U.S. players need to quit complaining

Rafale F3R ingame is from 2019. F-22 first flight in 1997. Bigger difference than SEPv2 and T-80BVM lol

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yeah could be it i do love the leopard but i cant help but feel that the abrams is misrepresented

Its pretty well implemented in-game, stands as the 2nd best top tier MBT, though the turret ring being fixed to be “autocannon proof” would be nice.

And those damn fuel tank bulkheads, and the hydraulic thing

I understand this but it makes no sence how some (not you) can cry about historical accurasy when the thing that is called 12.0 USA ground exists allso why not just match up timeframes? how would that hurt anyone the sepv3 and v4 arent so differnt only differnce is they get better thermals and a better round so why not give other countrys better rounds too? why does america suffer with aurmor issues stuck with 2005 STEEL plates when the newer abrams have the DU package and might be able to take a hit that doesnt cripple it!

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(first half was me ranting mb)

yeah the turret ring is… concerning to say the least.

If this is alluding to the SEP V3, its not in serial distribution yet, its just barely left testing.

Historical mm is awful for anything other than dedicated historical games. Like Enlisted/Hell let loose.

Mig23ml at the same br as the f16 would be kind of crazy.

Israel would like to have a talk about this.

Personally, i want gaijin to model vehicles correctly and only release them when the balance is ready. I hate the artificial nerfs just so they can satisfy people begging for “insert modern weapon”.

Acting like only the US suffers, when they have been handheld so much in air, tends to derail things.

Object 279 at 8.0 would be a disaster…

F-15A at 11.3 or 11.7
F-22A at 13.0

Concept 3 to 10.7

Oh no.

I think the m5 stuart was introduced same year as the is3

I think it’s a fact that at the moment US mains and generally western mains tend to have more voice regarding complains, in the forums, and this is very visible, specially this recent DevServer with Leopard and Abrams series recieving the turret basket module as horizontal turret drive hot topic. Just accept, like everyone else, they must have the right to complain.


Oh don’t stop, I’m almost done 😩

I remember the majority says they would like to have the option to view the flagged comment, why gaijing insisting that it’s a better idea to remove the feature?

Depends on what we mean here, OG post is hidden so I can only speculate, but I’m going to assume this is about top tier since that’s usually where these discussions wind up, particularly in regards to the Abrams/Leo 2 Dev server changes.

These changes are good, more modules add more granularity to the game, and I’m assuming the negative feedback is only coming up now with the Abrams and Leo 2 series being by far the most played MBTs. These changes have already been made to the T-series tanks, the Type 90/10, the Leclerc as well, realistic modules will be implemented to all of these very tech heavy modern vehicles eventually.

But adding the part at the end only serves as an inflammatory statement to get people to reply because ooga booga bussian rias

No it doesn’t, it’s just the truth. Russia is paired with US less(Same with China) in my experience. That has nothing to do with “Russian bias.”

The only one replying about it, is you.

The only point of adding it at the end of a post saying US mains are bad is to imply they are unfairly profiting from it. It has no relevance to your post other than to get people to reply about it. I suppose I fell for this trap too.

I’ve said what I wanted to say. Have a good one.

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