Is the Type 90 B Fuji a good investment of a tank If I want to grind Japanese ground vehicles?
Any advice would be great!
yeah its pretty decent
Good TT grinder?
I have the TT type 90 and they are pretty good but playing with a 10 man team filled with fuji 1 death leavers gets old real quick
Yes but you need skills, its a good tank but its basically glass cannon for its br, 11.3 u face things like t-80u-e1 and t90m
you have to play very carefully
Im used to playing like that, I run the CT-CV 105 HP, its got good mobility, reload, and decent round for its BR, but paper armor, and I’ve dropped multiple nukes with it (Keep in mind I dont get very many nukes.
thats great then
the fuji has very good reload but everyone outarmored you and outpen you so u have to play hulldown or flank
10-4, probably gonna buy it if I get my paycheck tonight then
Also, Forgot to ask, It has blowout panels right?
yes but only if the plate seperate the crew and the autoloader is still intact
So like the 30mm plate?
35 but yes
I’d say it’s depends on what type of player. As high rating MBT mainer ofc it’s best option, but if you a LT mainer you should choice Type 16. Honestly Fuji anyway better option just cause he more reliable as farm tank
Yes, it’s an incredible tank for it’s BR and a much better choice than Type 16 (FPS), however I do not recommend to play it right now, due to another Clickbait like situation:
Yes I recommend, going for the Type 16 (FPS) is just waste of money, DM 23 at battle rating 9.3 is not worth; for the Type 90 (B) ‘Fuji’ it’s a jack-of-all-trades against ground vehicles, good in offensive positions and defensives, it excels at long range maps with the rate of fire and mobility, the hydropneumatic suspension may be a game changer when taking more advantageous positions.
this is a certified hood classic
3 minutes later
Buy it now, then use it when other nations gets similar sale
Note: You will get Bombed and have the tank equivelent of racial discrimination towards you