Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

so yeah no. donated vehicles is a no go

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I do think it would be cool to see that Leopard 2A4 with the Kontakt-5 on it, that would make for a unique premium imo if Ukraine is added.


a shame too, because some of the field mods they’ve done are pretty funny


Skill grill for Chally 2

Kontakt-1 for Leo 2a4
Unobtanium-reinforced HUMVEEs

And for the light tanks, a better recon drone (now with boom)

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I wouldn’t mind seeing these unique variations of donated vehicles added, a Challenger 2 with caging wouldn’t be very hard, especially since Britain may be getting a T-90S, I guess think of it as a trade off? Idk lol

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that could be fine, especially since its a chally anyway they kinda suck

well that i can be in favour of because it isnt a blatant and stock Leo2A4, it kinda looks like a 2A4 but if it had been made in russia in an alternate world.

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You need to know history a little bit better as i see.

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I mean, even if they are lent to Ukraine.

But this is exactly the modification proposed in the tree. Have you all not considered the proposed tree?

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You know what I mean, within the timeframe of this game

What does this matter? Stop bringing up useless politics which have no in-game impact.

I completely agree with you on the issue of donated/acquired vehicles - if captured Russian equipment during the current global “situation” is being rightfully excluded due to political sensitivity and in-game reasons (otherwise the techtree would just have all Russian top-tiers in game, BVM, 80U, 72B3, 90A, future 90M) there is little reason to add Challenger 2s, Leopard 2A6s, Leopard 2A4s which stem from the “situation” especially if they are not modified and are not needed for a competitive top-tier lineup.

I again ask for people to view my “re-worked” tech-tree suggestion which is embedded into the post, with a larger focus on Ukrainian equipment, perhaps you may agree with the text-feedback here which is the link Ukraine Ground Forces Tree - #94 by Suppiee

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When we talk about Ukrainian tech tree, the whole tech tree will not be there unless the “situation” you had said has resolved. And when I talk about it, I would always like to think of it as an idea for 2025/2026, not 2023/2024.

If you find yourself loving Chinese lineups at 5.7, 8.0, or Israeli lineup at 8.0, Swedish lineup at 8.7, or German lineup at 9.3, you will definitely love seeing Ukrainian lineup at 10.3, 11.3 and 11.7 (or 12.0, 12.3, whatever by then).

And the donated vehicles is exactly the strong reason why people would like to see Ukraine added - A strong lineup that involves the best vehicles from both Soviet Union and NATO. It’s like an easy tech tree for unsure new players to try out modern tanks from all around the globe, before deciding which country to play next.

I think only captured equipments should be considered premium or event. For example, there’s an famous Ukrainian T-80BVM named “Bunny” which I wouldn’t go further in the context.

By 2026 I think War Thunder would have been out of new content and Ukraine is a great stop gap to them. Strong ground lineup, but weak air forces and helicopters. If they have found a way to fix drones, they can stylize them with specialized drones too. Well, let’s forget about this, cuz I hate drones too xD


Just letting you know that 3BM42U1 is a 735mm long cartridge, same length as 3BM-60. Essentially it’s a prototype of 3BM-60 with different sabot but it went nowhere so Ukraine never adopted it.
Even if they did, none of Ukraine’s tanks have upgraded autoloader meaning that this round cannot be used by their tanks either way. Too large for their autoloaders.

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Doing some review the Oplot does not have an upgraded autoloader, however the 3BM44U1/2 is a development for Ukraine that was supposed to be specific for the Oplot because of its autoloader while the 3BM42M, being the prototype of the 59/60-series was developed in Russia back in the 90’s. They should be two separate developments. If I’m not mistaken the round should be developed from the Polish ZPS Pronit APFSDS-T round but I could be wrong.

The T-84U Oplot, and the BM-Oplot both are able to fire the 3BM44U, 3BM44U1, and the 3BM44U2. The round is not used and the 3BM42 is the primary, however the 3BM42 can be the starting round and have the 3BM44U in Tier 3 and the 3BM44U1 or 3BM44U2 In Tier 4.

Another image of the round next to a 125 G1 APFSDS round made in France.


How is this picture still going around in the current year without people realizing it’s photoshop?


Lmao, here’s the real one.


A rare sighting of a Gaijin staff member. Wow. Are you guys allowed to vote on topics or?

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i’ve seen a real one and I couldn’t be bothered to do much research beyond “Ukraine ERA Leopard 2” and click the first option

I’m just a forum volunteer, but yes, we can vote on topics.