Type 16 (FPS) and Type 16(P) to 9.0 instead of 9.3

i believe these two need to have their br lowered since in a full up tier u are fighting vehicles that just dont make sense considering ur round this becomes even worse when you look towards other nations similar vehicles such as the wma 301 in china which is 9.0 and has a better pen round


The Type 16s are generally decent at their BRs, as their mobility is quite good, and the shells are average at their tiers. Additionally, if these vehicles were 9.0, 8.0s would fight them, which would be AWFUL for them.

im not sure that is quite accurate as shells i run on the strv 104s and str 103c have more pen and yet are at 8.7 mobility simply cant be the end all be all when you are going to fight leopard 2a4s and m1 abrams in your uptiers which can close the gap on your mobility while still having way more armor and a better round to boot

i also again dont think you can justify the type 16 being 9.3 while the wma is 9.0 so the 8.0s get to fight the wma as well

Mobility becomes irrelevant when then turn every map into some idiotic single lane highway.



The issue isn’t these vehicles being at 9.3

It’s that 12.3 hasn’t been added to Ground yet

God no.

Only if the XM-1(GM) goes with it. They both play very similarly, and have the same cannon.

We just need decompression, that will just cause more compression. Fully stabilized wheeled tank with gen 3 thermals facing an AMX-30 or centurion is not balanced.

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explain the wma then

It is much slower and has even less armour than the Type 16. It doesn’t have as good of thermals, the gun handling is way worse.

Pen isn’t everything.

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the difference between second and third gen thermals is nowhere near the same level as 1 to 2 so it having second gen thermals does not equate to some massive advantage in favor of the type 16 that difference only really matters when dealing with 1st to second gen and armor/mobility dont matter when all the maps have become single lane highways as pointed out by another commenter .you could argue for gun handling but if gun handling was really that much of an issue then i would take worse gun handling for a better round any day since being uptiered into leopards and abrams means every bit of pen matters especially when ur round has sub 300 mm of pen

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It’s also undertiered? Like every modern light vehicle. The ‘light’ tanks we have are TD’s pretending to be lights.

u do realize the m735 has legit the same amount of post pen from the bmp right? like bruh the m735 is not good what so ever

The Japanese 9-9.3 stuff is fine where they’re at BR wise. The real problem is that a lot of 9.3 premiums are under tiered and mostly that 9.3 is up-tier hell right now. 10.3 is a black hole of matchmaking due to all the premiums at that BR. It’s pretty rare right now to be actually fighting stuff your own BR at 9.3.

The 9.7 Type 16 should probably go down just for the sake of being able to actually play it at it’s BR. Zero reason to play Japanese ground at 9.7 with one support vehicle at that BR.

To be fair, we’re still going to use the T-2, the AH-1S/Kisarazu/Type 93 SAM with the Type 16 in our 9.7br line up. Unless someone decides not the bring them. We are still missing a few more vehicles so Type 16 wont be alone. The 9.3 line up are fine for sure as you said, they don’t need to be messed with beside just giving the Type 16s the Type 93 APFSDS rounds.

Still have the remaining Type 16s to add to be at 9.7, Komatsu LAV - Type 01 LMAT can maybe, just maybe if Gaijin allows it to be at 9.7 as well as a support vehicle. Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle - RCV:Successor to 87RCV at 9.7 will also strengthen the 9.7 line up. Same Br like the French VBCI-2 (MCT30) premium vehicle.

With just that, we have a very strong line up to carry games within that Br and not having to rely on 9.0 vehicles such as the Type 89 IFV, Type 87 RCV and Type 74s vs 10.7 vehicles. I’m already pushing my 9-9.3 tanks to face 11.3 tanks and CAS vehicles just because I want to use the F-1 to CAS and Type 81 C. It’s painful…