This one?
Chance of this happening = zero. Now I’m sure of it more than ever.
If you had paid more attention and noticed the recent in-game changes over the past few weeks, you would have already stopped with these ‘Ukraine-goes-to-USSR’ fantasies.
Yes sir, if you have more images of it, I’d appreciate it 🤙
Not sure what this proves, it would be insensitive to show that roundel right now to that audience, anyone could’ve saw this coming.
I truly don’t care how they’re implemented, I just prefer one way over another, and it’ll just add to my collection of vehicles either way. Not because I have any kind of “Biases” I just think it would make more sense from a historical perspective and to keep research lines together rather than separated. I don’t care about politics in my video games, I play them to get away from real world problems, not to embrace them.
Anyways, I’ll stop here, I’m sure I’m starting to bend some rule even posting this. Goodnight everyone ✌️
I’d like to see a skin for the T-90A with this on WTLive. It’s definitely doable since it has no unit markings on it so it wouldn’t impact the “conflict rule” since many skins were taken down because of it. Also need an in-game prop for an energy drink can to match the one in the pic on the turret stowage lol.
It would be “semi-historical” since we don’t have any T-90A with Kontact-1 ERA on the sides.
My next iteration of the tree will match @Merkko’s tree at Rank VI since the Air and Ground tree should match at starting Rank. The likely reserve vehicle will be the T-55A. Doing this will cut down on some C&P as well.
The only thing that would change this is if the Air tree were to be adjusted to come down to Rank V for example.
Osa-AKM-P1 Żądło aka Osa-Р (Polish modification) serving in AFU 1129th Air Defense Missile Regiment
I think it would be cool to add casue it could balance the issue with the ussr in where some players say that ussr/russian is to powerful with stuff like the strella the t90M and the t80BVM and a new t80 coming in the next update.My idea is have it where ussr could be pitted against ukriane not in a political way but to balance the eastern block and nato stuff my point being that if your with ussr you’ll thing ight we won or if your fighting against Russia/ussr you think oh god we’re gona loose cause some players do say that Russian/ussr stuff is i understand that you can take out a t72 or t90 easy but for some it’s rough so if they was to add Ukraine and have it where if you got Germany and ussr the other team would be America and Ukraine as a balance idea thats my idea with how they can go about adding into the game and making Ukraine interesting being a sort of counter to the “Russian bias” you could say
Ukraine is getting KF41’s by the end of 2024 most likely a unique Ukrainian variant.
I think it’s going to be a variant without the hard-kill APS, equipped with the standard 30mm w/ Spike’s, and probably in its basic state so that way production is streamlined. Could have a few intertwined Ukrainian systems.
Any word on the BM Oplots that we’re supposed to be produced? Possibly by a company outside of Ukraine w/ Ukraine defense industry collaboration or made by the Ukrainian defense industry at a foreign factory? I would kill to see a BM Oplot zr. 2023/2024. Even if it’s just small changes.
- I’m telling you, a BM Oplot zr. 2024 with the Yatagan’s autoloader/120mm KBM-2 gun, Konus GL-ATGM, updated FCS w/ 3rd-generation thermals, reinforced Duplet-2M ERA/cage armor for the turret, turret roof, a raised armor lip around the frontal arc turret ring, and armored engine compartment, C2I NATO/Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2)-like capabilities, new SHF communication/radios, would be a game changer.
- Maybe even reworking a T-64 hull to meet similar BM Oplot-standards (like the Object 478D) since there’s a limited amount of T-80UD hulls left, not to mention they’re likely in service or parted out. Could use a T-80B technically but would be expensive w/ the GTD-1000TF and fuel economy/logistics. Doable though since Ukraine has a lot of T-80BV’s and others…in service for a while now.
- Even just an updated version of the BM Oplot w/ new cameras, battlefield management system, with some small armor changes or addition of cage armor to protect against drones would be a bonus. Maybe could start off with 3BM44U (Ukrainian 3BM42) and then get the Slovakian P99 TAPNA APFSDS-T, the Israeli M711 APFSDS-T round (if it fits the autoloader) or similar rounds for it along with the indigenous Kombat GL-ATGM.
Well, I don’t know what to send you! I can quote a person who is quite close to this.
“In “them” Everything is made for people, steering wheel, tanks…”
I won’t go into detail about Challenger and Leopards!
People usually praise “Western” weapons because they are well thought out, unlike AK systems or tank designers. But people have a habit and they don’t want to betray it.
But here in Ukraine, people will create such a thing … well, you will soon see, although it is already flying far =) Well, it will be somewhat more interesting
Sadly, i didn`t see any
Plastering it in their ERA calling it now
I’m just saying its likely going to be streamlined so they can produce more of them faster then they can add battlefield mods to them like ERA and such.
A Canadian Leopard 2A4CAN with the call sign “Kuzya” equipped with a camouflage complex and a Kontakt-1 ERA.
In the interview, you can learn about the crew’s training, how it was formed, comparison with the T-64BV, how the Ukrainian crew trained Canadians and Poles in warfare and equipment repair, the advantages of the Russians, the F-16 assessment, the history of the emblem, the crew, and details of their instruments.
BTR-3E1 Images and Sighting

Link has VERY good images of the BM Oplot-T, BTR-3E1, and BTR-3RK. The BTR-3E1 and BTR-3RK share sighting complexes.
Just want to provide an update, I am actively working on the tree this weekend. I hope to have it done by Sunday if work doesn’t get in the way. I’m having trouble integrating Western tech into it while trying to balance indigenous designs. Rank VI+. Stay tuned.
that looks like insulation for walls…lol

Object 478BEM1 w/ DROZ-D; this is one of four that was purchased by the US.
- This vehicle utilizes Kontact-5 ERA instead of Nizh-1M which would be seen later on the Object 478DU9/T-84U Oplot (multiple sources report Kontact-5, but could be Nizh-1M. More clarification is needed).
- Equipped with a 125mm KBA-3 Main Gun, KT-7.62mm Coaxial Machine Gun, and a KT-12.7mm AA-gun mounted above the Commander. Ammunition for the KBA-3:
- APFSDS-T (3BM42/3BM44U is the primary associated round)
- The vehicle is equipped with DROZ-D Hard-kill APS which was removed from a T-55AD that was inherited at the fall of the Soviet Union and refitted to this specific T-84.
- Optics:
- Commander: TKN-4S Passive-IR Periscope.
- Driver: 1x Central TVN-5 Passive-IR Periscope.
- Gunner: 1G-46M & TO1-KO1ER Passive-IR Sight (the main production model, the BM Oplot zr. 1999 would equip the Buran-Katrin-E/Catherine-FC 2nd-generation thermal imagers. This unit might have the Catherine-FC as well as it was delivered in 2004 but there’s still ambiguity on this).
- Vehicle could come to the US-tree as well as a possible event reward but will be placed in the new Ukraine Ground Forces Tree.

Here are all 4x tanks the US acquired altogether.
- One of the vehicles was equipped with an Air Conditioner, one with DROZ-D, and the other two are standard units. They are still in-use with U.S. forces for testing and training.