Unjust reward

How is it possible that I just played a game of Air Sim, without a premium account, I did 21 kill and in total it was 14432 points and it only gave me 6620 research points, totally unfair


You were too fast…
More than 2-3 kills per 15 min. are useless…

This stupid system limits your rewards and punishes dying very hard, so it almost forces players into pve or at least minimum risk gameplay.
Is it fun? Of course not.

But the snail has a solution for you: Buy moar premium! and be happy.

SIM economy is unfortunately tailored around premium and low/medium performance gameplay.


How rewards work:

  1. Starting with you spawning in, a 15 minute timer begins.
  2. At the end of this 15 minute timer, your score is evaluated against a logarithmic function. Similarly, dying early is likewise evaluated and the timer resets.
  3. Based on the function, you gain a reward% which is multiplied with time alive in minutes and your plane’s statcard reward per minute AND 0.8.
  4. To receive the remaining 0.2 you must land after the cycle flashes “Useful actions” on your screen.
  5. Score is treated as “0” in event of dying or the cycle ending and must be acquired again for next cycle. Assists after dying are a bit weird and I don’t understand them entirely.
  6. Dying to the enemy gives you 135 points that counts for the previous cycle, so don’t suicide: fight back! It’s not much, but it’s consolidation.

The exact form of the logarithmic function is uknown, but we know some of its value pairs:

200 points = 54% reward
400 points = 75% reward
600 points = 86% reward
800 points = 90% reward
1050+ points = 92% reward

As you can see, it plateus at 1050 and does not rise. Furthermore, the difference between 600 and 1050 points is only 6%.

Tl Dr:

getting 1 kill per 15 minutes for 2 hours (75% reward x 15 x vehicle mod x 8 times) earns far more than getting 8 kills in 15 minutes despite having exact same score (92% reward x 15 x vehicle mod x 1 times).

Here's the data for obtaining the known value pairs:

HeliBoys Sim EC Sheet - Google Spreadsheets


Sim rewards are a joke
In Air RB, getting one kill and living throughout the match gives you around 10-15k RP
With bases and a kill, upwards of 20-30k
Premium Jet/Acc*

RP isn’t even the worst part.

Regardless of what you do, you get RP.

SL though…

Take off with F8U2, get 2 kills and die 9 minutes in: 900 score so ~91% reward, 9 minutes alive, didn’t land (80% of 91%) : 9x0.91x0.8x160 = 10483.2 SL. Not bad, right?
Well, you already paid 11.078 SL just to spawn for the first time. Your 2 kills and 9 minute survival earned you -600 SL. If you want to play again, you’re now at -11.7K SL.

Meanwhile in ARB:
Take off, full afterburner suicide into a mig-21 in a head-on mutual death. Get 10K SL for 4 minutes alive, pay 4K SL repair cost to earn 6K sl in ~5 minutes (with queue and load times)

And then there’s the horton/me262/banshee/f80c where your first spawn costs 15-17K so you need 2 whole cycles to afford to spawn again.

This game without premium account is brutal man…

Unfortunately it’s the only interesting game mode that includes some flying experience…