I bought this tank when it was on sale looking forward to it, because I love my Leopard I. But to my surprise, its ammo does absolute jack shit to the enemy. I’ve tried both ammo types both DM12 and DM13 and the damage is just not there. DM12 used to be my favoutire shell.Did they nerf it? Am I doing something wrong?? Thank you for your input
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lately, it feels like APDS in turm3 started to act weird, not doing dmg etc. Feels like it was doing better some time ago
actual skill issue
Actually having to aim the round
“Ammo does jackshit”
No more APHE carrying
Damn these Carbon memes are so nostalgic XD
The ammunition choices are literally identical on the TURM and Leopard.
100% agree, finally someone who has played the vehicle and not someone who just watches cherrypicked Youtube videos on it. The HEATFS is a super unreliable and the APDS is meh as well. I understand that on paper it is a very strong vehicle, but due to the turret having just 20mm of armour & being so tall makes it impossible to push. The Leopard 1 performs better at 8.0 than the Turm 3 is at 8.3, from my experience.
My fix for the Turm 3 would be to give its historical range finder, the actual 3-plane stabiliser it was design around (lol), removing the silly IR lamp that blocks the MG, and add a new shell type. Either an uprated APDS, APFSDS, and a smoke shell. Then move it up in BR accordingly, obviously.
Though I must admit, the problem with the Turm 3 is it faces stuff it shouldn’t. In an uptier, it is a mess, in a down tier it clubs. All of the 6.7 - 9.3 BR bracket is ridiculously compressed and borderline unplayable unless you run an amazing line up. Fix the BR issues, then the vehicles after: that’s my take.
Just checked your profile and you don’t own it, how can you possible formulate an opinion on a vehicle being OP or not if you don’t have it?
And your most played vehicles are the KV220, Cobra King, KV-1E, KV-1B, and SAV 20.12.48… I think the type of player you are shows clearly on your stat card mate.
In my experience, the Turm is a menace at EVERY BR it can be in. Its ridiculously broken.
Again, I’ve just checked your profile and you don’t play it. Infact, you only play the OP 8.7 Russian Tank lineup in Ground RB. How can you make an opinion on something you have never played.
On a seriously note, is this forum just:
- 1 person makes a thread regarding a, mostly, genuine concern with the game
- 1 person makes a joke comment
- few dozen people like said joke comment
- Thread closed
Pretty much this is the forum.
rough 😔
That defines the turm 3 really great. It should go up but it really cant go up. It’s worse than tams, upgraded T-55s etc. due to lack of apfsds and lrf,
In my opinion add apfsds and move it to 9.0
As a tank at br 8.3 in rb, the Turm III has outstanding mobility and bi-axis stablizer, and the M48G lacks both, that’s why M48G got DM23… I mean if Gaijin rly get APFSDS for Turm III, it won’t keep stay 8.3 anymore, it’ll get tier up and face those MBTs who has more advanced technologys.
Funny enough the magach 5 is 8.0 with era and dm23 aswell. Gaijin simply forgot to uptier it aswell when they uptiered the m48a2Ga2.
But there is compression again. Just 0.3 above the M48A2GA2 is the sk105 with autoloader and 3rd gen thermals.
Gaijin decompressed late war ww2 but compressed early cold war vehicles.