
Thank you! I am glad you think so.

For M1A1 AIM I would suggest the same as any other Top Tier Abrams; try to keep the hull hidden as much as possible, it’s made of glass. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should spend your matches camping behind a hill if you don’t want to; you can advance across the map, just make sure to use the terrain to keep the hull covered as much as possible and for as long as possible.

Check the surroundings before moving from cover to cover and make sure you won’t be shot at. By default, situational awareness is vital in Top Tier, as well as quick reflexes.

Now that you get an excellent rate of fire, the tank excels further at picking targets while ambushing; the tank’s mobility allows it to do “hit-and-run” tactics well, particularly with its reverse speed. Popping in and out from a hill using your reverse speed works wonders, specially since the UFP is one of the only good parts of the armor, and is specially well optimised for working with the extreme angles it achieves by driving on hills.

You see, the tank isn’t overpowered, but it isn’t terrible either; if you exploit its strengths while making up for its weaknesses, you will be able to use it to its full potential!

One last thing- be careful about going downhill when exiting covers and advancing; if you reduce the angling of the UFP, it loses the ability to bounce off shots and becomes an easy one-shot area.

I mean, I never said bad. I just said it was average at best and not the overpowered beast of mass destruction some users on this thread suggested it to be even before today’s buff.

And honestly, this rate of fire increase has done wonders for it, after playing a couple of matches with it. Now, I no longer think “I could be playing anything else instead”; now I am like, “whoa, this is really cool!” (I still hope for the armor fixes though).

I mean… it was you who started bringing up K/Ds, Skill Issues and whatever to explain that my opinion wasn’t valid and that all of America’s issues was the players’ fault or something…


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Oh come on now, that’s impossible and you know it

You made a list in which you named the SEP(v2) below even the T-90M and C3TD, which is just delusional, and in it was on the lower end of the list, hence the word “bad” can be used relative to the competition? which is what “bad” is, a relative word.

Although fully uncalled for, and just further screws up the relative balance we had b4 this update where almost every nation had something to bring. US was overal the strongest, SWE had overal the best MBT’s, FR had overal decent MBT’s with 2 very good cas spawns, russia had a single very good mbt, the best heli’s, but subpar plane cas. Ofc, some nations lacked things (and still do), israel lacks good spaa, japan lacks good cas, Italy… China lacks behind slightly in the MBT department.

quite unlikely to come for… obvious reasons… and they wouldnt change much, the weakspots would be the same in the end, and the strenghts would’nt get stronger.

Don’t recall using “skill issues” but youre right. I did do that.

yes it was! Finally someone gets it man.
Best overal MBT lineup (you can go 4 mbt’s (now 6 if you buy the prem HC xd) deep while outperforming the 2nd best mbt a lot of countries have to offer even on your 6th spawn, the best actual light vehicle (90120 and cent 120 just… cant play like light veh’s since they don’t have the mobility to outperform the mbt’s of their br, while still sacrificing armor)


insane wall of text you’re welcome bbg

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SEP v2 is bad because

  1. Same hull armor as original m1 Abrams
  2. UFP pennable somehow when on flat
  3. Been penned in turret cheeks - ok they strong, they usually tank hits but occasionally I have been penned through the turret cheeks in m1a1 aim
  4. No way to remove useless era or goofy antennas that stick out from cover

France’s 575 and 6sec, China’s 577 and 7.1sec are not capable of confrontation at all.

-bad armors
-average reload
-average mobility
-one of the worst shell

when it should have :
a better armor on SXXI and NERA instead of ERA on AZUR
5s reload
really good mobility
and OFL F2 , even if this wouldn’t be a lot better
and also the leclerc should ALL have MG and the AZUR should have just been a modification (as the SEPV2 should have been a modification too)

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And even with all the possible armor they could put in there it will still be a weakspot in the armor. (and it isnt a place you want to shoot on flat ground anyway).

If you’re aiming down on it sure, but if you arent it isnt

never been penned straight on or with a slight angle, only when enough angle to negate the angle of the cheeks itself.

only an issue on the v2. Yes it’s annoying but it doesn’t impact it too much in an active playstyle

In the end once again I only hear coping about the armor of the abrams?
Yes the armor is subpar? congrats?
You compensate for this with the best firepower package ingame?
With superior mobility package to the relevant opposition (Strv 122) as well?

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I love ERA at too tier that stope nothing is so great to hull it around
Like what it gonna doxsave you from heat no has heat stock anymore

Give Merkava the same reload time as the Abrams or give it the real armor. I don’t care if there’s a split between autoloaders and manual loaders in terms of RoF as long as it’s offset by other traits like protection. But you can’t give some vehicles everything and others nothing.

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The bottom line is it doesn’t matter if the armor for the SEP 1/2 “not needed”, or if it has better “survivability”, etc., the vehicle was equipped with a DU armor package/enhanced armor so it should be reflected in-game. Newer Abrams do not use the same 1980’s armor bs. It needs to be corrected.

Just like all the other vehicles should have their armor layout corrected I.e, VT-4A1, Leclerc, etc. There’s no bias in asking for it, a majority of the MBT’s are all jacked up.


RMoD wins.

Abrams turret heavier than Hull confirmed.

“Doesn’t impact to much” you’re literally heavier for no reason how does this not impact gameplay???

Read over the ERA part, my bad.
It’s extremely dumb you cannot remove the ERA from the v2 and I hope they change it.

The sticking over stuff with antennas isnt relevant.

Overall? yeh the SEPv2 is worse than the SEP, who wouldve guessed.

SEP still on top tho❤️❤️❤️

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OFL 120 F1 spalls like crazy man, and with a 6s reload you can comfortably reload at a quicker rate than almost anyone except people with ace crew and type 10s/abrams. The mobility of leclercs is very good, as the S1 has the highest HP/T out of all top tiers, and now the leclercs also have extremely good gun handling. The armor could be better yes, but the amount of leclerc copium on the forums is insane

Dude how about you stop spewing lies and non sense ? Datamine shows OFL 120 F1 literally has the lowest spall values out of all the top tier MBTs shells.

6 seconds reload is not “faster than almost anyone”, it’s faster than the Russian and Chinese MBTs and that’s it.

The mobility is not “very good”, it’s the exact same as all the other top tier MBTs. HP/T is not representative of the mobility in War Thunder : gear ratios also matter a lot.

What’s insane is the amount of people believing that THIS piece of shit is anywhere near relevant in today’s top tier meta


They need it believe it so that when they die to a Leclerc in the meta vehicle of the month, it’s not their fault. Otherwise it would imply skill issue.


Exactly what we’re dealing with the abrams rn

Has the 5 second loading speed of the M1 changed anything? Nothing has changed, has it?
What are you going to do about the poor US results?

IMO I think we’d need changes like:

-Volumetric turret ring
-Fix gas turbine noise (they’re wayyy too loud)
-Protective gear for crew members
-Increase hull armor (DU or not, it should be more)

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