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Why are you basically saying US cannot have M1E3? Did not mention it at all.
Typical anti-US gaijin bias. Always screwing us over with shoddy additions like useless SEPv2 when we should have SEPv5
They can have the damn AbramsX.
They are still gonna suck.
Nice Xenophobia.
I wouldn’t say that, because its wrong.
If they don’t add premium at the new top tier ground I think it’ll get better
But they probably will sooo
I’m American, so.
Friendly fire?
Almost a likeable post until you had to stick this bit at the end
China isn’t even a good nation for ground
I dont understand where your coming from on this… At all.
The M1A2 SEPv2 was introduced to the U.S. army in 2005.
Though theres tanks like the Leopard 2A7v in the game that was introduced in october of 2021 and 2019 at the least!
So yes id say the United States ground tree needs work big time and allso new AA because the ADATS is horrible, the SEPv2 has gen 2 thermals with a mediocer round…
And dont get me started on the russian ground tree T-90m 2020! That is a 15 year gap!
Now im not getting defencive because i main america over what you said because for most abrams players its true they are plain bad (click-baits) but you cant say its fine how theres a 15-16 year age gap between tanks that are going toe-to-toe.
All of this post is irrelevant until the end.
The players are bad. Horrible. Bar none the worst in the game and no amount of tool is going to fix the carpenter.
Read again, they’re on the receiving end of the blessing of easy enemies. Russia and China are paired with US the least IME.
Unlike every nation I have except Russia which is always with the dang Americans.
Best firepower at top tier, Ariete doesn’t count. You can argue the TKX/Type 10 but they trade almost everything for the 4s reload.
Mediocer is a rough word to throw around but when i play the abrams with m829a2 it feels wimpy i dont know what it is but if i play with DM-53 it just melts through things like butter.
Easy fix if they model DU ammo properly
Most of the post was me comparing tanks to give support to my point.
Maybe if the US didnt put so much effort into making vehicles, they could be fight with similar year vehicles.
Its probably confirmation bias. The Leo 2’s being a better platform also helps.
US vehicles fight more modern vehicles because US tech was just better than what others had.
Look at air, imagine if they added the f35 at the same br as the su34 because they have the same introduction date.