Unfai̇r si̇mulati̇on battle

“korea veteran corsair monster”
dude they were used as attack aircraft not because of the performance but because of the big bomb load of the corsair

just because it was used in korea doesnt mean its automatically better than its opposition
what if the VIETNAM VETERAN A-1 SKYRAIDER MONSTER went against the ta-152? the a-1 would lose.

The D-30 flat out does not out turn any Bf.109 at low speeds. The worst turning late model Bf.109, the G-6 at 4.7BR will win a duel against the P-51 D-30 the majority of the time if both pilots are equally skilled and both planes are on equal fuel loads. I have tested this against some of the best duelists in Air SB multiple times at this point.

Is it close? Yes. If either side makes a mistake it is likely that the other can punish it. At the same time though if both players play anywhere close to perfectly then the Bf.109G wins every single time.

If you do not believe me then feel free to 1v1 me in your P-51 D-30 and I will take whatever late model Bf.109 that you want me to. You can show me and the rest of the world how it is supposed to be done.

Whatever kind of attack aircraft it is, now its turn rate is 20.1 in its fully researched form, while the turn speed of the f4u4 b series is around 19.8.

I’m not even going into the INCREDIBLE turning speeds at high speeds + their flaps don’t even break, our poor German planes break at the slightest move.

It could be used as an attack plane at that time, but in expert hands it does a very good job as a fighter killer in the game.

Also, for some reason, our plane is referred to as a fighter and a navy plane in the game.

There is no way you can beat your G10 plane by taking it and consuming half of its fuel (if the P51’s fuel minute is min 30). What I will do is simple, when we come head to head, as soon as I dodge your shots, I will climb up and you will drain your energy trying to turn. I, on the other hand, will maintain my energy with high speed and, I don’t know if you noticed, the same level of climbing rate, and constantly attack you from the top. Of course, I will falter and finish him off with a few bullets. Or, when you start climbing, your engine performance will deteriorate from 5km up and I will use this advantage again. Maybe you will run out of fuel, and since the Germans are low on fuel, you will be punished by the divine force without having to do anything.

Well, I don’t know if it’s k4, that’s why I enjoy d30 k4 duels.

Yes, since you have no arguments left, you get nasty and turn it into a duel. I don’t know if you noticed, this is just like Conor McGregor’s challenge to Khabib. Just like me, Khabib said, “If we fight at lower weights, it’s not possible, you can’t beat me, I’ll finish you off.” Then the incident turned into videos on certain porn sites. hahahahaha I don’t want to waste my time with you.

Thanks for making me laugh.

Thank you also for coming up with such ridiculous arguments. You are proving the injustice over and over again.

I repeat again, the fact that d30 corsair Korean Series aircraft are in the same size as g10 is just like d5 and d30 are in 5.3 units, or g14 is in the same size as k4.



edit = benginner forum member.


A simulator does not need to be historically accurate. This is a BS argument

bohr Alter du nervst. das Thema hatten wir bereits 100 mal. ps. dein Gefasel ist auch BS.

wenns sein muss auch auf english.
there is an AB and a RB mode. there you have national lineups mixed all over the place. Axis and Allies and NATO and everything wildly mixed up with loot vehicles. extra for you! Isn’t that enough for you?
but let other players have their claim

Es müsste “Boah” heissen.

Abgesehen davon is mein gefasel kein BS. In DCS kannst su zum beispiel einen schweizer KA-50 gegen eine amerikanische P-51 fliegen, und es bleibt ein Simulator.

Ein Simulator muss nicht historische begebenheiten wiedergeben. Wenn du weißt dass dein Argument BS ist, dannn nutz es nicht mehr. Ansonsten musst du dich nicht wundern wenn es immer auf die gleiche Weise wiederlegt wird.

This is irrelevant to the point and you know that. I don’t want mixed nations, but i like facts more and fact is a Simulation does not need historcial precedent… it just doesn’t.

I don’t accept line just because they suit my position.

And stop using the same BS argument that has been rebuked 100 times.

Why does every argument have to devolve into a purely text based duel where you get to write your own results instead of actually proving your results? Your whole entire mental state is based purely on theory-crafting and no tangible or provable result. You have zero data to back up your claims. Zero practical experience. And when given an opportunity to prove your theory…you refuse because it’s beneath you.

So let’s talk about all of the ways that you are wrong. Because I have actually played both planes in a duel setting and in an EC setting.

First off you are not describing a duel at all. You have made the point that the P-51 D-30 will out turn the Bf.109 at low speeds and that it will win an outright dogfight. That is what I am asking you to prove. In EC if you just run away in a straight line… congratulations you have done the one thing the P-51 D-30 is actually better at. The only thing Bf.109 has to do is go into optimal climb and you will never have a substantial energy advantage; that isn’t if you didn’t accidentally expend too much energy trying to dodge head on.

This is an example of P-51 D-30 vs Bf.109 “in the wild” when the Mustang is flown by someone who has over 100 days of flight time in Sim. I am the Bf.109 pilot.

