Ukraine Air Force Tree



It has also been said these planes, from this specific scene, are mockups. Who knows!

Can someone correct me but, these F-16s with targetting pods have the capability to employ the APKWS with Hydra-70s, right?
Ukraine operates this system on land already, with a proven track record

We already have “guided unguided-rockets” in game, so this wont be a new feature.
And it gives credible CAS capability, even when we barely know of what weapons these F-16s will employ.

Nobody knows exactly, this was assumed due to age of this planes alone

Some more F-16AM pics.



I’m genuinely Surprised that nobody mentioned the An-27P here considering it’s a Unique Ukrainian design

It can use Gsh-23mm cannonpods, UBK-32 rocketpods and bombs if you are wondering


literally russian tree, what’s the point?


It wouldn’t be unique, Russian Borderguards also use this aircraft with the same weapons, anyhow it should be added for its cool factor.



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We have 6 TT that have f-16’s… we dont need 7

Former North Macedonian (now Ukrainian) Su-25K of the Ukrainian Air Force.

The aircraft has a distinctive “anti-Mykola” camouflage and is equipped with additional combined Adros KUV 25-60 ejection devices with flare/chaff launchers on the engines and tail beam.


WTLive Skin worthy

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Literally not

i wish there’s laugh react

You can laugh all you want but the only joke here is you mate

That’s called NATO and the US military complex

I really appreciate the “Ukrainian Falcons” MiG-29, but isnt it outclassed in every way by the MiG-29AS?

for Rusia? :)

To be honest - sounds like downgrade, when we have exchange 5xS-13OF HE missiles per pod, for 4xZuni.
If it be laser-Zuni - it will be understandable, but if no… Not needed.

Who (in game) in the actual duck, will exchange S-8, for Hydras?
Even for 19-round APKWS pods?

I think more like about some legionnaire machines, in countries TechTrees, who needs ones.
In the end, in 2000-2010, Ukraine was one of largest arms dealer, after USA, Russia, and China.

Something like Kanada/Australia, which presented in few TT (Kanada - Germany (MEXAS), and GB (ADATS), (Australia - GB (A.C.IV), and USA (Freebruhms)).

So SAR (Brits sub-tree), will obtain SuperHinds, and FV101 Scorpio, with Kastet module.

Next is tanks, like T-84, and T-72-120, with good reverse.

Shitton of IFVs, with variable modules.

Small fleet, with HMG/autocannons, and not-so-powerful ATGMs.

Soviet planes, with Western munition, etc.

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Overused joke

Bobr ***wa!