TOW 2-B is utterly useless, Why is this missile even in the game still?

Its great for when you want to take out machine guns or radiators. Other than that have fun putting 8 of them on a T72 turret with zero effect.

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I haven’t used that missile, but knowing that it uses HEAT, which is by far the most nerfed ammunition that exists and doing the most ridiculous damage in the game, I imagined that that missile must not work very well, even though in reality it is a tank killer.

never had problems with 2B while playing the dardo, idk how yall launch it

I was thrilled when it came out. It worked. The vehicle was a giant pinata with a pack of Inland Taipans for missiles.
If it got into position it was insanely powerful but if it didn’t, it was insanely dead. Even a heavy machine gun will knock it out.

Now it’s just an insanely costly RP sponge to grind through on the way to a slightly less useless scout. The HSTV should have IR tracking and air burst munitions options as it was designed for. Then at least would be on par with that under tiered Russian premium that calls itself a scout.

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The TOW 2B is very effective. Fire to the left of the cannon breech and it will kill the crew member there. The right side has optics modeled and Gaijin is too stupid to model destroyed optics as destroyed, causing repeated hits on them to be absorbed.

Rise from your grave!

It’s only “HEAT” because gaijin is too lazy to model EFPs as KE penetrators (which they are closer to rather than superplastic metal jets). TOW-2B should have at minimum enough penetration to reliably go through every single T series tank roof on a center mass hit.

It still doesn’t.


It’s still so bad, that it does not kill frontally T-55, T-62, T-64, because it detonates over gun barrel or in best case scenario it kills commander or loader only.
Wiesel 1A2 with 8 ATGMs is really a disappointment to play with such unreliable missiles.

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Ok I found a declassified tow field manual which states precisely how TOW-2B warhead is built, with this it is time to create a bug report:

This section shows the missile priority against different types of targets with Tow 2B being the first choice against tanks:

Also this - in WT we have to track ahead of the moving target, but according to manual a gunner should always point the crosshair on the centre of mass of the target:


Its very good on maps with lots of sniping posistions and long sightlines where you will have a whole host of people showing their pintel mounts or top of their turrets.

Just dont bother shooting russian tanks with it.

Same thing with spikes honestly.

I play only vs russian and chinese tanks, this missile was made especially to kill russian tanks…

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useless missile.

The bill has a much larger warhead, whilst also being tandem. It’s warhead is also a jet rather than a slug which leads to a much higher penetration, but lower post-pen damage.
And the penetration figure in WT comes from this demonstration at 6:44

The problem isn’t the bill, it’s gaijin’s reluctancy to model the 2b as tandem by giving it it’s second warhead.

Very cool document! The guidance part is something I never even thought about but makes great sense. Trying to lead missiles feels very wonky.
The missile selection priority is neat too, even though its not really relevant to WT. Guess TOW crews have access to lots of old stocks of missiles? and don’t wanna waste the new ones on softer targets? Neat!


gaijin in a nutshell

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How do I like a post twice?

what we get


Because, it’s not utterly useless…

The penetrator had issues before the “updated TOW modeling” if we can label such horrid modeling a legitimate update. Now besides struggling to get the penetrator to kill anything inside the enemy tank besides the roof machine gun or commander optics we have to fight Gaijin’s inane attempts to model gravity.

I like realistic changes. The change that was made is not realistic. Tow missiles do not dip and dive, they fire in a straight line. I understand wanting to punish sloppy quick jerking movements but this change to them doesn’t do that. It prevents you from firing a TOW in a straight line, you have to adjust because the game fires it downwards then up.