Top Tier ARB is depressing

Every battle is a looping gameplay of evading missiles and hugging the ground/going cold till it says missile evaded, then my rwr beeps at me again and i have to do it all again. Actual 1v1 or 2v2 fights are extremely rare that only time i had a fun dogfight was yesterday when we were the last players in the lobby, every plane has its performance difference in something and most of the time u can’t even outplay someone in that specific difference because when you commit to that fight 5 other planes send you 7 missiles from different directions, all of the planes feel like they are put in the game just to deceive players to think they have different options with different play-styles but no, you do the same thing with all of them they are just missile carriers you go dump missiles hope you get someone not paying attention and die to a missile after, so soulles and hollow. Don’t get me wrong, long range engagements are fun as well but when its this much its so boring, my problem is not with fighting mechanics of the game its the game mode and high player-count lobbies and a little bit about the map sizes.

They are dumping vehicles every update to all nations but they overlook on the actual issue of the game, the game has plenty of planes for every role but they run them through the same high playercount lobbies to force them to do the same thing over and over again, i can’t find any motivation to grind the new mirage 2005-ei in my tree because i know im not going to use it for its high turning rate or fast acceleration im gonna unlock it just to dump missiles brainlessly and die sometime after, such a stupid decision from the devs (or higher-ups), their priorities are killing the game, atleast for me.

I usually dont write to the forum and the text is a little mixed but the state of air rb is so bad, had to share my thoughts, hope its understandable.

Thank you for reading.


Have you tried other modes?

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That’s where you’re going wrong. GRB is actually the best air mode.


for me i got sniped on the islands map just 18km from my base less than 3 mins in game

The biggest problem in my opinion is the spotting system. I played the day after firebirds update while the spotting system was broken. And it was the best time in toptier for years.

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