Towards who sub trees really belong to?

Nobody claimed poland should be in Germany
Maybe as a meme or part of a controversial discussion

But Argentina and Switzerland definitely should be for their military cooperation

As they can fill holes in german cas and aviation

I dont feel like its a stretch to say the swiss will be added for germany. They have pretty strong connections and a bunch of cool vehicle to pad out the brs and add for future gaps at least when it comes to the CF/18 from Switzerland

You’d be surprised how many do seriously wish it

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Just like russian mains ask for ukraine in their tree yea every faction has those players i believe

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Regarding this, sadly Ukraine is a part of the Russia tree.
We have to remember its not realy the Russian tree, but the USSR tree and ukraine was part of that.
That being said because of the circumstances it realy shouldnt be added in that way

The only post Soviet countries represented there are Russia and a single Kazach event vehicle.
Among that it should be said that Lithuania, a former territory and republic within USSR, has one vehicle in the game but in the German tree.

Obviously Ukraine was much more integral to the USSR than Lithuania was, but it still sets the tone that being a former Soviet republic doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be part of the USSR tree.

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Oh no this going to get political… Haha

But yea if you go further into USSR engineering history
Ukraine indeed played a large part in it especially in military

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I dont exactly see what is the problem with a Thai VT-4 & VN-1, those vehicles were made for the export market, hell the PLA itself did not acquire it. The Chinese tech tree already boasts the prototype demonstration variant (VT-4A1), what Thailand gets is a downgraded version of it - No APS & slower engine (only 1300 hp engine for the Thai VT-4, VT-4A1 gets a 1,500hp engine).

China will not lose anything if Thailand gets the VT-4, its not like its the only modern MBT for China anyways.


Thai VT-4 clearly without the APS:



Idk what subtree for Israel, it certainly could use one but. In my opinion, Israel should get some of the multitude of vehicles it has upgraded for other nations. But there are still stuff to be added for Israel made by Israel like Kfir Block 60.

salty chinese spotted

Japan lacks literally anything
A single chinese tank wont hurt anybody

The main problem is not Thai will get VT4, but Thai in Japan tree will get China-made VT4 which will under Japan nation flag in matchmaker and TT (even worse, the Japan TT is using WW2 imperial flag in non-Chinese or Korean client)
If Germany receive Philippine, do you think it’s proper to add Sabra to German TT?
(Philippine is because i cant find another nation with Israel made vehicles)
Also, Community Bug Reporting System

Why not give Japan the K2.
Western tank for Western nation. Better than giving a eastern tank for western nation.

I dont see the problem. China gets the Chi-ha & Chi-ha Kai in its tech tree. It even gets the Ki-27, Ki-43, Ki-44, Ki-61, and the A6M. Hell the Taiwanese F-104D are Japanese built F-104Js. It would be too hypocritical if China can get Japanese vehicles but Japan cant?

The VT-4 will not even be flagged as Japanese, its going to be Thai.

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This has been done in the forums time and time again. Gaijin has already stated that South Korea will not be a subtree for Japan.

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Perhaps you’d like to looks over my recent suggestion, which aims to rework subtrees to (among other things) address such issues. A few more opinions are always helpful and especially the topic of flags in the matchmaker is still an open ended question you might like to contribute to.

Yeah, I wish it wasn’t like that either. From what I understand it wasn’t even the national flag at all.


They only said they have no plans for SK subtree for Japan. Gaijins statements change constantly.
It would be a lot better to add singular SK vehicle for Japan compared to adding a Chinese vehicle, especially considering the historical relations aspect which people like to bring up.

I’m not Chinese but alright.


Because China captured them in a not small number, use these vehicle in combat
And Taiwan F-104G are also West Germany F-104G, they paid both for them
But Japan dont paid for VT4 or captured it

What Japan do in WW2 make much great hurt which affects to even now. In fact we could see many mad Chinese players spam to these “Give Japan Thai VT4” posts in the old forum and this forum

Those are captured vehicles. And Chi-ha’s are a little different from top tier MBT’s, don’t you think?

VT-4 is China’s finest, in real life. Chinese players have all the right to complain if a Thai VT-4 somehow (highly unlikely) ends up in the Japanese tech tree.

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