Top tier strike aircraft situation

And I haven’t reached the battlefield yet…

After 15mins.

So it must be reworked then.

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The first one will kill the strikers and bombers purchases, premium content included (which is the one that allows the game to survive). No one wants premium vehicles to have an advantage over the free ones, but we cannot afford to maintain (or completely remove) their viability.
The second suggestion might work, although it’s a bit harsh.

The issue with a complete BR rework is that, while it’s not 100% sure that it will work, it’s way more possible to screw it up. It’s also very complicated to implement it (unless you don’t care about the outcome).
The changes I’m proposing, however, are way easier to implement and don’t mess up with BR system.
As I’ve said, ofc there are planes that might need a BR change, but since it’s an individual discussion for each plane, I didn’t want to discuss it.


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Air realistic EC could be a solution. Air rb matches at the higher tiers are also very short, i think an enduring confrontation mode for air realistic would be more fun not only for strike and bomber aircraft but also for fighter aircraft. Because i atleast don’t really think its fun to play fighters at higher tier in air rb mainly because of the giant furball in the middle of the map and/or the durations of the matches. And playing strike aircraft is way more fun in sim (which is enduring confrontation) than it is in air rb probably for the same reasons. So i think strike aircraft could be more usable in an realistic EC mode.

Don’t think the old kinda airspawn should come back at least.
Remember abusing the SU-22 airspawn by ending up behinnd the climbing enemies a lot before it got removed and became a strugglebus

Suggestion for RBEC was passed to devs so fingers crossed we will get it