Even though he merges directly behind me I am able to use my planes superior turn rate in order to gain an advantage on him even though I am starting with less energy and worse position.

You are not too good for me. You are not even too good for the average person in War Thunder. The fact that you are here crying about any US plane with remotely close performance to German ones already hints at that. Your refusal and arrogant attitude is just complete confirmation.

Basically you refuse to fight airplanes of remotely similar capabilities because you are an incompetent pilot; at least that is the way that I am reading this.

Anyways I’ll see you in 4.0 soon…

It’s not obvious that it’s a d30, and the guy seems a bit amateur. He did not use extreme flaps. landing for example. I don’t see you using it either. You are clearly an amateur. Also, you couldn’t outturn it in a spiral way, “if he is a good pilot” I claim you won’t be able to do it again.

Your aunt is making arguments by saying “you have no experience” without reading my previous articles. You don’t read. You don’t read. READ. Maybe I was playing this game while you were in your mother’s womb, I also played the plane called d30 enough. Also, it was not such an easy plane to fly 10 years ago.

Yes, thank you for keeping the topic alive.

I promise I will subscribe to your YouTube page.

I am also waiting for other friends’ opinions on the subject. There is a saying in Turkish: “There is no breast for those who do not cry.”

I have done it time and time again. This whole entire video is nothing except P-51 D-30 vs late model Bf.109G match-up. The whole entire 2nd half is against HosTavi who is one of the best currently active prop duelists.

As I said before…the invitation to duel and prove your point is still open. We can go for 10 rounds in each airplane. But you don’t even have the P-51 D-30. You’re only skill set seems to be complaining about having to fight in a fair match-up instead of having every advantage handed to you on a silver platter.

You turn it into a duel because you have nowhere left to escape. I would like to put you in your place, but it’s really a waste of my time, I have to work a little to open a d30, it’s nothing more than a waste of time.

Look, you hunted the K4 with ease. g6 has an advantage because it draws shorter circles due to its slowness. So which plane performs better when played normally?

There is a problem that most friends agree on. You can’t make it private, post videos of an amateur and act like there’s no problem.

There is clearly injustice out there. It is fighting against aircraft that were produced much later than the Axis aircraft and are much superior in performance. You can post as many videos as you want.

I don’t trust your biased videos. It is difficult to get an objective perspective from someone who reduces the issue to a conversation about gasoline.

Frankly, an average needs to be taken to form a general opinion. Moreover, we have this average and there is a clear problem. An aircraft produced in 1944 is pitted against a 1945 46 47 48 model aircraft that is superior in terms of performance and firepower. This is clearly unfair. In my opinion, even if they have similar performance (which is usually not the case, they have better performance in any aspect)

For example, although EBR 1951 and Panzer 4 have similar guns, they are superior due to the fact that they were produced under different conditions and the importance of rapidity in simulation battles.

Once again we are circling back to the fact that you have never played any of these planes. At least that is according to your profile.

One of the arguments that you have made is that the P-51 D-30 out-turns late mode Bf.109s. A duel would allow you to prove or disprove your point.

If you payed attention to the video you would see that it is a matter of experience and whether or not someone makes a mistake. The K-4 player is a good duelist but it was at a time when he was getting back into props. I was able to win in the D-30 because I was more familiar with how to dogfight in props. The D-30 has the ability to contest the dogfight against players of most skill levels but overall it is inferior in a dogfight.

The G-6 is the worst handling of all the late model

None of the videos I have shown are from amateur players. All of the players that I have shown have more time playing simulator battles than you do and they have better individual stats to back it up as well.

A 10-15 kph on top speed is not a huge advantage when you are inferior in every other category.

What bias? I have more games in Bf.109 variants than anything else that I play in sim. I’ve also played the Us Tech tree. I am not like you where I barely scrape by while going 1 : 1 in the only nation that I fly.

If you disagree with me than bring some proof. Show some performance chart. Show some dogfights. Show us something…anything at all.

The P-51 D-30 is no different than it’s WWII counterpart outside of some new avionics. It’s performance numbers sit directly between Bf.109 G-6 and Bf.109 K-4 and that is where it also sits in the battle rating system.

What you keep asking for is to have your pet nation be handheld because you cannot figure out how to properly utilize any of the advantages of your aircraft unless you have a massive and forgiving performance gap.

Of all the planes that you have cried about…the only one that is actually legitimate is the F4U-4B which is at 5.7 BR. Every other plane that you have cried about is inferior to it’s German counterparts in ways that are readily exploitable in-game.

Mach doch einfach deine gemixten Battles! Hält dich doch keiner von ab. Andere wollen es halt etwas authentischer. Lass doch einfach die Leute in Ruhe die was anderes wollen. Man lässt dich doch auch. Was du offensichtlich nicht in deine Birne bekommst.

Du hast ein Problem mit Leseverständnis. Das ist kein Problem, ich erkläre es einfach noch einmal genauer.

