Undo the nerf to the LAV

The M48 has a noticeably smaller cupola than the M60. Rounds are far more likely to overpen.

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Yeah, don’t make me remember the fact that my grind coincided with the event that made everyone use the 279,i wasn’t happy at all fighting a tank that loves eating M735 all day and that forces you to be pin-point accurate
Nowadays,if someone fancy brings that atrocity into a 11.0+ game,i literally hunt them for avenging all of those who got farmed by that tank,and trust me: seeing a M829A1 gliding through that tank killing all the crew and setting all of the ammunitions on fire is better than everything

The mantlet is somewhat buggy,it tends to bounce shots here and there. Definitely can’t trust it 100 %. The armor on the T95E1 is highly situational,and the lack of a stab means that you need to have a very good knowledge of the map and the logic behind enemy movements. You’re fast,so reach a favourable position and wait for the enemy team to arrive.

The T95E3 has the T54E1 turret, the T95E4 had the T96 turret (proposed heavy tank with either a 105mm smoothbore cannon or a 120mm rifled cannon derived from the British) and the T95E5 was a T95E2 (T95E1 but with a M48 turret) that sported a Royal Ordnance L7 instead of the M48’s 90mm cannon

Yeah, it’s a mess

Huh, didn’t noticed it to be honest

move strela back to 9.3 and give it pantsir search radar, guaranteed kill missiles aren’t enough ngl.

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For me it was right after the huge BR changes where the Cent Mk 10 was moved to 8.0.
I averaged the BR of my games (~50 or so matches) and it was a~.8 uptier on average. Mind you the Object 279 was 8.7 at the same time. Every game had like 5 braindead idiots (most of them had negative K/D with their tanks, except the 279. How shocking) yoloing with those tanks, and if that wasn’T enough, they either had a backup, or an IS-7, or you know, both. If that wasn’t enough, the regular constant uptiers also made me see nothing but 8.7-9.0 tanks in the enemy with sometimes seeing a tank in my weight range.

My avg in the Cent Mk 10 dropped from 4.5 to ~4 in just 50 or so games.

Oh i was talking about the cupola.

US being a mess?
What do you mean?

Nah, let’s just call everything M1, it should not be an issue, right?
Just from WWII:

155mm M1
120mm M1
20mm M1
37mm M1
40mm M1
57mm M1
76mm M1
203mm M1
90mm M1
M1 Garand Rifle
M1 Helmet
M1 Carbine
M1 Flamethrower
M1 Antitank Mine
M1 Bazooka
M1 Combat Knife
M1 Ammunition Bag
M1 Thompson Submachine Gun
M1 Mortar
M1 Pot Helmet
M1 Pack Howitzer (75mm)
M1 Recoilless Rifle
M1 Garand Bayonet
M1 Grenade Launcher

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Oh yeah,i Remember seeing countless level 100 with an average KD of 5 with the 279 in their stats,and the next tank had like 100 kills and 300 deaths

Another reason why Gaijin literally never cares about balancing premiums

And for the rest yeah, American and their nomenclature system is the worst mess ever created

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Better yet when they use imperial with metric in the same sentence.

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Didn’t it used to have the slats armor? Also, it needs the ability to scout so it should also get improved optics.

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Honestly all SPAA should get scouting.


I’ve had Gepards just magdump into my Type 74s for a few seconds and only got tracks and optics damaged. Sure, you could say I got lucky, but I wouldn’t have expected it to happen more than once if that was the case.

Just War Thunder things. Not much else I can say.

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Cause they stopped playing the 279 when it went to 8.7.
And now 279 is dead at 9.0, over-BR’d and never used cause everything lolpens it.
Why play the 279 when you can play the Leopard A1A1 at 8.7 instead?
Or the T-10M if you’re playing Soviets. Same armor as 279 but at 8.3.
If you own the IS-7, you legit have 279’s speed, armor, and gun but at 8.3 as well.


You mean like scientists using Newtons and kg in the same sentence. An imperial and metric unit.

Ehhh…It’s still fine. 9.0 matchmaker see plenty of downtiers, were the armor still works well against early APFSDS (M735 and M111).

Neither the T-10M nor IS-7 have comparable armor to Obj. 279.

IS-7 and T-10M both have similar armor.
8.7 is the HEATFS BR, so surviving a shot in 279 was essentially impossible unless you were facing a stock 7.7 or someone that didn’t fire back.
My KDR in 279 is 3.2:1. yeah it started at 4:1 when it was 8.3, the same KDR as my M4A2 [before I started facing skilled players more often] and KV-1E.
It was moved to 8.7 and it just slowly went down to 3.2:1 cause HEATFS just lolpens it.
Of course the Soviets lack a 9.0 lineup as well so it’s 279 with the vastly superior T-62M-1 and that’s it.

I’m not gonna say if the 279 is good or not at 9.0 as I haven’t played it so wouldn’t know. But what I do know is that at 8.7 it stomped 7.7. Due to how compressed the brs have gotten it now needs to be 9.0 or it’ll ruin a br because only sweaty people would play it and so would know how to get nukes quite easily as wt players are not the best. It’s like the chieftain but to a larger extent, both should really be lower (chieftain mk 3 and 5) but can’t as they would simply stomp down tiers, the 279 even stomps in 8.0 and 8.3 to a lesser extent still when you see it. Blame gaijin for not sorting out this problem years ago. But from what I’ve seen the 279 doesn’t do bad until it sees 9.7 and above, but that is what I’ve heard and seen from other players.

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Maybe more decompression is necessary.
But there shouldn’t be a single 8.0 that can’t at least kill the driver of the 279 [referencing VIckers tanks].

The centurion mk 10. Hesh it ironically has the best chance at damaging it lol. The apds tends to not like the angles of it and only the turret ring can be penned sometimes but good luck hitting that when they never stop moving. That or the side but even then it’s a pain in the ass. Vickers you can run away and have a good reload to disable him but playing against a object 279 player who knows what he’s doing is like trying to fight a brick wall, you can just do so well in it.

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why are you all even replying to these people that hate the U.S Tech tree? Just block them.