Type-10 Hitomaru, technical specifications and known information


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I thought I’d resurrect my thread from the old forum in case there were others here that wanted to continue with the discussion.

Some information could not be transferred from the old forum due to the hosts no longer being up. If you have copies, please let me know and I’ll re-add them to the post. Formatting may be broken due to the new forum ))))

The Japanese Type-10 “Hitomaru”

Thread revisions
  • 05 February 2025 thread revived
  • 19 February 2025 added information on C1-C6 variant differences


This thread is designed to share information regarding the Type-10 Hitomaru fielded by the JGSDF. My plan is to ensure that this thread stays on topic and remains to be a friendly environment so we may all appreciate this tank and the interesting information that our great community has provided about it. I have decided to specifically share information in this post that is backed by credible sources, but please don’t let this dissuade you from sharing your predictions on performance figures.

All 4 variants of the TK-X (Type-10 prototypes) and the Type-10 have been accepted as suggestions for implementation to the developers. This thread is for sharing information for those interested in the vehicle and for potential historical/bug reports in the future as well as speculate what performance we can expect prior to the vehicles introduction in-game.


Please click the relevant sections below for known/estimated specifications based on publicly sourced and non-classified documentation and video:


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JGSDF Published video that shows the interior of the vehicle



Post courtesy of @AnimeThighs (unsure of new forum name, if here) showing the differences between TKX prototypes


Here is the first prototype up close and there is clearly some kind of latch next to the LWS on the armor piece that encompasses the wedges

Here is prototype 4 and the last of the prototype vehicles, the wedges are clearly a solid piece of the main armor.
Finally here is a production Type 10, and it doesn’t have any latches like those that exist on the 1st prototype.

The amount of Type-10’s procured as of FY2021 courtesy of @wulfalier and @aizenns

  • 2010-13
  • 2011-13
  • 2012-13
  • 2013-13
  • 2014-14
  • 2015-10
  • 2016-6
  • 2017-6
  • 2018-5
  • 2019-6
  • 2020-12
    Tanks procured by FY 2020 budget includes 2020’s production and 2021’s production. According to this document, actual number of Type 10 tank that build FY 2020 (FY Reiwa 2) is 7.


Japanese FY2020 ended in April and the budget outline for FY2021 doesn’t include any new units being produced. It is likely there are 111 total Type-10 tanks.

Here is a declassified weight table for the Type-10 courtesy of @aizenns - Original document may be from https://www.mod.go.jp/atla/research/gaibuhyouka/gaiyo-nendo.html according to @leroyonly


将来車両装置(その2)の研究試作 システム概要設計報告書
“その2” of “コンベンショナル型砲塔搭載型” is actually adopted design.

“Conventional-type turret type / Plan 2”

  • Weapon system
    • Main gun: 2,650 kg
    • Ammo and ammo boxes: 830 kg
    • Autoloader: 890 kg
    • Small arms, their ammo and ammo boxes: 490 kg
    • Gun/ turret drive device, FCS and sight: 950 kg
    • Basket etc.: 420 kg
  • Mobility system
    • Power unit: 4,200 kg
    • Fuel unit: 1,320 kg
    • Suspension, transmission and tracks: 10,050 kg
    • Others: 1,310 kg
  • Protection system
    • Vehicle hull: 8,970 kg
    • Hull special armor: 2,520 kg
    • Turret housing: 5,360 kg
    • Turret special armor: 1,940 kg
    • Stealth equipment: 160 kg
  • Others: 2,280 kg
  • Total: 44,410 kg
    “Weight table I posted before is written for comparison of Type 90 tank and Next-Gen tank. Among them, I picked Type 90’s and actual adopted design’s data.”

Information on Gunner and Commander cameras courtesy of @aizenns


According to specification document, production model has MWIR camera for not only gunner but also commander.

10式戦車 - Google Drive
JGSDF Google drive document on general information of the Type-10 courtesy of @David_Bowie

Promotional video showing mixed footage and information courtesy of @DTalpha98



General Type-10 performance MOD documentation including gun traversal rates and reload speeds courtesy of @H3_rocket (new forum name unknown)


Magazine demonstrating changes between C1-3 to C4 courtesy of @wulfalier


Information on the different C variants courtesy of @leroyonly latest!


