Ukraine Air Force Tree

People say that it is impossible to add Poland/Czech Republic to the game, but now it’s Ukraine lol

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Poland and Czech are not impossible but yea Ukraine isn’t really big enough to warrant a tech tree.
It will be nice for a polish sub tree though.

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I just don’t look at it the same way you do, it doesn’t make sense that way, Gaijin has been very keen to leave politics out of their game and only for what makes more sense from a gameplay point of view.

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in my opnion we can add it into USSR TT, given that only show the Rank VI to Rank VII, we can add it after the USSR Rank V

click the russian flag, it will show you the russian branching, like this

beside, it will show you the ukrainian branching, like this

you guys may notice that i didnt hide the premuim vehicles at the first picture, cause both bracnchings’ premuims will still stay on the main TT as now where they stay, like…


I don’t want another war within the users so no.
It’s way too recent and “hate never forgives”.

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Hi, there are many ways to add Ukrainian tree. This topic was created to show what Ukraine has to offer. My personal favorite ways to add Ukraine are either a combined Polish/Central European tree or from @Blastertitan 's in-game tree idea (in short, his idea suggests how to add all the post-Soviet nations to the USSR tree, but at the same time respect each of them as independent. The tree branches into the trees of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.).


emmm i see, thanks for your explain

-100 Sharply negative, clones for the sake of clones


+1 I would definitely love an independent Ukrainian tech tree.


It will just be CTRL+C CTRL+V


I mean the USSR tree is not exclusively russian. As ukraine was part of the ussr it should sit in there.


I just dont see the point. Everything could just be in the ussr tree.

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Newly restored Ukrainian MIG-29 armed with AGM-88 HARM


Graffiti on the missile: “I do not strike - the willow does”, old Ukrainian greeting on Willow (Palm) Sunday


still kinda strange to see the american weapons on a soviet jet :D

Nevertheless, those armaments add unique flavor to Ukrainian air forces, especially considering that modifications were made in short term, specifically for Ukraine.

More examples:

Ukrainian Su-25M1 launching “Zuni” rockets

Ukrainian Mi-24V launching Hydra 70 rockets


Su-27 from 39th Tactical Aviation Brigade
Armed with AGM-88 and R-73


Big News my fellas.

We are finally seeing fourth-generation F-16 multirole fighters with Ukrainian roundels during the undergoing training of Ukrainian pilots in UK and EU.

Pilots are “very impressed” with this aircraft. Ukrainian pilot with the call sign “Phantom” talks about this in interview.

Source: F-16 під час навчань перевершив очікування українських пілотів. Інтерв'ю з льотчиком ПС ЗСУ Фантомом

As for the tech tree, soon I’ll be updating it with br changes suggested to me earlier. Feel free to let me know how can I improve this tech tree, I’m happy to receive your feedback.

Going forward the aircraft in the picture is an Ex.Danish F-16AM Block 15 MLU.


this is kinda just a waste of time, if added it should be a subtree, not a stand alone tree, its just copy paste all over again.


How long have we had green grass in winter? I’ve never seen such a ridiculous photoshop before


You must be from a country where they don’t take care of the grass on the lawns…