UK's Mig-21 Bison discussion

I’ve opened a report on the current weapons [DEV] Mig-21 Bison missing 2x R-77’s / 4x R-73’s // // Issues

Open to discuss if it should get it’s suggested weapons and go up in BR to 12.3 like the J-8F or carry the current weapons on the first dev server build and stay at 12.0 or go down to 11.7 as at the end of the day this is still a Mig-21bis just with modern weapons and avionics.


Yeah i think with its current Weapons Layout it should be not higher then 11.7 to avoid all the superior 13.0 ARH Slingers since it cannot compete in Speed and Number of Missiles but if it would get 4 R73 then 12.0 is fine and with R77 12.3 like you suggested.


Yeah, no. Why would you want R-77’s on a 12.0 premium, just to make top tier worse?

I saw that F20 could carry amraam. I think, it is just a choice by gaijin. To avoid premium with top new missile. Maybe later. But I genuily believe, they should pout r73/r77 on yak 141 first

He wants it to be 12.3 with R-77 not 12.0 and the R-77 where a main selling point of the Aircraft.
Mayby restrict them to only 2 instead 4 for premium balance purpes with 0.3 BR increase.
But they should definitly give it its 4 R-73 option and even the 6 R-60Ms so you could go with 2 R-73 and 4 R60Ms into battle to buff Misile count.

R60M is shit already at 11.0. Don’t give them bad ideas


12.0 will already face 13 a lot anyway, with the loadout it has now it should be 11.7 Tops, its similar to M2K with this loadout

Let’s not forget that Matra 530D is better than R-27R :)


I think Mig-21 Bison needs to be 11.7br


Honestly thinking about it now i agree with yous about it going down to 11.7 and staying with its current loadout hopefully they see this and consider it as i want to get this but it was be quite outclassed when seeing 13.0 which my guess it will see all the time.

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Just remove it from UK, there is no reason for it to be in UK tree. India is not a UK colony, and uses a lot of russian equipment/tech with russian technological partnership. This being in UK tree is an insult to India.


Just because it isnt now doesnt mean it should be there currently the UK tree has to the worst air tree out there if it wasnt for the SA’s and now India the ground tree is even worse.

I dont agree with that, especially now when they will have the best plane in the game (gripen with ARH and harrier with ARH, it will be the BEST air tree.)

While China and Russia get garbage SU-27SM with garbage engines and broken flight model, garbage radar, R-73s that get 1 tap flared by gripen.

If you read what i typed which nobody seems to do i stated its good due to the SA’s and India’s introduction and the harrier is all right not not exactly a go to plane.

OK, they already have SA in their tree, they dont need INDIA. MIG-21 is a RUSSIAN aircraft, it should be in Russian tree, is that too much to ask?

You want them to give SU-35 to UK later then? Because this is what will happen if this keeps up. UK will have eurofighter, SU-35, gripen all together.


Emm no honestly germany got a hunter which should of gone to the UK so we now get a mig only seems fair right?

Couldnt care less about germany, in terms of aviation it was obvious since forever that its a dead nation. But i agree hunter should have gone to UK.

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So you can argue about a mig going to the UK but wont question the british aircraft going to the Germans thats just a one sided argument honestly im not fussed you just dont seem to like UK is getting its old colonys planes added doubt it will get all of them but some.

I already said i find it wrong, and it should have gone to UK. Its bullshit what gaijin has done and is doing. Just like how MIG-21 bison should be in RU tree.


We move on we cant question the mind set of gaijin.

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