Note - Clicking will download a pdf.

The above document discusses the different “lots” (similar to American “Blocks”) from C1 - C6 and their respective changes and assignments on page 18. The C numbers are determined based on fiscal year that the tank was ordered, so current C lot is 14 with C15 being the 2024 order.

Engine, Transmission, Suspension and General mobility

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Video demonstrating the active suspension dampening the recoil of the gun after firing



Video demonstrating the Type-10 performing some driving tests, possibly even a TK-X prototype due to armour layout courtesy of @AnimeThighs



“Also here is a video showing the type 10 doing a bunch of different tests and just driving around with all the yellow parts removed, except the wedges. If the wedges were truly removable like what is shown on the diagram, then idk why they wouldn’t remove them in these trials like they did with everything else. I would imagine that they were removable on the first prototype, but all later prototypes opted for normal armor wedges as they lack the same design as 0001.”

A post on the HMT (Hydromechanical transmission). Original document excerpt posted by @wulfalier, translated by @David_Bowie



10式戦車は,世界の戦車で初めての無段階(連続可変)自動変速装置、いわゆる CVTを搭載した。自動車用CVTでは、金属 ベルトまたはチェーンとプーリの摩擦力 を利用する形式が一般的であり、原理的に 戦車用エンジンの大トルクを伝達するのは難しいとされている。そこで10式戦車では、油圧式と機械式 を併用した略称"HMT"が採用された。エンジン出力は、油圧ポンプモータによる「無段階変速部」と機械式の「有段変速部」にそれぞれ伝達され、遊星歯車機構による「合成部」によって両者の出力が合成されるのである。無段階変速部は、油圧ポンプと油圧モー タからなる。油圧ポンプは、リボルバー式拳銃の弾倉のように並んだシリンダ(バレルと呼称)を、角度が変えられる円盤(可動斜板)の周囲に取り付けられたピストンが 押していく仕組み。エンジン出力が可動斜板を回転させると、斜板に接続されたピストンが次々に押し出され、油圧モータのバレルに高圧の作動油を送り込む(斜板がきらに回転すると、こんどはピストンは引かれ、作動油はポンプ戻ることになる)。一方、 油圧モータのバレルには、烦斜角度が一定の固定斜板が配置され、ポンプと向き合うかたちで一体化されている。ポブから吐出された作動油は、固定斜板に接 続されたピストンを押し戻すことで斜板 を回転させ、これが出力軸の回転となる。さて、斜板の傾斜が大きければ1回のピストンストロークで大量の作動油が送り出され、大きなトルクを発生するが、エンジンはその分だけ多く回転しなければならない。いわゆる低速ギアである。逆に、傾斜が緩ければオイル吐出量が少なくな り、トルクは小さくエンジン回転も低くなる。つまり高速ギアに当たる。また、斜板を直立させればピストンはストロークせず、油圧を発生しない。そして斜板の傾 斜を反対にすれば、回転方向は逆転する。バックギアである(この構造から、後退時の最高速度も前進と同じ70km/hとなる)。斜板の傾斜角度の可変は無段階のため、連続的に出力(速度)を変化させることができるのだ。ところが、油圧ポンプモータは、作動油のリークや摺動(しょうどう)抵抗による損失が避けられず、伝達効率に限界がある。それをカバーするため、通常の歯車機構による3速ギアボクスを併用して、変 速機全体としての効率を高め、とくに高速度域の出力特性を向させている。両者による合成出力は、低速からの立ち上がり(レスポンス)が早く、なにより使用頻度が高い実用速度域において高い出力を維持する特性を発揮するという。

Hydro Mechanical Transmission (HMT)

