Unkillable cargo ships?

Hello everyone and I hope you all had a great Christmas and a happy new year.

I’ve been playing some late BR games lately (around 10br as I’ve been flying the Jaaaag) and now I’ve unlocked bombs I’ve actually been a productive team mate for once.

Mini bases? Dead!
Destroyers heading to pillage our ports like a bunch of vikings? Hah! Dead!
Unarmoured vulnerable cargo ships that need murdering? No chance.

Don’t get me wrong sometimes a 1000lb bomb can annihilate a cargo ship but other times they just will not die. I’ve dropped all six 1000lber’s I can carry on a cargo ship at times and it just flips me the bird as I soar past. I’ve tried assault fuses and a timed fuse and it makes no difference.

I’ve also noticed that sometimes with the timed fuse the kill cam shows the bomb penetrating the deck but it doesn’t explode. It just falls through the surface and disappears. Aiming for the superstructure also makes no difference at times.

Am I seriously unlucky or are these things just freakishly tough?

They have a weird damage model, aim for the citadel, you can take out all the crew with a single 500lb bomb to the bridge.

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I’ve tried that and although sometimes it works other times it doesn’t. I’ve had bombs with assault fuses hit the structure and just vanish on the kill cam like no damage was done.

I tried killing them with the useless rockets before I unlocked bombs. Surely all of those rockets would sink one ship… nope.

To be fair I haven’t tried with any other bombs from other nations so maybe it’s just a British bomb bug.

Also Gaijin on the subject of bugs please fix the Jaguar’s non working fuel gauges.

Britain is my main nation as well, though it has been sometime since I attacked the convoys with any regularity.

There is certainly some wierdness with delayed fuses vs them, but I think a direct hit with an impact fuse to the bridge is a nearly certain kill. Of course, you need to be careful to not blow your self up.

But the 540lb bombs on the Harrier Gr7 were and would still be my go to for Cargo Ship hunting if it was an aircraft I played much at the moment (rarely do due to the BR, I miss it being at 11.0, what now would be around 11.7)

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I guess those are SNEB/CRV rockets. I need to try AP1/2, carried by pre-Jag UK anti-shipping aircraft, against ships again. Way back they did nothing, but that was before ships had proper damage models. IRL the AP rockets were used mainly (exclusively?) to sink merchant ships and escorting light naval vessels.

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I use incendiary bombs on the first pass, they are very effective on the crew, then on the second pass I use timed bombs at 1 second, at least 750lb, and normally it sinks shortly after

It’s gotta be a bug of some sort though because i had one ship that i was trying to sink with the early yer 2 with 1938 2000kg naval bombs and i wouldnt sink but after a few failed attempts i decided to bomb the ship next to it and one bomb got it done so i ended the game with 6 naval kills but oddly enough at the very end of the game after 2+ hours when it gave me the mission accomplished screen it randomly showed me the kill cam of that ship and sayed i killed it lmao but it weirdly didnt give me the credit for it in the post game screen

Now i run into them every once in awhile but i just avoid them

Had a few anti-shipping runs with rockets on the Denmark map over last couple days. Two Sea Hawk sorties with 30 x AP rockets against a stationary DD, as no active enemy convoys. Nowadays these solid ‘dart’ projectiles do inflict damage: 16% crew on the first pass and 14% on the second sortie. No sign of any flooding, although IRL that was the intention, as they could impact short, travel underwater and still penetrate a ship’s hull, or hit the side and - if they didn’t encounter anything too solid - exit through the bottom or far side of the hull underwater. I expect 60-lb warheads would do more damage, but IRL they were found to be too unreliably accurate beyond 600 yds, which was just too close to defensive fire; the AP warheads, being much more streamlined and lighter, were reliably accurate to about 1000 yds, which was ‘safe enough’ re defensive fire and, as mentioned, were still effective with a (short) near miss.

Today I tried 8 x Zuni rockets delivered by AV-8B against the modern cargo ships/tankers. I fired 2 salvoes of 4, one into the bridge structure at the stern and a second into the middle of the ship. Some (or all?) of the second salvo ricocheted, apparently, but overall the ship went to 35% crew. I assume the 4 hits on the bridge did most of the crew damage and perhaps all 8 would have taken it out entirely.

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Fuzed bombs are practically useless they’ll just pen through and do no damage, you’ve to use impact fuzed bombs on the bridge which is very dangerous to yourself, the vast majority of guided AGM’s will one shot them to the bridge