Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

nope, thanks, i dont want see USSR copy paste nation, with worse vehicles.
and as georgian, i dont want to see Georgia in this tree. Only USSR. Georgia uses USSR vehicles, with USSR i can build Georgian lineup.
there is no reason to add Ukraine in war thunder as independent, especially Geogia in it.
this post is more dream to have independent nation in War Thunder without USSR and Ru flag. And i doubt that Ukraine had T34, T44, IS2/3, T10 in service. pure politics.


I stopped arguing with the usual visitors from RU forum, who “suddenly discovered this thread about independent Ukrainian TT and felt the irresistible urge to tell us how they really don’t want it”. It surprises no one here.

But from that quote it’s also obvious that you based your evaluations on the heavily outdated tree image from first post, so I’m making an exception. That image is outdated, WIP tree proposal already got rid of “T34, T44, IS2/3, T10” since Ukrainian TT proposal now has more than 70 unique vehicles not present anywhere else in the game.

Just for the reference this was a WIP from January, that has probably already significantly changed since then, with new developments:


Hi, please remember to keep the discussion on-topic, and to not insult / put down other members. Please take personal matters / quarrels to PMs, thanks.


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Rare T-80UK in Ukranian service


Amx 10RC in ukraine



BMP-64 my also beloved.


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Ukrainian Grad launcher on a HMMWV M1152 base


Hopefully ukraine as russian subtree in 2025


Soviet* and maybe, it would be nice to have more of the post Soviet modifications.




Ukrainian subtree in russian tree would cause as many if not more arguments than Korean tree in Japan.

Ukraine would be much better in an eastern European tree.

Literally anything would be a better subtree for Russia but I’d suggest maybe Brazil or Iran


I agree, I don’t see any way to implement Ukraine in the same TT as Russia for the forseeable future.
A bi national TT with Poland and Ukraine as lead would be interesting.
Russia can get Iran and Belarus as subTTs.

This is “Ukraine Ground Forces Tree” topic, please do not create offtopic here.

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Now we have Thai Air subtree, we can hope the Oplot-T is coming in 2025 for the Thai ground subtree to Japan.


Sub trees are for nations that have gaps in areas that can’t be filled by vehicles they already have. That is not an issue for the USSR tree.

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It wouldn’t really be considered a sub tree

There is still not much of a reason to add vehicles made by an independent Ukraine into the Soviet tree. It has plenty of options already available to be added, and would be completely unnecessary for modern Ukrainian vehicles to be in the Soviet tree.

Doesn’t have to be a reason, it just makes sense and is logical.