Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

my bad, meaned the BOZ pods of the striker tornados

perfect, cheers

just realised 9L should be 32G so i’ll add that too

search limits being moved to pending, Community Bug Reporting System

I’ve asked for an update on the 600 chaff missing from the BOZ pods.


thanks but propably wouldnt have been necesary i think smin would have said sth in this thread otherwise Tornados Ids bugs. Nerfs. useless 11.0 - #110 by Panther2995

But producer & dev might think unlike you

I guess Tornado F3 CSP might be standalone new fighter aircraft from Tornado F3 in tech tree

Yeah they will most likely make an F.3 (late) which has AMRAAMs and ASRAAMs.

More interested in seeing how the GR.4 comes out. Let’s see if they actually give it some of its capabilities. Su39 gets IRCCM but they still can’t give us the Sky Shadow radar jamming pods.


I have to make the choice now which tornado to get (both researched but i only have 1.5M) and im just asking if any good changes are coming to either one because im torn between them

Thank you, knowing our luck, Im suspecting the ADV will go up.

Bombing can be a reasonably good way of making SLs. So maybe the Gr1 for farming more SLs to eventually get both. Though if its air combat you are more interested in, then F3 would be the way to go

A few questions about the radar, is the stage 2G radar supposed to have all aspect capabilities in PD mode? Currently it still feels a bit underwhelming in rear aspects being unable to lock onto anything if the closure rate is higher than +45m/s from my testing.

Also, could the memory track function in TWS mode be used in TRK/TRK PD modes when guiding Skyflashes? So instead of dropping the lock instantly after being notched it could still track for a few seconds based on the inertia.

Yeah i use the FGR.2 to bomb due to the similar speed and payload, and skyflash + aim9g kinda useless. If the fgr.2 had the 9Ls it had irl it would solve all my problems. I think im gonna go with f3 for when AMRAAMs get added

missing some hud symbology i think (radar lock, etc)

about fgr.2, the British line now is a complicated line to grind, you need three lines of planes, the fgr2, fg.1, and Jaguar line, I was so lucky to get a Fgr 2 when was tier 6, it I got the tier 7 and in whole 2022 with fg1 and fgr2 I got the jaguar line, i was had lucky to take the premium f5f to get the f14, but before 2023 my only jets was fg1 and fgr2, both must need an aim-9L.

how method this jammer works?


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as of .68, 2G received proper search limits.


also the Tornado IDS is getting a huge radar rework.

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