Uniformity with Helicopter Research - Britain

I’ve noticed when looking at all nation’s helicopter tech trees, every nation except Britain, only required researching 2 helicopters, before moving onto the next rank, whilst Britain requires researching 3 (yes other nations do require researching 3 helicopters aswell to research certain lines of helicopters, but those nations also have the option to start researching helicopters of the next rank by only researching 2 helicopters aswell).

So to help with uniformity, I was suggesting either foldering 2 of the 9.0 British helicopters, or putting the Wessex into a seperate line at rank V (which would make more sense), as France already has the SA Alouette II in a seperate line at rank V, even though it doesn’t have any further helis for that line.

Would very much like this change implemented, as researching helicopters already takes ages, so having to research an extra helicopter just to get to the next rank, where every other nation doesn’t need to, doesn’t feel too fair. So I feel this would be a welcomed change for those playing Britain.


On the note of Researching British Helis, can the Wessex HU.5 RP cost be reduced from 350k? It’s ridiculous for a rank 5.

I don’t really understand why Wasp (and Wessex for that matter) are 9.0 in the first place…
Wasp has same missiles as Alouette II at 8.3 which even has a machine gun, and seems a lot more agile too…Did I miss something on this/these helis?

AS.12 missiles. That’s literally it from what I can tell. Which have 6-7km range, but downside is you can only carry two.

oh yeh, didnt know…thought it was only AS.11…that does explain it tho, thanks.

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