Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

Only in reverse. and bad reverse gears are not a good reason either. Adding several vehicles to a nation just because of bad reverse gears is completely illogical.

To you it may not be a good reason, you don’t even touch the Soviet tech tree. Also reverse AND mobility, if you test drive the Chinese premium Al-Khalid-I, it’s very similar to that.

Sub tree vehicles need to be added where a nation has severe lack in available options, like I have said. The Soviet tree still has options to be added. Yes, T series reverse speed is bad, but that doesn’t justify an entire sub-tree, or even parts of one. And as for forward speed, it’s not too much better than already seen on Russian vehicles. Not even mentioning the controversy it would be to add Ukraine of all nations to that tree.

Many ways around the controversy issue like the sub tree rework. Not really a valid hill to die on anymore.

Still, my point stands. The USSR tree doesn’t need them, as they don’t have a lack of vehicles to be added. Just mobility alone where they have quite a few vehicles that can still be added is not a good hill to die on either.

Again, you don’t touch the tree, you have no idea what the tree needs, of course there will be those who disagree like you, there are also a lot who also agree, that’s just how it is.
Sub tree rework Nation folder would be a great way to add them without the whole tree losing credibility, also that way you can have a full tech tree instead of a few vehicles sprinkled throughout a ee tree.

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How about we agree to disagree, otherwise we will be arguing for hours. I still think an independent Ukrainian tech tree could be a very good choice for the next standalone nation in War Thunder, and if not that, then at least an Eastern Europe Tech tree which could feature Ukraine.

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That’s fine, the addition of the nation will be controversial either way. I’d still love to see it.

Probably one of the more peaceful discussions I’ve seen lmao, +1


Honestly, I’m done with it 😂. Thailand is coming so, perhaps we’ll see them there.

I’m sure all this will be deleted in a few hours. Stona loves this thread.

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That does seem to be what’s happening, assuming that long-term leak is accurate. Then again, things can (and probably will change) from said list

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I would love for Gaijin to add more stand alone tech trees. It is needed for the growth of War Thunder, and I can get behind it more than just throwing a country in as a sub-tree to some random nation, or worse, some nations straight up not getting any representation despite their vehicles being incredibly good/unique.


I second this and it could make the grind less long to if more nations are added

An Eastern Europe tech tree is not possible.

You want to bet on it?

Yes, eastern Europe is not even a co-alition, it’s a whole region in Europe, being something that Gaijin would definitely not do, it would struggle for balancing especially in sim, as many countries either served under the axis or the allies, if you want to see eastern Europe then you would have to split eastern Europe into 2 tech tree’s, Visegrad and Yugoslavia.

Wasn’t Ukr Soviet?

almost all Ukrainian-made tanks are based off soviet tanks and use same conceptions so basically it is soviet designs with improvements, so it must be in soviet TT

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Not sure if it really belongs in the USSR tbh, yes the designs are all mostly soviet but they start getting nato weaponry in higher tiers, so it doesn’t really fit into the USSR anymore, a better candidate would be Belarus

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Some nations still don’t get their tanks from the 2010s or/and 2020s, so Ukraine can also be added to soviet only by a part of the past and maybe other newer domestically produced tanks, etc., nato weaponry can be added as event ones for other nations. I think this is actually good because oplot are like t90m but just better, and other modifications of tanks and other vehicles in a similar situation.