TU-4 Ussr

Why is the Tu-4 Ussr not in rank 4 like the American B-29 which has a lower br?

Defensive armament


I don’t see the connection; for example the Beriev Be-6 Ussr has the same style of defensive armament, this does not prevent it from being in BR 5 and is classified rank 4?

It’s a better plane, so it has a higher BR and rank.

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What does the Rank matter? Only BR Matters.

A better plane remains to be seen; if only the BR counts it must be revised downwards because it is unplayable in BR 8; he flies at 420 km/h while the others have homing missiles?


Its overtiered, but not by much. Those 23mm turrets absolutely shred if you are decent with aiming them. Significantly more scary than the 50 cals.

This I want to hear; but I find the B-29 with its 50.cal turret almost just as efficient. I find the BR of the Tu-4 unfair.

It is true that the Tu-4 should not be at 8.0 B.R, but not much lower either, perhaps at 7.7. Its destructive defensive armament that disintegrates everything it touches and its large bomb load put it at that B.R. Especially the defensive armament, which is the main difference with the B-29. The B-29 should also be lowered to 7.0, but that’s just an opinion.

This opinion is good and I follow it; I would say BR 7 to 7.5 but it’s the same, it’s just an opinion; However, I think the developers should look into the problem.

The problem itself is the compression that exists with the B.R. Let me explain, a Mig-19, for example, in up tier fights against obviously better platforms, but the main problem with these B.R are no longer the platforms themselves, but the missiles they carry. For example, the A5C as a 10.3 aircraft is deficient, but its magic 1 missiles make it a more than recommendable option if you want to climb the Chinese tree. The B-29 and the Tu-4 have the same problem.

Yes, I understand perfectly (I’ve been playing for a long time, I have almost the entire Russian tree) but I insist on this injustice; Do you know if there is a place where you can directly contact the developers?

Wait until the next BR changes happen and you can ask for BR changes there.

Approximately how long will it take for them to occur.

It depends, maybe with the new update we will see a change, but the developers are more focused on top tier, so I don’t think there will be any change below 10.0 B.R. Although I could be wrong.

All right ; so it makes no difference to wait; Is there a topic to contact the developers?

I dont know

I tried the dev suggestion topics but I can’t post topics there?

You can i guess

Tu4 was good in 2015 untill they nerfed the gunners and the 20mm amunition and they forgot to lower its br.