Also deine Behauptung war, dass der Modus mit gemischten Schlachten den Namen Simulator nicht verdient. Auf exakt diese Aussage habe ich geantwortet. Denn ein Simulator ist nicht(!!!) Durch Authentizität sondern Realismus definiert (und nein das ist nicht das gleiche).

Alles was ich gesagt habe, ist also, dass der Name simulator weiterhin korrekt wäre.

Das ist keine Aussage darüber ob ich gemischte Schlachten mag oder nicht.

Wenn du nicht fähig bist das zu differenzieren, dann liegt der Fehler bei dir.

> Die Simulation oder Simulierung bezeichnet die Nachbildung von realen Szenarien.
> Simulationen versuchen in der Regel, einen realen Sachverhalt möglichst originalgetreu in einem Computerspiel umzusetzen.

Autsch! Tja kleiner Tipp. solltest vlt. mal weniger BS in Foren schreiben.

I was probably playing this game while you were in your father’s orange.

You’re very crafty. You put a video of one or two amateurs and draw conclusions from the specific to the general. After all, I’m a bad pilot. I bought k4 and lost the fight you had with 109g6. So are we to conclude that k4 is bad?


I haven’t seen you mention the Corsair series. Although, you can put a video or two of amateurs about it and draw a conclusion like “look, this plane is so bad”. Because you act with courage.

I think we will try harder as long as entertainer brats like you are not removed from this forum environment.

If it were up to you, you could even make a fool out of the fact that Yak3p has the same BR as 109g2 and conclude that “there is no difference between them”.

Even though I shamelessly state that I have played before, you continue to say “you have no experience”.

You’re deliberately making this issue personal. Those who have been involved in simulation know my gameplay more or less.

As a result, there is a general discomfort in the game. However, the conclusion we reached from your videos is that the p51 can tour sideways with the BF series very well. The G6 plane may have problems because it is slow or because you or your friend has a turning defect (such as not opening full flaps).

In other words, as everyone knows, each country has certain aircraft characteristics. Spitfire turns better, German planes are good at climbing, Japanese can maneuver better than the British, Russians turn fast and save their energy while turning, Americans have high speed.

Share as many specific results as you want here. When we look at it in general, the injustice is clearly evident.

I have to write it in capital letters for emphasis.


You can only deceive brats like yourself using such graphics. It is obvious that the situation is completely different when it comes to the field.

Now go and share your Corsair series videos from your video archive. Or call me in the game, approach me from behind and share the video you destroyed (finding me on the simulation map might be a different mystery, esp cheat?) Personalize the issue even more and continue to confirm the obvious injustice.

Quelle:wikipedia… sehr gut.

Wikipedia ist keine Quelle. Nimm lieber ein Wörterbuch.

“modellhafte, wirklichkeitsgetreue Nachbildung oder Nachahmung von komplexen Modellen, Prozessen oder Sachverhalten mit technischen Mitteln, meist mit Hilfe von Computerprogrammen”

Das ist die greifende Definition. Die Fahrzeuge werden korrekt dargestellt. Kontext ist nicht nötig. Nach deiner Logik wäre eine Simulation eines crashtests für ein auto welches noch nicht gebaut wurde keine Simulation, was ein lächerlicher gedanke ist.

Simulation für dinge die nie gebaut wurden gibt es ständig, man braucht keinen historischen Präzedenzfall… mach dich nicht lächerlich.

Oder sind die Simulationsfahrten der Formel 1 boliden vor dem ersten echten testlauf etwa keine simulationen, immerhin sind die autos doch noch nie gefahren?

Ist dcs eine Simulation? Man kann dort wie gesagt eine amerikanische p51 gegen nen deutschen ka50 fliegen. Was ist es? Gilt deine regel nur für war Thunder?

Für den undifferenzierten Mist hast du dich nicht entschuldigt, tztztz

das heißt wenn die Luftschlacht um England in einer Sim dargestellt wird. dann wird nicht nur die Bf 109 und Spitfire modelliert sondern auch der Kanal du Knalltüte.
glaubst du in einem echten Simulator für Piloten wird kein Flughafen, Funkverkehr usw. simuliert. glaubst du die fliegen auf dem Mond. ps. anscheinend kennst du die Funktionen im DCS Editor auch überhaupt nicht

in germany, we also have a saying. the wiser gives way.
you are welcome to take over the DerGrafvon Zahl. I’ll give it to you. have fun. bye

Digga ich kann in dcs in georgien ne p51 gegen nen ka50 stellen, nach deiner Definition ist das dann keine Simulation.

War Thunder simuluert flug und die Fahrzeuge, und somit ist der Name gerechtfertigt. Wie bereits gesagt ist der historische kontext nicht erforderlich.

Dein Argument setzt voraus, das WT eine explizite Simulation einer schlacht ist, was natürlich unsinn ist, denn dann müsste man auch den hergang 1 zu 1 nachstellen… das geht mit menschlichen spielern nicht da diese freien willen haben.

Du widersprichst dich selbst.

Und die ad hominems kannste dir sparen. Argumentuer lieber vernünftig. Dafür muss man aber erst wissen wie man differenziert.