Tornado MLU IDS (RET.8) armament

I don’t have access to the Dev Servers since I play from console, can anyone tell me if the new Tornado is getting Aim9M or aim9L/1? And about its countermeasures, I read about the Tornado RET.8 has BOZ 102 EC pod, so is it getting any more flares? Thanks

aim-9l laser guided bomb and jdam and the same flare

From Leonardo official web site

I am talking about the dev server and not in the real world . So far, the plane is like the one before it, with a slight difference in the ground armament only.

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I asked Smin about BOZ-EC yesterday and he said there’s an internal ticket for it, along with better sidewinders than the current AIM-9L when asked by YaSen

Currently, it doesn’t have them. Only improved bombs and TGP


For now, Nothing but Just few extra guided bomb and new targeting pod (CLDP->Litening 2)has added for arsenal of IDS MLU (RET.8)

Same two AIM-9L, same BOZ pod with 56 flare & 1200 chaff
Same RB199 Mk.103 engine
Same ARI 23274 radar
Same ARI 23284 RWR

but need to grind another again.

seems quite disappoint while comparing other Tonrado IDS counterparts.

British got new Tornado GR.4 which got upgraded on

  • Mk.101->Mk.103 engine which are same engine installed on foriegn one.
    (British’s GR.1 used worst engine among all Tornado. Mk.101.)
  • AIM-9M with HMD feature
  • BOL pod
  • new Terma CM pod which carries fewer chaff but grants MAW
  • Brimstone which was disappointing when it was given to Tornado thanks to limitation of Tornado fuselage.

as new plane on 12.3BR. worthful to grind all over again.

While German received ASTTA3 upgrade on their ASTTA1

  • capablity to use GBU-54B LJDAM.

as new modification named [ASTTA 3.0 LJDAM]

If MLU RET.8 comes live on this status, this might be bit disappointing.
Sidegrade version of IDS 1995 but need to grind from stock all over again, and pay extra SL for buy plane and train crew.


Yeah you are right, I really hope they’ll work for it, thanks again, and thanks to the Devs for their work and effort anyway

At least its foldered and given that and the decent number of loadout options that have been opened for it, I dont think that grind would be too bad. When I get down the Italian TT, I will be grinding it.

A200C didnt have as many upgrades as the GR4 and I think the decision to keep it at 11.7 was the right one and thus foldering it. I think Aim-9Li would be a bigger nerf for it than a buff because it was innevetiably result in a BR increase but it lacks the kit to cope with that (like BOL or TERMA) (even though I think it would be justification for it to be 11.7 over 11.3 but alas, thats Gaijin for you)

But Hopefully it gets its MAWS on the BOZ-ECs

I dont think the BOZ-102-EC has any more flares, just intergrated MAWS

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If the Tornado is equipped with two BOZ-102EC pods, here is the calculation of the total number of countermeasures it can carry:

Each BOZ-102EC pod contains 5 BOP-L-39 dispensers, and each dispenser can be loaded with:

39 cartridges of 25x25 mm, or 19 cartridges of 50x25 mm

Box 1: Loading with 25x25 mm cartridges 1 pod = 5 x 39 = 195 cartridges 2 pods = 195 x 2 = 390 cartridges

Box 2: Loading with 50x25 mm cartridges 1 pod = 5 x 19 = 95 cartridges 2 pods = 95 x 2 = 190 cartridges Conclusion:

With two BOZ-102EC pods, the Tornado could carry either 390 flaresHello

If the Tornado is equipped with two BOZ-102EC pods, here is the calculation of the total number of countermeasures it can carry:

Each BOZ-102EC pod contains 5 BOP-L-39 dispensers, and each dispenser can be loaded with:

39 cartridges of 25x25 mm, or 19 cartridges of 50x25 mm

Box 1: Loading with 25x25 mm cartridges 1 pod = 5 x 39 = 195 cartridges 2 pods = 195 x 2 = 390 cartridges

Box 2: Loading with 50x25 mm cartridges 1 pod = 5 x 19 = 95 cartridges 2 pods = 95 x 2 = 190 cartridges Conclusion:

With two BOZ-102EC pods, the Tornado could carry either 390 flares/chaff in the 25x25 mm format or 190 in the 50x25 mm format. The mix between flares and chaff would depend on the configuration chosen by the crew. /chaff in the 25x25 mm format or 190 in the 50x25 mm format. The mix between flares and chaff would depend on the configuration chosen by the crew.

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I will provide all the following links, in case it helps, to support the integration of the BOZ-102EC pod into War Thunder for the Panavia Tornado MLU.

All the provided links are official sources, available on Saab’s website, confirming the use of this pod by the Italian Air Force. Additionally, the attached images clearly prove that the aircraft already implemented in the game has been equipped with the BOZ-102EC.

Images and documents are included in the sources below.

On this link, it is stated that the BOZ-102EC pod was developed and has been operationally used by the Italian Air Force since 2008.

Source below:

This document from Saab mainly describes the features of the BOZ-102EC pod :


This source is quite interesting as it details the features and the number of flares and chaff countermeasures carried by the BOZ-102EC pod :

This links confirm that Italian Tornados have indeed used the BOZ-102EC during certain military operations.

•is particularly interesting as it includes a clear image showing a Tornado A-200C MLU, identical to the one added in the game, with the same visual appearance and the Red Devil emblem on the tail.

It is also possible, though slightly difficult, to see that this aircraft is equipped with the BOZ-102EC, identifiable by the three small outlets located under the pod, unlike previous versions where countermeasures were only ejected from the rear.

Used in Kuwait, at Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base in 2008 :


Thought it would get AIM-9L/I at a higher br. 1995 becomes kinda pointless now.

I would take that source with a grain of salt as it also states both the Tornado F3 and Jaguar used the BOZ pod. Neither did.

Its probably placeholder, wait for live, though you could submit a bug report

In my opinion, Italian IDS 1995 became pointless not because of MLU RET.8

When Germany got ASSTA 3.0 upgrade on their Tornado ASTTA 1 Fleet, maybe?

I mean without considering other TTs. German one has always been better because it has Litening II and not shit quality CLDP.

Besides the improved BOZ-102 EC pod for countermeasures, the “standard” laser designator used on the Tornado MLU is the Litening III, not the II. I see that here it mentions the Litening II for the RET 8, which in Italy is only used on the Navy’s Harriers, as it was the only pod not directly purchased from Rafael, but rather acquired from the USA. In fact, it is the licensed version from Northrop. Since the Ret.8 is the latest state-of-the-art update of the Tornado, make sense to add all the most up-to-date equipment. As for the Lima L/i and L/i1, I have no more hope, this issue has been systematically ignored in so many cases…

Ohhh… Now I get it.

Anyway, I still think, according to the current status of MLU IDS (RET.8)

It may suit better for [new Upgrade modification like ‘Su-24M2’ or ‘ASTTA 3.0 LJDAM’] than [Whole new plane which needs to grind from zero base all over again.]

the modification which unlocks both Littening 2 and JDAMs

If Gaijin really planned IDS MLU as a direct upgrade of IDS 1995
Honestly, then Gaijin should’ve granted some extra top-notch technology, I think.

the report on the boz has been acepted.

still pending the one on litening III


Thank you so much, my friend. For me, the BOZ pods are quite important.

Unfortunately, the aircraft doesn’t perform very well in Air RB, but the BOZ pods will significantly improve its survivability.

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