But even so, you only shoot abrams in LFP when he’s driving out of some ramp so he’s on an inclination so that’s the only place you can shoot him. If Abrams is on level ground with you, then unless he’s super far away shot in lfp will only result in killed driver or even nothing if you shoot the fuel tanks. Even if you had 100000km of rha on LFP you would still be dying in the neck where the actual 90% of the shots land. And when speaking of wrongly modeled geometry of eft, the thickness in the screens in these reports are completely meaningless measurement. What does thickness even mean when you don’t know what material represents the thickness. All it says is “STEEL” what kind of steel? Gajiin can just code it as structural steel which has 0.45 armour modifier (where rha has 1.0) which it would change basically nothing. You’re lucky APFSDS can ricochet, and even sometimes shatter off of Abrams UFP in this game as it’s simply not possible IRL. Long rod APFSDS’s basically can’t do that at oblique angles. If im not mistaken 3BM42 had a critical angle of 88 degrees and that is an old round.
Cause I thought it was in there, but it wasn’t.
So I put it there as it should’ve been this entire time.
A clarifying edit.
This topic is about Israel and USA, not just USA.
And I spoke on Israel’s Merkava.
I’ve yet to comment on Abrams in any post as of current besides BVM being inferior, which it is.
Fires a worse round, is slower, at best same armor but flipped hull-turret.
SEP V2 is not objectively one of the worst top-tier tanks. Merkavas, challengers, arietes, and Leclercs are all inferior. The type 10 is only inferior in the armor.
Yes, it’s superior. Yes, it should in fact be slightly higher in br, but it aint no wonder weapon. You are still more than potent enough to take it out with the weapons given to you, and the capabilities gap is so small that it can easily be bridged by having some sort of skill. It’s not like going up with a maus against a l3/33, you can one tap it, simply learn to aim for weakspots and you can make up the difference, though you’ll obviously still be slightly worse off as stated before
its not clarifying if you continuously throughout the thread has spoken as if it was there. then added it without saying you did. AND THEN quoting it as if it was there the entire time???
I’m a high functioning autistic man that thought he typed it in a post while doing a Tarkov raid, and I thought it was there the entire time.
It was a simple mistake that I acknowledge, that is all.
I apologize for making that mistake initially.
you didn’t though. not until after it was pointed out.
if you have nothing of value to contribute to a conversation (Objective things WITH sources to back them up and NOT subjective things or baseless claims) then don’t write anything.
It is well known that Merkava’s armor is underperforming, I shouldn’t be expected to provide evidence especially since I don’t speak Hebrew let alone am claiming anything that I hope no one disagrees on.
THAT BEING SAID; while T-80BVM has been drastically superior… only until now. I would say they can be considered to be equals as of right now.
They both have significant strengths and weaknesses against each other; at the end of the day, they cancel out and end up on an asymetrically even ground. Whichever comes on top depends mostly on the map and playstyle, basically.
Ever since BVM got the magic non-flammable ammorack artificial buff removed and its autoloader modelled, and ever since Abrams got the rate of fire increase, the situation is better than it was until now.
As of now, I wouldn’t say BVM is superior than the Abrams, no. However, there’s still the case about 2A7V, 2A7HU, 122B+, 122B PLSS and 122A being drastically superior to every other tank and specially the Abrams and Merkavas.
I think every nation should get tanks on par with those; be it through new additions (Leclerc XLR, Abrams SEPv3…) and through fixes and improvements (on the Abrams and Merkavas, Type 10s, etc.)
I agree, but the SEP V2 fits into that list none the less. It’s horribly slow and doesn’t gain an armor benefit for it unlike the Leopards. If you could take the ERA off, it would be much better.
The Type 10 isn’t very well armored, but it is fast and has a 4 second reload which melts people when used right. It’s pretty much an all or nothing tank, but the Abrams isn’t that.
