Turkish tech tree

I think it is very important to add the Turkish tree to the game. As a nation that has closed and opened an era for centuries, we hope to see the Turkish tree in this game.


Bu teknoloji ağacının eklenmesini istiyorum +


Until now , so far in the history there has been no any specific manufactured vehicle related with Turkish forces. All of them are almost import vehicles .
Each nations has considerable products.
Unfortunately Turkish forces are Equipped with German and American Tanks . And American aircrafts. If you want to add something add it to premium trees.
All Turkish players want it but there is a big truth .

I think we have more specific vehicles than Hungary.


If a Turkish tree comes to the game, Gaijin will have many Turkish players. Thousands of Turkish players are waiting for this tree to come.


ı want turkish tech tree aviation army helicopter :)


We need Turkish Tech Tree



  1. The plane which was designed in parallel to the USAAC demands made its first flight om Dec. 29, 1939. Britain and France who want to modernize their air forces due to the approaching war placed orders. But since the “Liberators” were not ready before the war, France’s deliveries were not fulfilled and they were shifted to Britain. B-24s were used by the USAAC in all the fronts and they were poduced more than any other allied bomber. The production quantity is around 18.000, Four B-24s made an emergency landing to Turkiye after the first Ploesti bombing raid on June 12, 1942 and seven more after the second Ploesti bombing raid on August 1, 1943 (Another one called “Hadley’s Harem” crashed into the sea near Manavgat. This plane is being exhibited at the Rahmi Koç Museum). Three of the first group of planes which landed in Turkiye landed near Adapazarı and the other three near Ankara. The planes were interned together with their crew Eventhogh one of the planes succeeded to escape to Cyprus it was sent back to Turkiye. 5 planes were recovered out of the 11 and they joined the TuAF as heavy bombers. They remained in service until 1947.

im sure it will be a very fun tech tree


I think it’s a good idea to attract players +++1


Hello War Thunder team,

As Turkish players, we are eagerly waiting for you to add the Turkish tech tree to the game. With Turkey’s military history and strong armament, we believe it will be a valuable addition that enriches the player experience. Please consider including the Turkish tech tree and making our player community happy.


I am looking forward to it. +1

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Oh i wish gaijin add this


The 155mm Howitzer MKE E-Fırtına Gürhan, a hybrid conversion of the T-155 Fırtına Howitzer, has successfully completed firing tests. This advanced artillery system, equipped with a hybrid propulsion system and national software developed by MKE A.Ş., will soon be deployed by the Turkish Armed Forces.


“Invader”s designed and produced by the US firm Douglas Aircraft Co. made its first flight on July 10,1942. In order not to get confused with the B-26 “Marauder”s they were designated as A-26 “Invader”s until the retirement of the former which were then named as B-26. They were designed as light bombers, ground attack aircraft and tankers and they are the only bombers which served in three wars (WWII, the Korean and the Vietnam Wars).

The start of the Cold War after the WWII and the Soviets demand of Kars-Ardahan and the control over the straits pushed Turkey towards the US and TuAF demanded B-26 bombers among other planes from the States. The US did not refuse Turkey’s demand and supplied a total of 45 B-26s in three parties. The first party composed of 12 planes arrived on March 16, 1948 under General G. Palmer’s command and the second party of 15 planes came on March 26,1948. The remainder arrived within 1949. But after Turkey’s joining NATO and the arrival of F-84Gs B-26s lost their importance and they were assigned mostly to target towing duties. They were finally dropped from active duty in 1958 eventhough they remained in service in the USAF until 1972.


We wanna see Turkish tech tree in game. Bayraktar , anka and aksungur drones can add in game


Gaijin, we came 2000s. turkey isnt a smoll state. we want it u need it!!! Give us TÜRKİYE

Gaijin when !??

Gaijin we waiting for it will it be in 2025/26?