The Type 10 tank is useing the first stepless (Continuously Variable) automatic transmission in the world. Type 10 is useing a so-called CVT. In vehicles CVT, it is common to use the frictional force between a Metal Belt or Chain and a Pulley. it is difficult to transmit the large torque like a tank engine. Therefore, in the Type 10 tank, the “HMT”, which is a combination of hydraulic and mechanical types, was equipped. The engine output is transmitted to the “stepless transmission” by the hydraulic pump motor and the mechanical “stepped transmission”, respectively, and the outputs of both are combined by the “synthesis unit” by the planetary gear mechanism. The stepless transmission consists of a hydraulic pump and a hydraulic motor. The hydraulic pump’s mechanism is, pistons attached around a disk whose angle can be changed, pushes cylinders lined up like a magazine of a revolver type pistol. When the engine output rotates the movable swash plate, the pistons connected to the swash plate are pushed out one after another, sending high-pressure hydraulic oil to the barrel of the hydraulic motor (when the swash plate rotates, the piston is pulled, The hydraulic oil will return to the pump). On the other hand, a fixed swash plate with a constant tilt angle is arranged on the barrel of the hydraulic motor and integrated so as to face the pump. The hydraulic oil out from the pob rotates the swash plate by pushing back the piston connected to the fixed swash plate, which is the rotation of the output shaft. If the slope of the swash plate is large, a large amount of hydraulic oil is sent out with one piston stroke, and a large torque is generated, but the engine must rotate by that much. It is a so-called low-speed gear. On the contrary, if the slope is gentle, the amount of oil out will be small, the torque will be small, and the engine speed will be low. In other words, it is high-speed gear. if the swash plate is made upright, the piston does not stroke and does not generate Hydraulic pressure. If the tilt of the swash plate is reversed, the direction of rotation is reversed. It is a reverse gear (from this structure, the maximum speed when reversing is 70km/h, which is the same as when moving forward). Since the tilt angle of the swash plate can be changed steplessly, the output (speed) can be changed continuously. However, the hydraulic pump motor inevitably loses power due to the leakage of hydraulic oil and sliding resistance, and the transmission efficiency is limited. In order to cover this, a 3-speed gearbox with a normal gear mechanism is used in combination to improve the efficiency of the speed changer as a whole, and especially to improve the output characteristics in the high speed range. The combined output of both is said to exhibit the characteristic of maintaining a high output in the practical speed range, which is frequently used, with a quick rise (response) from low speed.

Information on the powerpack, also courtesy of @wulfalier


Engine of Type 10
4-stroke water cooled v8 engine,turbocharger with variable noozle,intercooler is included.
Engine name is 8va type(with this im not 100% sure).
It is the first Japanese tank that adopted this engine with electronic fuel injector.
Combustion efficiency of fuel has been increased and black smoke at launch reduced.
The friction loss(dynamic resistance) caused by part inside of engine is also reduced.
Ceramic coating was applied was to key parts as cylinder heads(reducing heat releas to the outside).
Light oil is used for fuel(Jp.4(jet fuel no.4) can be used.
Maximum output power is about 2400rpm at 880kW.
Exhaust volume is nor published.

If the engine is smaller and fuel consuption is reduced fuel tanks will be smaller.
It is directly linked(??engine??) to compactness and weight reduction of the entire hull.
Exhaust volume of Type 10 is 90% of Type 90.

It is interesting that the cylinder was completely differen from the conventional ZF/ZG engine.


Gun and Ammunition

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Here are some videos demonstrating the impressive rate of fire. Looks to be ~3 seconds (courtesy of multiple users)


Type10 reload
Type 10 reload
Type 10 reload 3

Here’s an image comparing JM33 to Type-10 APFSDS (Updated 24/4/2021 courtesy of @AnimeThighs



Further estimations on Type-10 round dimensions courtesy of @CelestialDwnfall (new forum name unknown


“I updated my estimate on Type 10 AP and here is the result, i’m not too sure about the jacket diameter (but a jacket dimater of 26mm from DM53/63 could also be assumed since that rod has an actual penetrator diameter of 24mm as well) since pixel measuring is not a perfect method but I got everything else perfectly so it should be fine to use this.”

“Using the mm to pixel ratio that i mentioned earlier, I counted the pixels from left to right and then multiplied it by the ratio to get the penetraor length values (630mm), total projectile length value (763mm) and jacket diameter value (28mm), however, as i’ve previously mentioned in the picture/estimate, i am not too sure about the 28mm jacket diameter and instead, I recommend using DM53/63s jacket diameter value of 26mm.”

Gun testing documentation courtesy of @aizenns



"If “80% shot” means this document, this is test of the tank gun, not armor test. This document is about test of gun durability.

Test with APFSDS and 80% charge, 100% charge and more charge at standard temperature (21℃), and test 100% charge at high temperature (50℃) and normal temperature (21℃).

