Hello, Today I will share my thoughts about another problem. Since I will approach the events from my own perspective, you can make corrections.
As you know, in the Axis Allied wars, tanks produced between 1950-55 are used in battles where the Tiger 2 tank is present (let’s state that it was designed according to the conditions of the period). Some of them are tanks designed with the Korean War in mind, with a loading speed of 4 seconds (!). As a result, our heavy vehicle tanks are crushed in every sense against these models. I am not even mentioning the Panther tank.
In another game range, in the battles I entered with the Leopard 2a4 produced between 1985-92, we encountered the T90A model, which entered service in 2004. And it must be God’s wisdom that sabots bounce off every shot even at close ranges. I am not even mentioning the Object monster. At least it was designed in 1991-92. The equivalent of the t90a is the a5 or if we push it a bit, the a6.
Look, this is literally called immorality. Stop treating us like idiots. There are tanks produced in those times that balance these famous felines. Don’t make fun of our intelligence.
My advice to friends who think like me is not to participate in tank battles at this level with a tank. Participate with a plane or helicopter and sabotage the game.
You do realise every other nation suffers the same yeah? The IS2 faces Cold War tanks as well for example. Its not an issue exclusive to Germany. If this game were historically accurate, the M22 Locust would face Tigers.
If you can’t kill a T90A, then get better. Its LFP is easily penned by the 2a4 so idk how you’re struggling…
But everyone knows the M22 could totally take the tiger ll. Unlike all the other vehicles the M22 is a low br to nerf it by putting it against other fast mobile doom pew pews so it can’t abuse the higher br targets due to it’s mobility xD
Tiger II was hugely over engineered (which was a major problem for the Germans) but iirc, it took something like 5 Shermans to take out 1 Tiger II. There is a reason why the Tiger II is the BR it is and in the GSB line-up it is (vs post-ww2 / korean war era) tanks, is because that is how balance works. Otherwise you’d have 16x Tiger IIs just steam roll 16x Shermans and that would just be boring and unfair for the Shermans.
Again… but this time, even more prudent. Soviet tech is like 20 years behind western tech, It would be a total massacre if it was actually era based.
In response to our friend who is unaware of the tanks in the game, I ask him to look at the Loriene 40t and Char 25 tanks.
I can also recommend the T26 equivalents to our Sherman lover friend. The T26 itself is also very useful.
And what I don’t understand is that some of them are really new to the game.
Friends, you probably don’t understand. Tiger 2 has tank models that were designed in that period or in the technology trees in the game and can stand against it.
But in the French tree, tanks designed or produced between the years 1950 are stubbornly included.
If I have to summarize for some friends who have trouble understanding, think of the T54 1949 50 51 models playing against Tiger 2s.
You can adapt the same practice to the Leopard 2A4 and T90A models.
This is an obvious disgrace. I hope these mistakes are corrected soon.