abrams just presses LMB and you are dead, good one.
turretring is a weakspot yes, where did I say it had very good armor? its “good enough” where you bounce poorly aimed shots. you sacrifice armor for mobility and the best firepower ingame (which you for some reason always just ignore?).
Yes, but at least they get said 1 top notch MBT, which U.S does not get.
the fact you are bad in the game and cannot make the SEP work doesnt mean its a bad tank man.
I surely wonder why it’s the favourite mbt for a lot of good players if its so bad… not cuz its actually good noooo cant be.
After reload buff america has 5 MBT’s that are better than at least the BVM. no matter if you agree or disagree
I can make SEP work perfectly fine, the same way I can make Merkava Mk.4 or Challenger 2 work perfectly fine, the same way some players can make ARIETE work perfectly fine.
I have seen players with 10:1 K/Ds with Ariete; that totally means Ariete is OP, am I right…?
That means nothing, and the fact that you need to drop your level to resort to the “you bad skill issue” is quite… telling.
The skill levels of players have no relation. Tanks must be compared as according to their technical capabilities.
Put two equally capable players in a SEPv2 and in a 80BVM/2A7V. Which one has more chances of winning? That’s how you tell which tank is better.
This is like talking to a wall… as I said, I will stop smashing my head against the wall this discussion is before I lose my sanity lmao
My last addition is- after 2 matches with the Abrams with increased rate of fire, I gotta say at least they don’t feel pointless anymore and are actually fun to play.
your stats in everything are… subpar, and the SEP is even lower than most other mbt’s you play (other than your insane 0.6 in the SXXI).
cuz you are just a brick wall that doesnt listen to anyone and thinks he is always right, simple as that.
the SEP will win, (idk why you take the SEPv2 tho? SEP is literally the same but better). you can get to better spots and outclick the enemy. high skill dools are 99.9% just clicking breach. the BVM just loses since you can click turretroof to get this, and the abrams reloads faster in the event both players shrug off the first click (both have the same vertical range between start of breach and barrel).
next to this the SEP just outmaneauvers the 2A7V to begin with and is the most likely of these 3 to get into an advantageous spot.
it really is, I throw an analysis of every aspect of the SEP and all you come up with is “hurr durr bad protection must be bad”, completely ignoring that the mobility and especially the firepower are what make the SEP the best now.
Why may it be that it’s lower on SEP than the other MBTs? It’s at least 1.5-2.0 on most of them, yet lower on the Abrams.
If it’s about me being a bad player… shouldn’t I do better on the best tanks (because they would carry me), and worse on the worse tanks (harder to use by a noob), and not the other way around (somehow worse on the best tank and better on worse tanks)?
Imagine trying to stat-shame me by using the KD of a tank I only played for a dozen matches stock and with HEATFS months ago lmao
Not to mention the fact that the Leclercs are severely gimped compared to some of the opposition it faces… Man is proving a point that he’s not even intentionally making.
I have infinite patience to discuss anything with anyone- but when they resort to stat-shaming, even more so by nitpicking tanks with a handful of stock matches (even more so before stock APFSDS was a thing)… yeah, that’s enough for me xD
you have the best overall shell ingame (slightly less pen than L55 DM53 but superior spall) while having the best reload after the type 10 (which sacrifices a lot to get this reload). Mobility although being “only a bit more” is still more. the 2A7V which my spanish friend claims is “the best MBT” just cannot safely push quite some important early game locations for map control on quite some maps.
your highest k/d (although k/s is ultimately more relevant) toptier is 1.6 in the type 10, while being far below 1.5, let alone below 1.3 in everything else. "“at least 1.5-2.0"” surely
not necessarily, a bad player will perform better in tanks that hold their hand more. For example a bad player will have more success in a T-90M than a SEP. Since it’s slower it makes it harder for him to “overpush” area’s that arent clear yet, while a good player would want to use superior mobility to flank. Next to this the amount of armor. (low tier example being boarhound or kv1, one will reward you for being good and punish for mistakes, while the other just doesnt punish you nearly as hard)
T-90M can be somewhat trolly while the SEP has more defined weakspots if you do not manage your location and angles you can be shot from. (and we could talk about how crew skills are more relevant for SEP than T-90M, blah blah blah).
brother, how are you still stock after 88 spawns? idk man.
and funny how you still refuse to talk about how exactly it is bad other than the “muh armor bad” coping
I am a student who plays War Thunder after a long day while watching YouTube scene clips and checking Reddit and The Forums while drinking Fanta, eating cookies, listening to music and talking to my friends on Discord.
