Top tier SPAA for isreal when?

Honestly the fact that Israel hasn’t gotten something besides the Imp.Chapparal when it comes to “top tier” SPAA is absolutely disgusting, gaijin just add the fucking Patriot Missile system to the game! It’s been long enough give it to the USA and Isreal (the USA also needs a better SPAA than the ADATS cause that is in a horrible place atm). Its the fact that Gaijin thinks the Imp.Chapparal is a decent enough answer to bring as your top tier spaa, the damn thing is completely useless against helis out to 2km, you might as well bring the Machbet or ZSU. smh this is to frustrating.


patriot would break the game, and isn’t a single vehicle either (rather a group of towed modules)

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Churchill Crocodile casually existing…

Currently this is valid, though, but there are some single (maybe two) trailer vehicles to add:

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Please use already existing threads about this, there are more than enough. Thanks.