Yeah, I agree mate :)
Correct, I would give the Turm 3 APFSDS and move it up to 9.0 to match the same BR as the Leopard A1A1. At that BR, the Turms 3 trades armour for the 5 second autoloaded reload; the vehicle is much more suited to be inline with the Leopard A1A1 than the Leopard 1 imo.
This one is a good vehicle at its BR, but again not stab (and an absolutely insane gun wobble, like all French based oscillating turrets but the DF105), and with a pretty bad mobility, meaning it’s not very good in uptiers when everyone has stab and LRF, as well as better mobility.
Again, the 8.x bracket is absolutely compressed.
The Turm III however is not a tank that struggled at 8.3. It’s lacking when in full uptiers, but far less than other 8.3 (M48 lol). It’s still one of the best 8.3 vehicle currently in game if you ask me.
The Turm III stays even now as one of the most dominant premium vehicle in the game.
Just because i use certain overpowered vehicles for earning SL doesn’t change anything. Everyone needs SL and for me this is just the most time effective way to get it.
Also very funny how you flagged my post about Turm 3 being one of the best 8.3 tanks without absolutely any reason other than simply not agreeing with me.
Turm 3 is, in fact one of the best if not the best 8.3 vehicle in the game and if you fail to realize that you just can’t play it. Just because i don’t have the vehicle on my main account doesn’t mean i have never played it.
No thanks.
I’m at 9.3 lol… only because of my SPAA… the rest are 8.7 or 9.0…
I can still have a valid opinion on a tank I haven’t played, yes, but have faced against many times. And I will never play it because its a premium and I ain’t spending money…
OPject 140 is performing much better than Turm 3.
Is good vehicle but far from OP and like @Zerocookiecake pointed, most of his hate come from a group cherry picked battles from certain very good youtubers and mostly allies fanboys just they hate him “cuz evil german tank” .
I find the apds to work just fine.
Only downside is the turret being 50% ammo
What are you on about?
and the main account cope is childish beyond belief. Complaining about SL grind, but then you have more than one account. You’re lying.
Where do i complain about SL grind lmao? My account is flooding in SL, as of now i have 12mln of it and that’s right after SL crates were removed from the store.
I only said i use the aforementioned vehicles because it is even easier to earn SL than usually, not that it’s hard in any way without that
I understand you’re annoyed at what I’ve said, but don’t act so childish on a forum like this. This will be the last comment I leave for you since this has just devolved from the original topic completely, you’re simply not of the right mindset to have any sort of meaningful conversation with.
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When your post is ratio’d so greatly, maybe you should reconsider the facts of the situation rather than negatively generalizing the entire forum?
Aim better
I doubt he will do that since whenever he sees something he doesn’t like he just flags it lmao.
2 of my comments in this thread were already flagged by him
I have very few matches in it and perform horrible in it so far, I’ve tried ambush I am way too big to not be discovered shortly after I killed someone, when I play passive aka camping hull down I gets popped in the turret because half the turret filled to the brim with ammo, the hull down situation is less survivable than Leopard 1 as there is ammo in there and it’s way bigger and easier to hit. The reload is very good with ok-ish ammo (note that in the same br there a many vehicles that start using M111 equivalent, which totally outclassing the APDS) and 30mm comes in handy when dealing with first spawn helicopters and cap rushing rats. I’m struggle to get past 2.0 kdr but somehow I’m doing much better in a more inferior vehicles like the T-62 which I can do 3.8, and the ZTZ59D1 has dogshit gun handling and I perform better in it lol the TURM III is definitely not a vehicle anyone can jump in and do well.
I have the same problem, if I push I get destroyed, if I camp, I cant do nothing… I’m just not friends with this tank.
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