Toxic environment on the WT forum

Yes, i indeed did not offer advice nor did i ask if he wants any.

You know why?

Because he made a claim.

Should he asked for advice, he would get advice.

Simple as.

Wouldn’t take much to ask him if they want to squad so you can show them how wrong they are, but you just want to ask for peoples stats and paste up screens of yours…


Wouldnt take much for him to ask in the first place before suggesting to balance a top tier tank.

Same as to you offering to show them how a tank works compared to what they think. You don’t need to be going for stats at the first reach.

Why not? Its a quick and safe way to filter out people.

It’s rather ignorant as often the point made has nothing to do with the stats of the players themselves.

It’s actually why it wasn’t allowed for so long, but now it seems completely acceptable to berate someone about how bad they are using something, compared to trying to educate them or encourage them to use it differently or more for it’s actual purpose…

Always good to just grab their stats and make an argument…

Then theres no need to check stats. However if person claims game balance, a stat check is often neccesary.

I dont think thats true. I can go and check your stats on official page at any time, and I was able to do so (well, not exactly check you) as far back as 2020 if my memory serves me right.

Make dumb comment, get berated. Dont make dumb comment, dont get berated. Easy as that.

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You can think it’s not true, but I can assure you it was, and for the reason that I actually mentioned.

As for your interpretation of a ‘dumb comment’ there’s no need to bring stats into it when those stats have no relation to the ‘dumb comment’.

As for your interaction on thier thread, there was none… And you didn’t offer to help them, so all that you did was go for the stats.


I don’t see any insult in the comment since is only criticism and noting about you stats.

Again, i dont need to bring stats into it when the comment at hand has nothing to do with them.

Did I bring your stats into our discussion? I did not. Because there was no reason to do so, nor your stats would affect your argument in any way.

Yeah well sorry to be sceptic towards your unbacked claim.

And i did not deny it at any moment of this conversation.

Yet i get feeling you are trying to make me somehow feel guilty for “not helping” and i can assure you it wont work.

What i do t understand is why are you so vehemently opposed to “stat checking”. It is a normal thing to do, even outside warthunder, albeit you wouldnt call it stat checking. Only experienced doctors get to perform difficult operstions, only experienced profesors get to lead universities etc. Simply put, not all opinions are created equal and will never be.

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I’d say it’s primarily the IvanBoos malding and mass-flagging folks.

Got a few of them stalking me to see what I post, even flagging stuff from months ago. It’s annoying, but also amusing that I live rent-free in their heads.

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I didn’t say that you had brought my stats into question…

I’m actually pointing out that you had little to nothing to do in that thread other than calling people out on thier stats.

I’m not trying to guilt you with it, I’m merely making the ascertion that you aren’t contributing to that thread other than calling out for stats, then bringing it into this thread, about someone saying that someone PMed them with a mean word.

And that’s where we get to the true calibre of this sort of discussion…

It’s a forum, for discussions, not leg humping and ego stroking.

Indeed. I was just giving an example of not bringing stats into discussion that has nothing to do with stats.

And not once i denied that. Dude made stupid statement, he deserves to be clowned on for skill issue.

But i am contributing to that thread. Other people will now see dude has skill issue and since he didnt present any evidence backed argument, those people probably wont call for T-80UK to be moved BR 0.3 lower

That what can be estabilished without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

I brought his toxic behaviour to the thread where he pretends hes not toxic and talks about toxic behaviour, literally wheres the issue? Im calling him out for being a hypocrite.

Yes and thats exactly why ego of stupid people (or arguments made by stupid people who only present their ego as evidence) should be shot down without mercy.

I refuse to yield and play nice with people that dont deserve it. THEY should be making the effort to be liked first (or THEY should present arguments with some effort).

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It is a good tactic used by CASvocates, since they can’t defend their outlandish claims, they have to use mass flagging.

Oh, in other words “everybody need to shut they mouth and not talking about anything in forum because they lack the k/d and battles for talking about the topics.” Is nice tactic to shut people mouth for critize about gameplay.

You feel that people with low stats should not talking in forum about things they don’t like or suggestion and call people toxic but look at yourself because you aren’t better at all using stats (screenshot) to shame them and calling people hypocrite.

In a world where honesty is an option, stat checking is a necessity.

How you use or present your information is another matter, stat checking isn’t the same as stat shaming.


You are right stats checking is not stats shaming but if you throw people stats with screenshot on forum to back your answer then is consider close to stats shaming to back your claim.

Well… no Wrong… we are very strict about how other members treat each other here… I have been on Forums since 1996… and I have seen some very bad things go down over that time… many Forums that I had experienced, had very poor Moderation, and pretty much nothing was done to stop some very bad things… hell… I was even banned on one forum because I criticized game play, and it was peaceful and respectful…

So… many of us on Staff have pretty much seen it all out there, and we wanted this Forum to be very different experience and a safe place for everyone…

Very first line in the Rules / Guidelines made by the Developers…

This is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion

Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park. We, too, are a shared community resource — a place to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation.

These are not hard and fast rules, merely guidelines to aid the human judgment of our community and keep this a clean and well-lighted place for civilized public discourse.

Oh lordy… where to start…

^ Something long those lines… we had actually removed the Stat Shaming rule years ago… However, as mentioned above, it is more about “Stat Checking” or even Stat Comparing… as soon as it becomes obvious that there is malicious intent, and it is more about Stat Shaming rather than “Stat Checking” or even Stat Comparing, then we / Moderators will have issue with that…

Members should feel Safe and Free to be them selves here without harassment and or torment… Developers / Admins and Forum Staff want the Forum to be a safe place for all to enjoy…

These Guidelines strictly prohibit the following:

3.1. It is forbidden to publish any texts, documents, images, recordings, videos, files, and other content which are in any way associated with:

3.1.1 profanity, obscene and offensive language, words, phrases, and abbreviations (including their disguised forms);

3.1.2 insulting the Administration in person;

3.1.3 insulting other members of the community;

3.1.4 rudeness and vulgarity against them;

3.1.6 political and religious agitation and propaganda, including propagation of conflicts; discussion of actual political and religious issues is also prohibited due to the provocative nature: we urge you not to draw comparisons between war-historical themes and any of the political events;

3.1.7 all manifestations of Nazism and racist statements, any Nazi symbols (as stated in paragraph 2.9 of these Guidelines);

3.1.8 pornography, nudity, photographs, or images containing naked female genitals and breasts, male genitals, and other intimate parts of the human body.

And as always… if you have a personal dispute with someone, then take it to PM… But, again… be respectful… otherwise, Staff can get involved if something is reported to us…

Gaijin has a Right to Protect the innocent…