Upper sheet is test for Japanese-product 120 mm tank gun (license production), and lower sheet is test for imported 120 mm tank gun. Imported gun do not needed to do high-pressure charge test.

装薬温度 means temperature of propellant charge."

Information on the gun courtesy of @wulfalier



120mm tank gun

Type 10 is equipped with smoothbore gun developed by Ministry of Defense´s Technical Research Division and Japan Steel Word trough its own technology.

(2nd paragraph)
The development of TK-X,which later became the Type 10 started in year 1996.Over the next 5 years the Technical Research Division conducted a research and test of the future tank gun.Later in the development of TK-X prototype which began in 2002 a new tank gun was developed and was mounted on Type 10.

(3rd paragraph)

Gun caliber is 120mm and 44 caliber long(120x44=5,3m).Type 90 is equipped with Rheinmetall(120mm/L44).Both are same but only in numbers(120mm and 44 caliber long).It is a completely new design,with adoption of light-weight thin-walled barrel and a gun breech.In the same time recoil impulse was reduced.(or they mean something else).
(4th paragraph)With great help from Aizenns

Design of gun breech was greatly improved. By improvements of it, structural strength was reinforced, total weight was decreased and available maximum pressure was increased.
(5th paragraph)

Rheinmetal gun is circa 20% heavier then the JSW,lenght of the gun is the same,but the it is said that the armor-piercing power of the gun was improved.However the military vehicles of the JGDF are intended to be interoperable with United State military force and in particular to be compatible with the M1 Abrams tank with the M256 RH120.Standard of chamber room is based upon American M256 cannons to be compatible with American ammunition. However, M256 is licensed variant of Rh120, so they need to pay license fee for design of chamber room…Naturaly Type 10 can fire all of the existing Type 90 120mm shells.

(6th paragraph)

From the beginning it was consider to mount longer gun on Type 10

Information confirming self sharpening tungsten properties courtesy of @AnimeThighs


Type 10 APFSDS is self sharpening like DU:

A patent application filed back in 2001 by DAIKIN for a method of creating a highly rigid, self sharpening tungsten penetrator using amorphous metal and heavy metal particulates.

JP2003042700A - 高速飛翔体及びその製造方法 - Google Patents

I don’t know how this would affect calculating the round in the Lanz Otto calculator, but this could mean a massive jump in performance over what we previously thought. This means that Type 10 APFSDS and the South Korean K279 are the only 2 self sharpening tungsten rounds in the world.

Armour and Protection

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Excellent document showing the composite shape and cavity of the UFP (Upper Front Plate) courtesy of @wulfalier


Information on the turret (composite) cover courtesy of @wulfalier


Turret front composite(special armor) and cover.

(1st paragraph)

Left and right side of the turret front are called cover of special armor,which are attached to the base of turret and play important role in shaping the exterior style.

(2nd paragraph)

According to 50 year history of Technical Division,1st Research institute of technical Research Division carried out 4 research,trials of structural elements of bullet-proof structure.

Among them in year 1997(7.9)(4th test) they made “box-shaped targets” with composite layered structure and carried out test of resistance to 120mm HEAT-MP and APFSDS.

And for the “special armor” we have understand the style that can greatly improve performance.The result is reflected in the design of the new modul mounting.The Type 10 tank is believed to have high resistance to both armor-piercing and anti-tank bullets,far exceeding the Type 90.

(3rd paragraph)

Since the front cover of turret protrudes in front of the special armor it seems function as a space armor against heat bullets.However it does not appear to be made of thick plate as with shield cover.(I think that htey are talking about that the gun shield is made of thicker steel plates then the cover of the special armor).

(4th paragraph)I have not translated because i have a little hard understanding of what is there writen.

Green column

Basic structure and special armor Honeycomb backplate(This part is in short but i would be glad if someone could translate it in more details,what have i understand is that it is used after special armor).

Right side of the picture.
When the exterior of Type 10 is removed,the silhoute of the turret it is not much different from the Type 90 tank,which is almost four corner(??box shaped??),Front cover of the gun shield is stylized(i think they mean that it is solid part of the gun) and the part of the smoke launchers are the side module.
The left side is made of by welding thins steel plates,there are used 10 or more plates to ensure the space for driver head.
Information on the turret composite layout courtesy of @wulfalier


(1st paragraph)

Turret is completely different concept then those in use of self-defence force(Type 74 and 90).