I’d argue that it is. I stopped 12 shots back-to-back from the front at different angles. It’s so much stronger on the front than everything else that it’s actually insane. I cannot even imagine what the Strv 122 is like if the 2A7 is that good.
The main issue here is spall liners. The Abrams doesn’t get them. If I get shot in my Leopard 2A7, I barely take any damage even if it penetrates. The Abrams, however, is entirely crippled.
Let’s not forget that the 2A5 and 2A7 are the same BR, when they’re vastly different in ability. That area needs more decompression ASAP.
No, but it is like using a Jumbo 76 against a King Tiger. Workable, but consistently as if you’re crawling up a mountain.
Sure, but the issue isn’t that weakspots exist, which they should. The issue is that everything is a weakspot on these tanks. Unlike the BVM, Strv 122, and Leopard 2A7, the other tanks are just green frontally.
If you’re playing a Leopard, you don’t even have to aim. Your shot just always goes through unless WarThunder bugs. The BVM will struggle a bit penetration wise, but even for it, the majority of NATO tanks are just green frontally.
When it comes to the Abrams, I no longer even make a case for the hull given how hard it is to achieve a change for that, even if M1A1 AIM and M1A2 SEPv2 (from the ingame ones) are pretty much confirmed to have improved hull armor.
Instead, my focus is now on the missing plates of the fuel tank bulkheads, wrong thickness of the fuel tank bulkheads, missing spall protection and lack of volumetric turret ring; all of which have been officially acknowledged by Gaijin to be issues that need fixing.
Yep! This is a feature needed across the board, most of the modern tanks would be benefitted from it. But the tanks that need it the most are the ones with worse mobility, like the CR2; it will have a bigger impact on them.
That’s an oddly W take, so have another for you! There is always place for chill on my end <3
The less hostility there is, the better for me! I’m all for de-escalations, hahah.
Yeah, but this issue aint as big as you make it seem, with the Abrahams thermals you will most likely spot the 122 first and get the first shot, and with 122, 2a7, and BVM they have to take out your gun, or ability to fire in the first shot. Otherwise, thanks to your reload both your first and second shots will hit the enemy tank first, in which you’ll have more than enough time to hit their weak spot and/or gun to cripple or finish them before they can respond with a round to finish you. And that’s especially annoying when gaijin decides that it’s time for your front to be bouncy or you place a bad shot.
It can be crazy hull down lmao, you can tank 12 shots from newbs but don’t expect to keep your gun after all that!
Mostly you won’t be stopping anything like this tho, as almost everyone goes for your one-tap weak spot sadly 😭
A game of luck, will they know how to one tap my weak spot or waste rounds on nothing but my engine and possibly loader?
Throwing this attempt of argumentation while ignoring that top tier has combined arms (that counters defensive playstyles) like 99% of games is delusional, shameful and a serious attempt of gaslighting the sour truth about US balance.
They’ll just hit the turret ring and cripple you permanently. You can’t come back from that.
The Abrams has a quick targeting speed, but so do the Leopards. From my experience, you will get a first shot, but likely not the second since it gives them around 10 seconds to react in total. Top Tier is fast and the swarm of opponents who require precision to be dealt with when you don’t is the real problem.
The Abrams rarely stops a shot because everyone shoots the turret ring.
I did keep my gun and I wasn’t hull down. I was standing on the high road in Seversk. Shots hit everywhere on my front including the mantlet and lower front plate. None went through.
I’ve rarely found myself being one-shot in Leopards after they received the Spall Liner.
Losing a single crew member compared to 3 and an engine is kinda big. The Abrams Spalls way too much and the turret ring is much to thin.
Ignoring that combined arms doesn’t care about if you’re on the defensive or on the move is and calling me trying to gaslight is crazy 😭 if anything it’s easier for a plane to notice a tank on the move near a point than a tank sitting defensively still next to a house or a tree, thus combined armes possibly favoring the one on the defense the most. Like chill out mr delulu