Unreasonably huge maps for props

Hey Gajin, after update Firebirds, I seem to join in a lot of unreasonably big maps for props… come on, from spawn 30km to some action?

Not a good move


that’s just ridiculous. 5.3-6.3 lobbies with 25km spawn is a joke

if you want to give space for early jets do it, I dunno, on 6.0-7.0 or even 6.3-7.3


I played the “new” City map yesterday at 4.7 in Air AB(what I play the most often) and they have the spawn points there moved so far back, it is clearly a “jet” map as I call them now, and you spend 60% - 70% of your time just flying to get close enough to even see an enemy, it’s ridiculous. Some other maps that were bad in this way before are Mountain Valleys(clearly set up for early jets) and Spain as well. Spain was ok before they moved the spawn points back. Mountain Valleys has always been too big for mid tier props.
It all started a few years back when they moved a great number of spawn points farther back from the objectives in some vague attempt to slow down spawn camping. It didn’t work for the simple fact moving them back did cause the spawn campers to take more time to get to the enemy’s spawn, BUT . . . it also took far longer for people to get killed and have to respawn so the whole process was pointless and the only thing it actually accomplished was a scoring nerf for all players because of the time and distances to reach objectives. So it helped no one and hurt everyone.
Gaijin has long been adding BR’s to maps that do not belong. Placing higher BR tanks on some of the older tank maps like Ash River and Carpathians . . . the list would be long if made comprehensive. And they do it in naval as well, which I play RB for that, but the differences between RB & AB for naval are slight compared to tanks & planes.
All that being said, a few things could be done to rectify these issues, mainly an overhaul of the game’s spawning system which is long overdue.
First, no map in any mode should have less than two spawn points for each side.
Secondly, remove the markers for enemy spawn points from the mini map, only show your team spawn points. And lastly, place the spawn points in a proximity to go with the BR ranges the Matchmaker has set for each match.
I remember playing Rocky Canyon in my IL-2 line up trying to get ground kills for a task, and I tell you what, that map is so big and spread out, you could not get the Thunderer award(20 kills) before the timer ran out even if there were NO enemy planes in the match . . . it’s that big. I have not seen it for a long while, but 3.3 BR planes should have never seen that map at all. There are a great deal of examples like that.
Players choose to play Air AB because they enjoy a faster pace and quick/constant action. Playing on maps clearly designed for planes that are MUCH faster and can traverse the distances in much quicker times, destroys every aspect of that.
Make two spawn points per side, remove the “averaging thing”(highest BR determines where the Matchmaker puts you, just like ALL other modes) and get these spawn distances set to the proper BR placed on them and you turn a good mode, into a great mode.

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Mountain Valleys

are u serious with that? locking bomber spawn for one side in addition to 25km range?

that’s a glitch

I bet it’s not. There were literally 0 bombers on our side whole match

I just got another one where we spawned well behind the airfield . . . I just left the match

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It appears they have moved the spawns back on almost all Ground Strike maps in Air AB, for the 4.7 BR ranges I have been playing since the Update. It also appears as if they have “sped up” the game again, with no notice or explanation. This has happened before and never any official word about it. It seems some of the new spawn points are at least 5kms farther back, on each side, so you ending up spending the vast majority of your time in these scenarios just flying to get close enough to see any enemy plane & it takes a good deal longer to get to any ground targets as well. The only reasoning I can think of behind this is a scoring nerf of sorts. It could just be mistaken BR’s placed on these maps because that is not uncommon in a few places I have seen, usually on tanks maps.
But if you ever had your 3.3 BR IL-2 line up set to go get ground targets for a task and got put on Rocky Canyons, then you’ll know what all this feels like . . . lol
Proper BR ranges for maps/spawn points and no more of this “one size fits all” stuff would improve game play 10 fold for most players. But it feels like they don’t think we’ll notice the difference or we aren’t that smart or something . . too bad . . . a good, balanced, fair and functioning game would make the world such a better place . . . ☻


Sinai map, game time 7:23 . . . what a complete and utter waste of time
I spent almost 5 mins of this game flying to get even close to anything red . .

2 players managed to score over 1000 mission points, and for the event, after the penalty, only ONE player got 1000 towards the event.
The spawns are now well over 30 kms apart . . . something needs to be done about this


Yeah. I’m assuming they saw the average match length and/or scoring rate of these maps and thought they better do something about it. They could have done the logical thing and rearranged the map/changed ground target types, or easiest of all, increased the ticket count. That would prevent the match from ending in 5 minutes when there is a squad of sweaty ground pounders comes in.

It would only take a dev one single air AB match on one of these maps to realize how poor of a decision it was moving the spawn back. Clearly none of them actually play air AB around these battle ratings.

How are players even suppose to voice their opinion on these decisions? I never see anyone from Gaijin actually reply to these posts, unless its a forum mod, and then the post eventually gets locked if its something they wish to ignore and pretend isnt real. You would think they would care a bit more about the playerbase (The people paying them) and at least acknowledge their existence.

Lanternshark out.

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I think I can see what some of the problem is . . .
these maps are listed as starting from BR 1.7 . . . that’s just not even possible.
Not even one of these maps should ever have a plane under BR 6.0(maybe higher) placed in a match on them ever. Rocky Canyon I would say no less than BR 8.0 . . . not in the current configuration of the spawn points.
Spawn points should be relegated to the average speeds of the planes sent into a battle, not this “one size fits all” thing we have now.
If Gaijin will not do the work to make proper spawn points/overhaul the long outdated spawning system, then we should at least have the ability to ban/dislike a LOT more maps than what we are limited to now.
The games do not last any longer and the scoring is literally cut in half, not for just some, but for every single player . . . this really needs to be addressed as it has gimped scoring for an entire mode.
Please get some people that actually play the Air Arcade mode to look at this and adjust things accordingly . . . there was nothing wrong with where the spawn points were previously . . just the fact there is just one spawn instead of a minimum of two.

Hey guys, thank you for your comments… I see this as a huge issue and I can not imagine who would think this is a good idea… I keep reporting that as a bug, and I encourage others in a game chat to do that as well – so if you can help me with this, we can hopefully do something about it…

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Here is the link to that issue: Community Bug Reporting System

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seems they finally reverted spawns in, noice

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