Unfortunately it’s 5 months old, so probably couldn’t be used in a report.
not like they look at reports anyway, but still, that maneuver is a gauranteed rip when playing in my PS5 even today.
So I assume this paragraph mentioning the low negative g limit is also made up and inserted into the middle of the manual?
Do you really think the negative g limit of the Tornado is so important that the government would go to all the effort you describe in order to make the Russians think it is worse than it is?
The limit does apply on the Mig-29. Different aircraft have different limits, kid.
İf im not mistaken JA37D had similiar situation.
İrl it had 48 large caliber flares and additional countermeasure pods carried hundreds of chaffs similiar to tornado systems.
So until you guys implement a proper countermeasure system to tornado why dont just give a special treatment for a certain time?
This will not be the first time Gaijin’s gonna bend the reality for certain situations, so getting a bit more love is always welcome.
İ know tornado’s pods cannot carry flares on their chaff pods but exceptions can be happen for unusual situations.(just like how naval phantoms carried wrong countermeasure systems for a long time)
The JA37D carried BOL dispensers which can be used for chaff or flares.
i know it can carry both type of countermasure systems but as far as i know most of the time viggen’s carried chaff on those dispensers.
So similiar technique can be used on tornados until they implent proper chaff pods.
The difference here is the Viggen’s BOL pods can carry chaff or flares. So its not being given special treatment.
The 500 chaff packets that would be in the BOZ pods on Tornado cannot be replaced with flares. The flares physically would not fit into the pods.
İ know.
As i said on my previous comment even tho bol dispensers can be equipped with both flare and chaff, viggens used them as a chaff dispensers most of their flight time.
So with similiar concept, tornados can be armed with additional contermeasure system until proper system can be implement.
Also when i said special treatment i was talking about to give it to tornado, viggens doesnt have special treatment in this situation as you mentioned.
Its not a similar concept however.
As I said, the Tornado already uses the section of the countermeasure pods that can be flares or chaff. The other section is exclusively chaff and cannot fit flares in there.
The BOL may well have been used mostly for chaff, but flares could be mounted there. The difference with BOZ, is that flares physically cannot be mounted at all in the chaff packet section. Hence why the pods use the most practical section of the pod already.
Ok, i understand.
Seems like there is no way to increase countermeasure numbers until proper system gets implemented.(increasing number of countermeasure on already existing pods could help but that would be unhistorical)
Though now it has half the historical amount of flares. Not the correct amount, what should have happened was give each boz pod 28x flares and 28x Chaff. At the moment it has 14x flares and 14x chaff which is a insulting low amount for a jet that routinely has to fend off BR12+ jets
56 countermeasures is more than enough for a bomb run, which is your primary mission in air RB.
In Air SB, what I pretty much only play. Its sometimes barely enough to survive a single encounter with the usual jets I encounter, like the F-16 or Mig-29, not too mention traverse the full length of the map, drop my ordances and return again. and I cannot drop them pre-emptively when something is spiking me, like I could in Harrier Gr7 or Tornado F3, because I have so few, I cannot waste them. Unless I see a missile coming at me, I dare not deploy CMs, because I could run out in seconds. Unlike in ARB, you cannot know what is locking onto you, or from where. All I can rely upon is the RWR, and with so much radar guided SPAA, it is sometimes impossible to know if it is an airbourne threat or a ground threat or even just a friendly looking at me with their radar.
and Besides, when I should have 56 flares and 1200 Chaff, not too mention one of the best ECMs ever built, to only have 28x flares and 28x chaff is not an adequate compensation. Whilst we cannot yet get that full amount, there is little to no reason why our current CM count could not be increased. even just doubled would mean that with mixed flares/chaff, we would have the historical flare count at 56 and whilst a lot more limited chaff count than it should, it certainly would not force such conservative behaviour
i just got a “extreme overload” wing break at -1G. -1G. not -3, not -6, not -8.
please fix this.
It clearly doesn’t because as far as I’m aware a fully loaded Mig 29 will not rip at 8*1.5=13G. But apparently I’m a child for pointing that out.
Mig-29 is not a Tornado IDS, stop equating the two as if they’re the same aircraft.
Only the clean aircraft limitation matters for calculating the in game wing strength. Every aircraft (including the Tornado) is modelled that way.
I’ll apply the same system which is used universally to calculate wing ripping as explained by Flame.
Mig 29’s manual limits it to 9G at 14200kg, which makes for 1253718N of force that the aircraft can withstand.
MTOW is 18408kg. To achieve the same force you only need to pull 6.94Gs. Therefore in game a fully loaded Mig 29 should snap at 7*1.5 or 10.5Gs. I’m pretty certain you can pull past 10.5Gs in a fully loaded Mig 29 in game, so the system is not applied consistently across aircraft.
Though I think the bigger issue with the Tornado. and I cannot confirm this as I’ve only “Seen” it once, but hte wings, wobble out. and then they snap. Its random, and not consistant. That I think lowers the G needed to snap them. There is definetly some polishing needed in the airframe