Type 81 C

Whats wrong with this thing? i get it that such heavy missles will dip down after start but there is something horribly wrong. Trying to compensate it by aiming upward way above the target , eg. a low flying helicopter above a tree line, and this missle still choosing an down arc vector before going high.

that seems not realistic because aiming all the way up should result in the missle is going upward since its a freakin AA missle! mebe it has a drop but deciding to change its trajectory towards the bottom makes absolutly no sense, it does happen quite often no matter the trajactory of the target is going upwards aswell.


No idea, a lot of missiles just seem to go straight into the ground… but an SPAA without radar and that cannot get a lock beyond 5km consistently at the same BR as a Pantsir clearly needs to be nerfed.


Can you share a video?

May be not realistic but it is what it is on the game, I suggest you quickly pointing the launcher up then firing while locked into the target, is the best viable way to shoot something flying low.

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thats exactly what i am doing but still it goes flying like " under the radar " until it finally going upward. its not always but its like 50/50

yeah it overcompensates heavily but is not a big problem and makes it so satisfying to watch