Base structure hold crew(commander,gunner),armament and was made small as possible,outher side was made for mounting modular armor.Instead of placing the armor(composite) inside,it is mounted outside which is called “external armor”.

(2nd paragraph)
Type 90 auto loading system(autoloader),which replaced loader,this also contribute to making the turret smaller and lighter.When loader is used the space for him needs to be bigger,ALS removes the need of more space.

(3rd paragraph)
First half of turret contains commander,gunner new developed 120mm gun and other weapon and electronic equipment,while the second half is occupied by ALS.When viewed from above pn the turret left and right side are not symmetrical.Left side(gunner) is parraller with hull while the right side(commander) is narrower on the front and wider on the back.Left side is covering part of the turret ring,in other words width of the turret is approximately same as the diameter of the turret ring or is kept to a narrower extent.

(4th paragraph)

On turret front is bolted on special armor and a cover to form the exterior.SIdes has many bolts and are covered by side module.

(5th paragraph)

For this reason the turret right side(commander)has a part where the base bulletproof steel is exposed to the outside,while the left side(gunner) is entire covered by side module.Whether or not there is a difference in the protection,gunner side is more complicated(armored?).

Confirmation Type-10 can survive its own ammunition from ~250m courtesy of @AnimeThighs


Type 10’s armor is confirmed resistant to Type 10 AP at 250m:

This document outlines the testing method used for measuring ballistic resistance, it outlines the methodology used for measuring striking velocity of 120mm shells.

「25mmAPDS から120mmAPDSFS までの中口径から大口径弾丸の場合,撃速測定点は供試体前方 20 m から 40 m,線的等を使用する場合の検速的間距離は 20 m から 40m,砲から供試体までの距離は 200 m の位置で行ってきた。また,中口径から大口径弾丸の場合,銃砲から供試体の間に多数のスカイスクリーンを配置して,各区間における平均弾速を算出し,最小二乗法によって供試体表面での撃速を算出する方法も行われてきた。」

Basically for 25mm - 120mm ballistics tests, the firing rig is placed 200m away, the measuring equipment is set up 20m (likely medium calibers) to 40m (used for high calibers) away from the target.


So in the case of the Type 10, the target and firing rig were 200m apart and the propellant was reduced to simulate an extra 50m. So 100% confirmed it’s resistant to Type 10 APFSDS at 250m.

Another key point to highlight here is that Japan uses MIL-STD-3038 for their measurements rather than STANAG 4569. So when the one Type 10 documents showed side immunity to 30mm. Under the STANAG measuring system that most often refers to the 2A42 cannon found on vehicles like the BMP-2. Under MIL-STD, it’s measured using Mk268 APFSDS. This is also backed up by the new ICV/RCV documents.


Reserving this slot just in case

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Welcome use of it too, the current JGSDF Hitomaru thread is very dormant and lacks current talk of issues with the tank, I will be happy to partake in this thread :D


Thanks! I was considering using that reserved comment to post about subjective performance and performance in game.

Based on community feedback, I can either do that or add it to the main post, however my goal is to try to keep information in the main post as objective/source backed as possible with as little subjectivity as possible.

Regardless, I will compile a list of reported issues and their corresponding bug reports for forum members to easily navigate to.


Nice to hear from you again been a while.

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Pls get this to the higher up

The only way to have changes made is to make bug/suggestion reports, which others have done. I unfortunately don’t have any ability to make pushes for changes directly to the developers.

I still plan on collating them and posting here, I’ve just been a little busy.


Thanks for the effort

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The post has been updated with more information on the different C1-C6 variants, you can find this under the “general” section and has been marked in red for easier navigation.

As an aside, my motherboard recently died which makes things really difficult for me to add to this thread. The next order of business will be to collate all bug reports and sections on subjective items such as performance that cannot be substantiated due to obfuscated or missing documentation. I will use my reserved comment for this so that forum members that are interested purely in documentation won’t have to sift through opinion etc.

I should have new components ordered on the 3rd of March which would allow me to stay on top of things better. My apologies for the delays.


@VincentComfy It’s finally happened, I must be dreaming


Wow, a win for all of us,next fix the turret rotation speed😤