Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

The bug report has been accepted, and the model in game already has 120, so I assume it’s just a matter of time


Tornado is the perfect vehicle to test ECM and if they ever wanted to add them TRDs.

The same can be said about the MKI

Yup. just preventing the Su-27s from even using their radars because you’ve hard locked them with your own would be hilarious

Probably can’t say, but GE or pack? Just so I can prepare and all that budget wise etc.

It’s got Litening II currently

As Smin said, loadouts are subject to change for things like the AAMs and countermeasure pods, but this shows the kind of bombs it’s getting over the 1995 model


I thought that in the Russian dev stream they said that 2 aircraft were planned to be coming for Britain this update?

Given that unique SA vehicles havent appeared yet due to TT limitations. Im still doubting a single indian vehicle will be added to the TT.

With any luck. India will remain premium/event stuff only

Was a mixup.

Osa and Strela would like to have a word with you

@Smin1080p_WT Hi smin sry to bother but i need an answer pls
Is there any plans to add somthing for israel in this update?
Or even a merkava rework?
It cant be just a cp premium


Neither were planned and 100% C&Ps. Mig-21 and T-90 werent on the TT

Nice, CLDP with awful quality on 1995 is a pain for eyes.

Kinda mean if you’re Indian yk? In a perfect world they’d have their own tree, but as it stands they’re a sub, so they should get proper f2p research able representation. It’s only fair

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There are some issues on the quantity of some bomb but report’s are being made.

MiG-21Bison would have actually filled a gap quite nicely in the research tree.

I would like to see the Jaguar IM in the tech tree tbh

and the Tejas could be a nice addition somewhere in the tree

Same could be said for a lot of things. Most Australian and Canadian vehicles are located in the premium section.

The difference is they aren’t subtrees, they should be, but they aren’t

Jaguar is a British Export so is fine. Tejas is actually unique and not a soviet C&P. Wouldnt play it, but better than a C&P spam. Just look at Japan with the F-2. I dont want to be in the same boat waiting 2 years for more native vehicles to come because we’ve just gotten a dozen C&Ps from other nations

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Did the devs say anything regarding br changes coming with the update?