If I wanted, I could sit tight and sweat my ass off everytime I booted War Thunder up and pull higher K/Ds than probably even you (I already get nukes regularly without even trying), but you know why I don’t do it? Because I am a casual player who just wants to have some fun after a long day and who doesn’t play for the stats.
I understand this may be hard to understand for Mr.E-Sports-Pro-Competitive-Gamer gatekeepers who like to discredit and bash other players via stat-shaming because they feel superior for doing better in a videogame, but… there’s that.
And you know what my personal stats/performance has no relation to whatsoever? The technical discussions we were having till you decided that it was time to do some good ol’ stat-shaming.
Then why is my highest K/D with the Type 10? If I am so bad, shouldn’t I suck with it?
Remember this tank used to be end of the line, it had Stock HEATFS and each module costed 36,000-40,000+ RP. It costed 560,000 to spade it.
Literally the same here except for the Fanta and cookies.
Nice ego, surely you can back it up?
I also just vibe in vc, just hold W and click on people to win matches cuz I play this game for fun. Pubs shouldn’t be taken serious if you want to have fun. if I actually cared I could easily just play with more braincells, without music, and actually communicate with squadmates to win?
No, i’m simply using statistics to show that your understanding of the game might not be perfect, I am in no way saying my views is perfect, cuz it isnt. Noone has a perfect view of the game. I am finding a reason on why you possibly do not like the SEP.
In a way it does, as explained in my previous paragraph. Everyone has a different playstyle and certain bias. Clearly yours is against the SEP. “bias” isnt some bad word people should be afraid of, its just a word to explain a personal preference. And its bold to talk about “technical discussions” when you don’t mention anything other than the protection.
I’ve never explicitely said you are “so bad”, so yeh. and after all the type 10 has the perfect kit that rewards even subpar players just pushing dumb angles that they get away with by being able to clear multiple enemies at the same time, and getting away with bad shots that would get you killed in other (overall better) mbt’s.
Bro I agree with what it saying but the Leo 2 pso is a tt vehicle. Ngl I may be contributing to the WR issue as I got the m1 A1 aim quite recently, my tt max br is 7.3 USA. I don’t think I am a good player at top tier tbh but I feel like I generally do more than most other ppl with it.
But yeah, I am bad and my opinion can’t be taken into account because my K/D is on the lower end because I get killed when I alt-tab when I leave my tank on CC3 or when I rush like a headless chicken randomly because I don’t feel like putting too much effort into playing or because my stats with a former end-of-the-line stock HEATFS-armed tank are bad.
I mean, not like I HAVE to give explanations or prove myself, but still.
not in that way, the “pull higher K/Ds than you”, everyone can get a nuke
good job tho ig?
thanks for fixating on one thing I say (while just making up things that aren’t even said nor meant) and just ignoring literally everything else, the places where actual discussion is tried to be held instead of just back and forth bickering that seems to control this nice conversation
you really don’t, I am trying to understand why you think the SEP is bad and all you are trying to do is proving… nothing? You are just rambling on and trying to defend yourself on aspects that are full on irrelevant to the topic on hand which you agree on that are off topic, and then refuse to talk about the actual topic.
the AIM is kinda annoying to play as you don’t get a proper shell until tier 3. The main strenghts are the same as the other abrams’ above average mobility with superior firepower (once you get your top shell), its overall a tank that relies fully on being able to play correctly, understand where and when to play. Play dynamically on what the game at hand demands of you (rotating, pushing, staying) and you will perform.