UK's Mig-21 Bison discussion

If it gets that, with its FM and HMS. Then Shar FA2 needs to join it at 12.0

shar should already be 12.0 lol, FM is worse than the default harrier at 9.7… although its not looking good if they changed the br of the bison but the f16 wiht 6 9ms is still sat at 12.0.

Yeah, though I think we are going to have to make our case for that in the next BR rotation and not now unforutnately. AMRAAM are still too new. Like how the Harrier Gr7 steamrolled for a couple months with Aim-9ls till people learnt to counter them. Then it was just over-BRed and not really good anymore, so much so it had to get Aim-9Ms, which again, people feared but now can be defeated with a single flare most of the time.

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I think like with the F-20 they gimped the loadout intentionally to keep it within a certain BR bracket, not be too good, but look good enough to get $$$.

I understand their a business but I’d feel better if they could choose other planes as victims instead.

F-20 has its historical loadout wdym?

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F-20 also has an insane FM, don’t know what the dude is talking about

They could give the MiG-21UPG it’s R-77, the F-20 it’s AIM-120’s, other nations could also get 3rd gens premiums with Fox3’s, the F-4F ICE could have been a premium for Germany and give them something more substantial for the the tech tree.

That’s $225 Gaijin could have got from me had they done that, but oh well…

4:12 - TWS Mode
3:08 - AMRAAM

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If you don’t give the BISON an R77 then it’s a maximum of BR 11.7. Exactly the same applies to the F-20 without AIM 120.

You can also show the Gaijin very easily. DO NOT BUY!

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It is 11.7 😁

russia is an eastern nation by ethnic background tho :(

Jesus… Is that Mig-21 Bison’s 60 countermeasures is correct?
I can’t believe that modern Russians put only 60 countermeasures to modern aircraft…

its 120 unless theyve change it, should be fine for a low altitude fighter. 30 flares and 90 chaff for high alt and viseversa for low.

I believe it’s been nerfed to 60

doesn’t seem right, may be a bug or gaijins retarded attempt at “balancing” it at 11.7…

There is a lot of skill issue in your profile, don’t talk about a plane that hasn’t even left and can’t be tested. You only speak for yourself, if you don’t like it, don’t buy it. The plane is capable of shooting down Pakistani F16s and is at the same level as ICE. so don’t talk just to talk 🗣️

First of all these are dummy AIM-120, F-20 was never wired for AIM-120 and the radar used was never capable of guiding them.

It said in the video they intended to add them, sadly the F-20 didn’t last long enough to see that happen, Gaijin could go either way with that one, whilst I think the latter could have been more profitable, with the UPG however I doubt India is using dummy R-77’s.

They intended to add them in the final prototype (proto 4) which wasnt built. What we have in game is prototype 3.

They could make that a tech tree variant at 12.3, or event vehicle. İmo F-20 at 12.0 is very good for SL grinding so I don’t want it to get Aim-120 and get BR increase.

Now the BISON is 11.7. I really dont get why they dont just delete it and give us the Saudi Arabian Tornado F3. Would outperform it and if given IRCCM missiles like Aim-9M, it would be the exact same BR.