Hello All,
I have been playing War Thunder now for many years, and have a strong desire for Gaijin and this game to succeed. But the games current direction of subtrees, and lack of a significant UI change for new players, is something I cannot follow. I hope that this suggestion is taken onboard, or at least partially, to better the game as a whole.
To start with, I believe when a new or returning player opens War Thunder they should be greeted with a screen similar to that of the World War mode; an image of Globe. This would be easily navigated by simply clicking and dragging, allowing for zoom features as well via the scroll-wheel. It’s purpose would be to select the country you wish to play in War Thunder.
Not all of these nations will be available right from the start of War Thunder, as some nations will require the unlocking of a rank for another nation. An example would be South Korea and North Korean: In order to unlock South Korea one must unlock Rank 4 of the United States tree and to unlock North Korean the player must unlock Rank 4 in the Chinese tree, for example. Once you have selected a nation to play, it becomes highlighted with a brief history of said nation and upcoming/past events of the nation (armed forces day, national holidays, etc.).
For this example, I have selected the United Kingdom to play. It is at this point I must add that nations with subtrees are to be completely reworked. All vehicles of a selected nation are to be used by said nation, no exceptions. This makes logical sense from a Gameplay and Balancing point of view, and I do not agree with subtrees in their current implementation. Upon double clicking, I am presented with another screen showing me which tree to play.
The player can then select either the Aircraft, Helicopter, Ground Forces, Bluewater Fleet, or Coastal Fleet tree to open it up, allowing for the creation of a lineup for that nation and go to battle. For this example, I have selected United Kingdom. In my version of this, South Africa has been completely moved from the GBR tree to the independent ZAF tree - the new subtree Ireland has been added to the United Kingdom. The image below shows the tech tree (Battle Ratings are placeholders, though an emphasis on readding an armour META has been taken into account):
As proven, the addition of the ZAF tree to GBR is not needed, and thus it can be added to its own tree and selected on the world map. However, certain trees will be required to be grouped, such as; BeNeLux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), ANZAC (Australia, New Zealand), CHEAUT (Switzerland, Austria), etc. Atop of this, subtrees with no place in a parent tree will also be removed and added to their own tree (BeNeLux, Thailand, Finland, Hungary, etc.). I hope you see the same vision as I do for the future of War Thunder, as I believe this is better for gameplay, balance, and general player morale.
The Benefits of this implementation:
- Increased Nations to War Thunder (more player representation)
- Better Balance for Gamemodes, such as simulator
- Increased Grind for Players (more trees, more focused grind, more for the hardcore War Thunder enjoyers)
- Increased Number of Event, Limited-run, Premium, Squardon Vehicles (more money for Gaijin, more reasons to grind for players)
Overall, I would love to see this suggestion added to War Thunder - but only if tech trees are reworked to remove subtrees that are not required. Whilst I understand removing Finland from Sweden is extremely controversial, trees such as South Africa sould be added to a ZAF tree and removed from GBR as well as China splitting into two seperate trees.