U.S. players need to quit complaining

My entire post flaming US players= not inflammatory
Mentioning Russia and China= inflammatory.

Okay bud 😂


I got the point, well I got the point you tried to make.
It fell flat because it’s bollocks lol.

ugh I hate it when people complain about people complaining (LOL)


US at this moment still have equipment from the 80’s to 2000’s while nations like Russia for example get the latest tech, don’t get me started with Pantsir,KH38MT.


80’s tanks that Gajin artificially nerfed to have 80’s capabilities of other nations, fighting modern tech XD.

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Problem is, gaijin tends to cater to their cries.
And in return, instead of getting better in the game, they keep crying more about bias and such.

“Russian modern tech” is just repackaged 70s tech since the basic design IS 1970s in the best case and actually even 50s. Carrousel based autoloader, 3 man crew, 125mm gun, general shape and armor is not offset by it having some fancy bag of ERA on the side. Same as the Abrams, all are old tanks with fancy kit. The main thing that makes a tank good or bad is its design from day 1, adding 47432773573524642 things to it just proves that the certain design for the current situation is not adequate and thus sub par of the expectations it needs to meet.
Btw Armata family of armoured vehicles/tanks is also not new. It, the idea of unmanned turret concept originates in the early 70s with Abrams TTB and Obj 450/T-74.
Pretty much every tank we have in the game is 60s concept at best.

i dunno what this main post said to get their comment hidden, but i do agree with the topic

u eating good with good tanks, just clickbait wallet warriors making it harder to play effectively

you have a good plane deck and good tanks

Bad tanks, bad helicopters, horrid SPAA, and slightly above average CAS. No, America toptier is not eating good. Having good CAS doesn’t outweigh being the worst in every other area.

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Oh my god…

For ground? Lmao no they do not, It takes years to get a slight fix to something blatantly wrong.

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Good thing US doesn’t have worst tanks or AA.


It’s worse than Germany, Russia, Sweden, China, France, and Japan.

Can you list down all the usa ground vehicles you personally think they are worse than other nations? Also when people talks about SPAA they meant the AA ability not AT

Just gonna say this here: M1A2 SEP is the best tank after the leo 2 series of tanks (at top tier). Leopard 2a5, 6 and PSO I would also class as worse than the M1A2.

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I general M1A2´s have a good reload rate and good enough penetration. Ofc they have a weakspot, but any tank has them. You have mobility and gun depression unlike some soviet/russian mbt´s in a M1A2 so stop complaining about other nations being better when they have serious flaws in their mbt´s.